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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DELICATE (15)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 226:
226. A yogi in his labors is like a stonecutter, or a goldsmith fashioning the most delicate work. A yogi is indeed like a goldsmith, who can fashion with the finest touch an intricate design. Likewise, a yogi can pierce the signs of human intent that are invisible to others. He strives toward that which is usually invisible, and learns to discern the real causes of events. Experience gained through alertness is the yogi's.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 265:
265. The touch of the fine energies is like that of the most delicate veil. But only the one who knows their true value may wear them. So discern the spirit that is ready and flaming. He who does not accept the gift of spirit withers. Through ignorance, which is still with us, the dark ones destroy themselves.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 380:
It is well-known that one can open a tightly closed vessel either by breaking it or by sounding a most delicate rhythm. Similarly, in all other realms of matter, one should become accustomed not to expect important manifestations to come with an elephantine tread, and to sense even the flight of a butterfly. This is not easy to learn, for life is full of hammer blows. Subtle energies are not accepted in everyday life. And the farther humanity goes, the more crudely does it abuse those lower forces that it conquers.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 554:
Truly, the manifestations of psychic energy are as manifold and intricate as the most delicate design. It is not reason, but the straight-knowledge provided by the Chalice that can discern them. Just as a mother understands the agitation of her child, so does the fire of the Chalice illumine the disturbances of the currents. It is advisable that humanity ponder why the Chalice is of such great importance for the development of the future race.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 214:
Astrology, the most ancient science, knows the disposition of each race and nation. When a new race is conceived, the basic principle directs all aspects of its evolution. Therefore, as one can formulate a calculation of nations according to astrology, one can also determine the character of the race to be born. All nuances in this are so delicate that only the highest cognizance can blend these nets of Materia Lucida.

Hierarchy (1931) - 319:
319. It is asked why We so often delay in destroying the enemies. There are many reasons. Let us name two the first - karmic conditions. It is easy to harm the near ones by touching an enemy bound to them by karma. This may be likened to most delicate surgery when a surgeon does not amputate a sick limb because of the danger attendant upon severing an artery. With the karmic bonds the interacting relationship is unusually complex. We consider it more useful to insulate the dangerous fellow traveler than to obstruct the entire caravan. The second reason is that enemies are the source of tension of energy. Nothing can so greatly increase the energy as counterattack. Therefore, why invent artificial obstacles when the dark ones attempt with all their strength to increase our energy

Heart (1932) - 321:
321. A sculptor, in modeling his images, touches some places only once, but upon other places he concentrates an entire succession of strokes, severe as well as delicate. So, also, in the Teaching it is often noticed with what variety it is necessary to touch certain situations without repetition, because even the chisel of the sculptor likewise does not repeat a movement, but only defines the needed form. These places usually require great attentiveness; so, also, pay attention to passages which were marked more than once. They are either unusually new to the consciousness or they are passed by inattentively. And yet, as a faltering chisel can have a decisive significance, so also, an opportunity missed will give another meaning to a complete task. When I speak about the heart, does it not include a multitude of individuals who are calling forth absolutely unrepeatable manifestations? It cannot be otherwise, because the most refined energies are incalculable in their refraction and mutual intercrossing in diverse spheres.

Heart (1932) - 327:
327. Exercising attention is a condition of observation of the signs of the Subtle World. Attention can be developed by various means. In a symphony one can choose and follow one voice, or one can identify several melodies simultaneously. It is also useful to establish the sonance of silence. Silence has many delicate voices, and to observe their rhythm means to come closer to the Subtle World. But, in studying silence it is instructive to recognize the dissonance of each physical intrusion. One cannot find a better example than the comparison of a physical sound with the Subtle World. And such an antithesis is also observed in the sphere of the sense of smell. Yet this quality is developed much more rarely! If smell appears as a form of nourishment in the Subtle World, it is understood that in the physical world it is not so highly developed. Of course, as you have noticed, the Subtle World is full of odors. The higher, the more perfect they are. But the lower strata are full of decomposition. If disincarnated beings are delayed in the lower strata, they carry around themselves the shell of decomposition; therefore, during life it is very useful to get accustomed to the flight into the higher strata.

Heart (1932) - 355:
355. Saving the heart does not lie in vivisection at all. One can operate with a fine ray that will create a vibration manifested as freezing. Thus, one should treat the human heart by far more delicate methods that cutting it open. Of course, there may be cases of wounding, but this requires exceptional measures.

Heart (1932) - 396:
396. The altar of the heart is called thus, not only as a symbol but also because upon placing a thought upon the heart one can feel a seemingly light pressure upon the upper part of the heart. This sensation is so delicate that one inexperienced in subtlety of feeling may not even notice it. But people with refined consciousnesses will clearly sense this pressure of thought energy.

Heart (1932) - 433:
433. In the education of the heart, unnoticeably to ourselves, we become accustomed to the spheres of the Subtle World. This occurs not because of some exceptional and miraculous phenomena but through minute sensations which the sensitized heart begins to discern. One must acknowledge the idea of the significance of delicate sensations, but one should not become a bigot delving into the dogma of petty divisions. The heart will indicate the tortuous line between the vital and the conditional. Gradually, little by little, we acknowledge that there exists about us a great number of manifestations that cannot be included in the laws of elementary physics. Experiences will increase, and an entire sequence of the sensations of the Subtle World will be brought together. This will be the most apparent beginning of the approach to the Subtle World. Following these sensations, we will begin also to accustom the physical body to the specific qualities of the next state. Penetrating into the essence of the laws of the Subtle World, we immediately gain specific steps in it. We consider it absolutely natural to accustom the consciousness to the subtle feelings in order thus to acquire physical adaptability.

Heart (1932) - 439:
439. The projection of thought upon a highly sensitized film is quite possible, but for this, one should collect the most acute thinking. The chief thing lies in the quality of thinking. Sound creates rhythm upon the sand. Thought also emits vibrations. But of course, it is much finer than sound. Therefore, thought cannot react upon the coarse grains of sand but does act upon the most delicate film. People will not reach such refinement and concentration soon. They substitute amusements for concentration. But has dissipation been ordained Everywhere, action was indicated, but not the chaos of scattering dust.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 91:
91. Let us mentally collect all the fiery approaches, let us examine the signs of inspiration or illumination. We will find identical signs indicating the common foundation, which actually lies beyond. And so it must be, the fire of the heart comes into contact with the Fire of Space. Only thus can be effected the conception, or more correctly, the impregnation of thought-creativeness. Moreover, one must manifest the highest respect for the complexity of the apparatus that forms the contact with Fire. The most delicate golden networks of nerves are almost imperceptible to the eye. One must peer into them with the third eye in order to remember them forever and be imbued with respect for them.

AUM (1936) - 247:
247. One should not strive for the new merely by denying the basic. Cognition is Our advice and command. Cognition has nothing in common with treachery and blasphemy. Where foul speech makes its nest, do not look for true cognition. No one wishing to preserve a very delicate flower places it in a wallet. The subtle requires the subtlest handling. Not only during high holiday festivals but also in everyday life one should beware of rending one's garment. On holidays people care for their clothing, but during routine occupations they are not concerned about it. How many of the subtlest garments go to ruin!

Brotherhood (1937) - 577:
577. One should not speak or even think about the Brotherhood if dissension, disturbance, and unbelief are felt. As delicate blossoms droop in a smoky atmosphere, so also the Images of the Brotherhood fly away amid irritation and falsehood. That which was still convincing yesterday can be distorted in the confusion of the heart. The clearest reflection of the Tower of Chun can be shattered by a crude touch.


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