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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DEEPENS (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 335:
The travelers advance. Nearer is the goal. The clouds transform themselves into temples. But the way is long and twilight deepens. Solitary pilgrims - look forward!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 338:
338. A time of happiness - thus We call that step in the development of consciousness when, without turning away from life, Our co-workers are given the opportunity to join Us in Our Abode. But why has not one of these chosen ones made immediate use of this opportunity? Because, although the degree of development of their consciousness has unlocked the gates to Us, their same consciousness tells them not to abandon Our work when it is needed. Self-sacrifice grows from the developed consciousness, and the defense of Our Abode is a radiant task, a stone of salvation. The development of consciousness deepens one's understanding of the correlation of the laws of life and permits help to the consciousness of one's co-workers. But We do care that Our chosen ones, even physically, should not too distantly separate themselves from Our mountains.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 512:
It is easier to discern the inner qualities that people reveal by their speech and actions than to see the geological stratifications of the soil. Therefore, in selecting the fiery ones, observe the way in which they respond to the tests presented to them. With psychic development the revealing process increases, and one deepens the way already begun. Few are those in whom the true essence does not become evident. With the process of fiery development, one's ability to unerringly judge manifested events will grow. Out of the straight-knowledge, foretold so long ago, will burst forth the fire of intensified psychic energy. What can be concealed from it?

Heart (1932) - 72:
All Teachings repeat about the burden of the flesh in order to direct attention to the supremacy of spirit. The Teaching should be accepted as the inception of true privileges, which are inalienable. One should value how the Teaching deepens the consciousness and provides the true opportunities of life if these are not rejected. This simple aspect is so rarely given consideration. People prefer to send their complaints into space, evoking upon themselves a shower of stones. But We do not wish to frighten them, lest they speak of a lack of love. People ascribe to the manifestation of love such peculiar conditions that it would seem that their love was coined in a mint! But love is necessary for the path into the Infinite. A guide is so urgently needed; when in the ultimate tension upon the slippery rocks we seek the saving thread, the Guiding Hand will touch us.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 118:
118. Labor may be of four kinds - toil with repulsion, which leads to decomposition; unconscious toil, which does not strengthen the spirit; toil devoted and loving, which yields a good harvest; and finally, toil which is not only conscious but also consecrated under the Light of Hierarchy. The ignorant may suppose that uninterrupted communion with Hierarchy can distract one from striving for the work itself, but, on the contrary, constant communion with Hierarchy lends a higher quality to one's labor. Only the eternal Source deepens the significance of perfectionment. This flaming measure of labor must be established. The very approach to the Fiery World demands realization of earthly labor as the most proximate step. Few of the workers can discern the quality of their own work, but if the worker were to strive to Hierarchy, he would immediately advance to a higher step. The ability to establish the sacred Hierarchy in one's heart is also an inner concentration, but such action comes through toil. By not wasting time upon oneself, it is possible in the midst of labor to become linked to Hierarchy. Let the Lord live in the heart. Let Him become as inalienable as the heart itself. Let the Name of the Lord be inhaled and exhaled with each breath. Let each rhythm of labor resound with the Name of the Lord. Thus should each one who thinks about the Fiery World know how to conduct himself. Can I lie before the Lord? Can I conceal anything from the Lord? Can I contemplate treason in the presence of the Lord Himself? Thus let each reflection only strengthen and restrain one from the evil of faint-heartedness and dark thoughts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 191:
The Thinker said about the chain of lives, "Not only does it exist, but it is of manifold nature. There are complete incarnations, but also partial ones. A strong spirit can give part of his energy. This can be called a sending of the ray or a sending of energy. It provides an intensification of power that broadens the consciousness. It does not depress, but deepens straight-knowledge. In some people a natural keenness can be sensed. They themselves might have accumulated it in their former lives, but it also could have been sent to them as Grace."


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