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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DESCRIPTION (8)

New Era Community (1926) - 224:
One need not smile at Our language of the symbols of the East. The symbols embody a complex description of the properties of matter. We see no need of revoking a brief hieroglyph intelligible to hundreds of millions of people; the more so since these brief signs are beautiful. And you, people of the West, have the right to make from the lengthy also only the beautiful.

AUM (1936) - 183:
183. Again about reactions. You may have heard of an experiment of a certain chemist which illustrated the conflict of influences. He invited some friends to listen to some well-known authors; at the same time he prepared several chemical compounds conducive to laughter or tears, irritation or sympathy. In the midst of the most emotional passages of the reading the chemist filled the room with a contrasting gas. The result was that the listeners laughed during a funeral scene, wept during a joyful one and during a description of peaceful events they became bellicose. Thus, at the conclusion of the experiment it was strikingly apparent to what an extent words had been conquered by something unseen and unheard.

Brotherhood (1937) - 581:
581. In the vast mountain region it is not easy to seek out the Abode of the Brotherhood. It is hard to picture the entire complexity of the massed mountains. You already know about the special protective measures. If there exist signs marking off the boundary lines, who will understand these marks? Even if there exists a description of the path, who will discover the indications in the complicated symbols? Yet even a thoughtless person will understand the reason for such cautiousness. In ordinary life people know how to protect a beloved man. Where there is heart and feeling the means will be found.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
May the true description of Our concerns and labors be given to the people.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137:
We have already mentioned various places where the dark ones gather. We could repeat them, but this would not help. If We were to mention B., or N., or E., it would not be an address, and even the name of a street or the description of a house would not help in locating one of their dark nests, which would have a very innocent appearance. There are certainly no images of Satan, but religious objects will be plentiful. Only the sensitive heart will sense where the evil ones are. Let us not forget that they are skillful and fierce, and that no one can compete with them in these qualities. Thus, the dark ones can bear suffering and even destroy themselves in order to participate in destruction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168:
168. Urusvati knows that every good deed transforms some particle of chaos. Each kind action is a burning away of chaos. This description has a basis in reality, for every impulse toward kindness and Light kindles the best fires, which transmute chaos into a new, purified form.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
346. Urusvati knows that if each person wrote down a description of something phenomenal that had taken place in his life, humanity could compile an extraordinary book in just one day. Everyone has had authentic glimpses into the supermundane and many could provide revealing accounts. Even a rank materialist cannot claim that he could provide mundane explanations for everything that has happened in his life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 386:
People should learn about the process of ceaseless thinking, which works like a pulse and generates a beneficial rhythm. This description is instructive. It indicates that good thinking is also healthy thinking, and produces a benevolent inner fire.


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