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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DEDUCTIONS (21)

New Era Community (1926) - 114:
114. People study the life of bees, of ants, of monkeys, and they are amazed at migratory birds, at their order and precision of course; yet from all this they draw no deductions for the betterment of earthly life. Natural history must be taught in schools as completely and attractively as possible. By examples from the vegetable and animal kingdoms one should give to understand what treasures are contained in man. If the comparatively lower organisms sense the fundamentals of existence, then so much more must man apply his efforts for a successful improvement. Many valuable indications are revealed everywhere. From the very first lessons let pupils rejoice at the wonders of life. Likewise let them apprehend how to make use of flights and of clairaudience. Thus, clairaudience will be a natural condition. Likewise the Subtle World will be studied, along with subtle energies. There will be no dividing line between physical and metaphysical, for all exists - which means that everything is perceptible and cognizable. And so, superstitions and prejudices will be shattered.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 184:
Agni Yoga is only now entering life, and those who have consecrated themselves to the influence of these forces endure particular difficulties, almost as if they were aliens on Earth. Therefore We say to scientists, "Do not err in your deductions."

Heart (1932) - 40:
40. The Invisible World participates in earthly life much more than is supposed. Advise that attention be directed to many small manifestations, which are usually not even noticed. Not striking and blinding manifestations, but those which the limited mind calls coincidence or accident, these construct unforgettable results. If we take all the inexplicable manifestations of the heart, even unprepared minds will notice unusualness which contradicts the deductions of medicine. Let us take for instance the so-called double pulse, when an external influence seemingly creates two focal points for the organism. Yet, the manifestation of cosmic energy explains with perfect simplicity how closely we are united with the external forces, and the external fires and lights will remind us of the same thing, if our minds will permit them to be seen.

Heart (1932) - 326:
326. Striving toward science primarily obliges one to precision of observations. Is it possible to generalize contrasting manifestations? On the contrary, the wealth of that which exists should direct our thoughts toward a multitude of observations. First, let us gather these observations, and let us not be superficial in our deductions. Sufficient advice was given by the Teachings. One can now think about the refinement of our assimilation; thus we shall come closer to the boundary of the Subtle World.

Heart (1932) - 334:
334. Ask a clever man what has most often warned him of danger, safeguarded him against errors and deviations. An honest man will say the heart. He will not name the brain or reason. Only a stupid man will rely upon conventionally rationalized deductions. The heart is permeated with straight-knowledge. We already voiced this concept long ago, but now we return to it upon another turn of the spiral. We have already passed through the discipline of Heart and Hierarchy, and have pondered upon Infinity. Thus straight-knowledge appeared not as a kind of vague intuition, but as a result of spiritual discipline together with the understanding of the significance of the heart. Thus guide the pupils. At first, cast the necessary concept like a far-reaching net, then cautiously draw in the corners of the net in order to completely surround that which you seek. It is not casually that the symbol of the fisherman casting his net is often pointed out. The heart is not so easy to catch! It is not easy to accept the language of the heart as a reality. Time, devotion, and striving are needed in order to obtain the understanding of the expression of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 27:
27. Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions. Approaching fire, we begin to discern the rhythm of energy, which produces all combinations. One should love this element with full understanding, in other words, with thoughts in harmony with space. If we are prepared to remain earthly gnomes let it be remembered that the best gnomes serve Fire. Thus one should understand that even the lowest consciousnesses are being drawn upward. Even fairy tales speak of gnomes who cannot exist without devotion to the Fiery Beings. Thus the ancients tried to inculcate fiery conceptions in the children's consciousnesses. Nowadays science, through the caloric theory and astrochemistry, gives the identical fairy tale about the Great Fire. But the exceptional character of the fiery manifestations still does not permit the average man to introduce the concept of fire into his daily life, so that Fire remains within the confines of an undesirable abstraction. One must overcome this limitation; I speak as a physician.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 258:
258. Much attention is now being paid to astrology. Even science at last perceives the cosmic laws. But it may be noticed that even with precise calculations inaccuracies often occur. One should know whence come these fluctuations. We must not forget that just now the planet is enveloped by heavy strata; chemical rays can be refracted by such a saturated atmosphere. The relativity of deductions results from this unprecedented situation. The same may be noticed in other domains. The claim of the fallacy of ancient calculations is due to unwillingness to pay attention to reality. People want everything to conform to their own understanding. You once saw how a crowd forced its way into a theater while the stage was already in flames. Thus it is in everything. It is true that the severed head of a dog may bark, but the human spirit becomes dumb. Such is irrationality and lack of balance! The time is dangerous; it is permissible to feel anguish.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 312:
312. Evidence from the most recent researches should be valued. When people begin to soar into the highest strata and penetrate into subterranean caves, synthetic conclusions may be expected. Do not neglect observations on the effects of the lower strata of the atmosphere. In fact, one should take into consideration literally the whole of relativity, which can only enrich one's deductions. It is necessary that amidst all this relativity we find uses even for half-burned slag. Wherever Fire has been active, everything can provide valuable observations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 365:
365. Mountains of scientific deductions are piling up, yet it is difficult to find people who are not shackled thereby. The Greek philosophers knew these shackled souls. They understood how limitedly man can act when he has been left on a small bit of ground. He is like a stork on one leg! Such conflicts would be difficult for a stork, who knows his nest in a certain tree and stands on one leg. But the knowledge of Fire demands two legs, in other words, two natures.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 221:
221. Threads of the spirit are spread far more widely than people think. I say repeatedly - write down, even if it be briefly, the sensations and the strivings of the spirit. From such writings it will be possible to make significant deductions. Likewise the physicians can make use of this valuable material. Possibly, not always can such writings be compared, as a great deal may not coincide so easily, but even isolated cases may assist someone to recognize the psychic energy. No special university courses are needed for this. Psychic energy especially acts freely, when man is aflame with hearty striving. The measuring rod of psychic energy is pure striving. Not magic, but pure human striving will produce a marvelous world.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 330:
330. It has been said - the science of luminaries is precise, as the luminaries do exist. But in this let us not forget relativity. Besides the chemism of the rays of the luminary itself, it must be understood to what an extent the atmosphere vibrates at the passage of the heavenly bodies and waves of cosmic dust. Therefore the astrologer must be also an astro-physicist and an astronomer. In addition, he must perceive the earthly conditions which are working against the rays of the luminaries. Only through observance of these conditions will his deductions be free from errors.

