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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DELINEATION (2)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 240:
The creativeness of the Magnet is indicated as the source of human actions. The so-called unsuccessful actions should be understood as magnetic implantings that do not generate the current necessary for the effect. If humanity would follow the course of each of their generated actions, certainly the causes of failures and their direct results could be discovered. The cosmic creativeness responds directly to the delineation of all laws of the Mother of the World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 54:
54. Compare a delineation of manifestations of good will and gratitude with the hieroglyphs of malice and envy. In the first you will obtain a beautiful circle, while the second yields ugly scrawls. In spite of strong tension, malice produces disorderly lines. Such a disharmonious structure manifests abasement of all creative fundamentals. It is impossible to create by means of evil; it produces temporary convulsions, then it falls into madness and consumes itself.


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