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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DEPRECIATION (1)

Hierarchy (1931) - 361:
361. Verily, the cosmic Origins are wondrous in their might, and the creative law of Hierarchy imbues all with fire. Therefore, at the base of the entire Cosmos lies the law of the great unification of the highest fires. Hence all great designations should not be dissociated. And the foundation of the future, the radiant Hierarchy of bliss, is indeed intensified in the assertion of great laws. Verily, it must be remembered that one can build only through Hierarchy. One may be in the orbit affirmed by Hierarchy only when the consciousness understands that a blow upon the Shield of the Name of the Hierarch is a blow at Us, and each one permitting a blow pays dearly. Thus, in unity lies the success of all works. The admittance of depreciation is an evidence of faint-heartedness and defection. Unity is a wondrous fire!


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