AUM (1936) - 287:
287. Psychology is the science of mind. The study of thought cannot be confined to one people or to a single stratum of a people. The comparison of consciousness of different nations will yield surprising deductions. One can observe how independent of external civilization is the potential of thought. Likewise one may convince oneself that wealth will not go hand in hand with thought. Apparently the most onerous conditions contribute to a deepening of thought. Lack of means favors refinement of consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 295:
295. The speed of thought transmission at a distance is incredible. But conditions exist which retard even this lightning-speed energy, namely an atmosphere poisoned by imperil. Observations upon thought can yield remarkable deductions pertaining to both the physical and the psychic. One can see how evil thought engenders imperil, a physical substance; the same substance is also involved in psychic transmission, and can even retard the speedy reception of the sending. Thus, imperil can progressively complicate the effects of thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that imperil is born of egoism, but that it acts beyond self upon broad masses. This means that egoism is criminal not only as regards the egoist himself but also in relation to people at large.

AUM (1936) - 316:
316. Correct is the thought to note down the different regulations and institutions useful to humanity. Evolution requires new forms in everything. Useful deductions should be discovered in already crystallized circumstances. The limits of knowledge are expanding. New interrelations are being created between the branches of science. Much which once appeared separate is now proved to issue from a single root. A need for new cooperative combinations is evident. It is imperative to study former subdivisions, replacing them with more goal-fitted ones. Such a need exists in all the domains of life - from philosophy and creed to the most practical sciences.

AUM (1936) - 384:
384. Besides investigating psychic energy by the use of color, make tests of it with sound and aroma. It is possible to obtain indicative reactions to music; furthermore, observe both the effect of distance and of the most consonant harmonies. Much is said about the influence of music upon people, but almost no illustrative experiments are carried out. One may observe the influence of music upon people's moods, but that will be commonplace. Indeed, it is assumed that gay music communicates joy, and sorrowful - sadness, but such deductions are insufficient. It may be ascertained what harmony most closely adjoins the psychic energy of man, what symphony can have the strongest quieting or inspiring influence upon people. Different musical compositions need to be used in tests. The very quality of harmonization will give the best indications about the paths of sound and the life of man.

AUM (1936) - 395:
One needs to reflect about the course of ancient thinking. Such research based on material discoveries can lead to remarkable deductions. Even in observing ancient graphic representations, people often endow them with a personally concocted significance. One should be very acute.

AUM (1936) - 397:
397. In studying the emanations of the rose, you noticed that merely walking past the blossom had an effect upon its emanations. From this observation alone it may be seen how sensitive plants are, and how strong their reactions to man. There is also another experiment which has considerable significance. If man by his energy can project his influence to the next floor through beams and carpets, then what deductions may be made about public communities!

AUM (1936) - 469:
469. Nothing can be achieved all at once. Long ago it was said that in a single sigh we overcome space, but it is necessary to know how to sigh. It would seem that in a single sigh is expressed the essential nature of psychic energy, but not at once does this correlation impress itself upon one's consciousness. The primitive imagination with extreme ease constructs a Maya of all sorts of visions, but when the consciousness has been broadened, deductions become more cautious.

AUM (1936) - 598:
Humanity already recognizes the subtle energy. People do not know how to study it and apply it to life, yet the concept itself is unquestionably manifested in different fields of science. A multitude of proofs are coming in from all sides. Already quite a few skeptics do not dare to object and ridicule. Not far distant is the time when the unity of the fundamental energy will be acknowledged. The individuality of the energy will be no obstacle to its study but will delight searching minds. Epidemics of obsession will be arrested by physicians. From fragmentary observations deductions will be drawn and life will receive many conscious ameliorations. Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones. Especially when you are striving for unity, leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 507:
507. In dreams there sometimes appear clearly defined faces of complete strangers, whom one meets later on in life. There are many explanations for such prevision, but first of all, it becomes clear that by some sort of sight man perceives that which he will see later in the physical aspect. Indeed, these encounters bear witness to the Subtle World and to activity in it during sleep. But these deductions do not enter the minds of those who investigate the domain of dreams. It is especially noteworthy that such previsioned encounters often prove to be unimportant in the physical body. This circumstance proves that actions in the Subtle World operate differently from those in the physical one. It is a cause for rejoicing that even by visual examples one may see how heterogeneous is the life of man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 594:
594. In all ages the Brotherhood had special Ashrams. They could be shifted but the Center stands firm in the cragged Towers. It should be affirmed that the currents of the Brotherhood are constantly pervading the world. One need not judge as to whether they are successful or unsuccessful; such premature deductions will only reveal a limited way of thinking about the Brotherhood.


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