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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DEMOLISHED (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
And let us take the example of a structure. For the construction of a new house the old building is demolished. Each stone, each beam removed from the old nest cries out against the injustice of such an act. But the demolition is completed, and a new energy is ignited. Kali the Destroyer has become Mother the Creator. Out of the fragments of the old, a new structure is built. New energy floods the space. With such simple examples one is reminded of the need for the regeneration of energy.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 356:
356. What might is contained in the creativeness of the heart! All cosmic tensions can be discharged by a light-bearing ray. How can one melt a projected arrow? Only by a smiting ray of Light. Therefore, the smiting ray of Light must penetrate into all arising difficulties. All the dark corners where ignorance is hiding must be illuminated. All erections based upon ignorance and cleavage should be demolished, because they do not further the growth of the construction. When We construct We manifest pure striving. All harmful accumulations of which humanity is unaware breed impediments to evolution. Thus, the smiting ray of Light will illumine all dark corners.


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