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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DECORATED (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 305:
305. A staircase has been revealed, with ornamented steps. But why is the lower step so decorated, while higher up the ornamentation grows simpler, until on the last step one sees no decoration at all? The design on the lower step is so intricate that its entire surface is covered. Perhaps no design is needed on the upper step. Truly, I see no ornamentation at all at the top. Thus, think simply.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 336:
336. Good thought is the primary basis of good action. Thought dawns before action, therefore let us calculate the nature of good according to the fires of thought. Faith without works is dead, but such a faith will be a blind reliance, and not thought of good. Thought of darkness also has radiation. Already you know the black spots with red radiation, and how the heat-lightnings of light battle with the dark radiations. Darkness of thought leads to the most monstrous actions. A certain king ordered a sacred Image decorated with horns of diamonds, in order to demonstrate the power of his arbitrary free-will. A certain madman adorned his boots with a sacred image, and to all appearances nothing happened, for he could not see the ensuing destruction in the Subtle World. He himself was convinced in his madness. It is impossible to measure the Imponderable by earthly standards.


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