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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DEPLORE (13)

New Era Community (1926) - 214:
If an architect sees a firm foundation, he makes use of it for a new construction. Needed is a world economy of resources. The luxury of destruction has departed into the pages of history. The world is not in need of new elements but of new combinations. And the path of the new conqueror is illuminated not by the red glow of fires but by sparks of re-attracted energy. The currents of possibilities are unified inseparably. Great danger lies in disturbing the current of energy. Caution has been spoken about, not only for economizing on energy but also for avoiding danger. It is easy to sever an underground conduit and deprive an entire city of light. One could easily destroy a useful foundation and bring for a long time a harmful confusion. Therefore We commend a resolute prudence and deplore the luxury of destruction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 27:
You have spoken correctly about Hierarchy. Indeed, the spiral of life is built only upon this principle. The creativity of the Teacher likewise is manifested in eternal motion; therefore, the imbuing of the disciple must proceed with the creativity of the Teacher. Hence, the disciple who enumerates his attainments casts himself beyond the bounds of truth. Therefore, I will say that there is only one Shield - Hierarchy. Therefore, the disciple who considers his soft armchair higher than the throne of the Guru must verily remember the Giving Hand. I deplore it when a self-asserting disciple acts in arrogance.

Hierarchy (1931) - 295:
Thus, We take into account each effort to remove the burden from the Hierarchy; as in the great, so in the small. Thus, in Our creativeness, We affirm reverence not in words but by deeds. Thus, We deplore it when We see reverence in words but not in action.

Heart (1932) - 30:
30. Why do so many experiments remain without result? First of all, on account of impatience and the lack of desire to assume responsibility. Sometimes We are reproached that help did not come in time. But instead of a reproach, the one who asked should remember how prematurely he deviated or considered the load excessive. We deplore it greatly when we see faint-hearted deviations or an unwillingness to place oneself on the edge of a precipice. But how to strain the energy if not by an extreme situation? Such situations ought only to be considered not as the end, but as the beginning. Likewise, exercising patience, it is useful to acquire a conception of beginning. For some, everything is definitely an end, but for Our pupils everything is a beginning.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 472:
472. Poor is the master craftsman who does not make use of all the riches of nature. For the skillful carver, a bent tree is a precious treasure. A good weaver uses each spit for the embellishment of his carpet. The goldsmith rejoices at each unusual alloy of metals. Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity, the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. The fragments of knowledge are turned into the dust of a dead desert. The human heart knows about fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "He was consumed with wrath; he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire." In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. But these people are not master artisans, and are always ready thoughtlessly to scatter the pearls they themselves so need! One cannot understand the human prodigality which destroys the treasures of Light. People do not deny themselves a single opportunity for negation. They are ready to extinguish all fires around them, only to proclaim that there is no Fire within them. Yet to extinguish fires and admit the darkness is the horror of ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 487:
487. Historic acts of great significance were often carried out in accordance with directions given in visions. The Invisible Government has pronounced its decisions more often than people suspect. The Higher Beings or departed relatives bring the message of imminent dates. One can only deplore the concealment of such visions and visitations, that is, unless secrecy has been enjoined. The fiery seal upon the lips is very lasting. However, one may disclose the truth to posterity in memoirs that will sustain many hearts. You yourselves already know of an entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications. Thus, one can note a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. It is right to collect these fiery revelations; in them will be disclosed an entire interworld system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order still more consciously to understand the wisdom of the construction. I advise the recording of all known historic events that took place or were connected with higher visions. During such work many more facts will be found, because a striving thought is like a magnet.

AUM (1936) - 419:
419. In establishing full rights it is necessary to avoid making it appear as something extraordinary. It is a natural condition and must be accepted calmly. In spirit one may deplore the fact that such a natural condition was not reached sooner. But it is no cause for proud boasting when something is done which nature itself preordained.

Brotherhood (1937) - 206:
206. Likewise let us learn to distinguish the smallest signs. There are very many of them, flashing out as sparks; but let us not fall into bigotry or suspiciousness. The latter is to be distinguished from keenness. It has been said that keenness is straight, whereas suspiciousness is crooked. Besides, he who is suspicious is not pure and is not free. Knowledge must not be clouded by violence, neither external or internal. People often deplore cruelty, yet they are cruel to themselves. Such cruelty is worst of all. Apprehend justly the mean between apparent contradictions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 441:
441. "We already know about everything." so say those who do not fulfill the fundamentals of life. Each one encounters this boasting about knowing everything, and each one may be struck by the ignorance of such noisy braggarts. One can but deplore such impudent assertions. Let these persons test their obvious ignorance upon themselves. In themselves they confirm whence come so many failures into the world. Let us not bother to repeat about the causes of misfortune.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32:
You yourself deplore the loss of the strength of character that existed in past eras. This is true, and We can see to what extent psychic energy is degenerating. It is not brought into action, and therefore slumbers, and since there is no friction to call forth the fire it loses its fieriness. Therefore, Our Abode remains remote and all mention of it sounds abstract. Do not regret this. I affirm that the Battle itself is evidence of the strength of the Brotherhood. Great is the Battle in these days of Armageddon.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39:
Each one who pronounces the word "Brotherhood" builds a bridge into the future. People must realize that each acknowledgment and each slander of the Brotherhood reaches Us. Like a wave of a current that encircles the whole world, the sounding of the word "Brotherhood" reaches Our Abode. Do not forget that the word "Brotherhood" is heard by Us. This word attracts its consonance like a magnet. One may deplore the slanderers of the Brotherhood. They do not want to understand what power they have touched. In their malicious disbelief they will say, "The Brotherhood does not exist," and when they are asked to prove their assertion they will insist that they have not seen the Brotherhood. Neither have they seen very much of the world, but does this mean that it also does not exist? Since the detractors cannot prove the non-existence of Our Brotherhood, they are irritated by any mention of Our Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
We deplore the fact that there are so many disagreements within families. Even the best warriors lose their strength due to such disharmony. Instead of goodness, blasphemy and evil talk defeat aspiration and cause waste of the precious panacea of psychic energy! People do not appreciate this gift, and it can be spilled as from a broken vessel. Wherever possible one must help families to maintain their balance.


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