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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DECIDED (31)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 384:
The time draws near when the Teaching is to be fulfilled. The hour is decided; in it will be manifested to the world the shield of the Law. The night of confirmation and the day of reasoning will bring joy. Sent is the hour of understanding of the Scroll. Sent is the hour of Testimony. Manifested is the wing of the Archangel. On it is the inscription of Peace. The Heavenly Forces bear witness with Us. It has been decreed to acquaint the nations with the New Word of Love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
And so I decided to find Him by day, and to stretch out my hand to Him. I donned my best attire and my necklace from Smyrna, and perfumed my hair. And so I went, to say to people: "Here by daylight are met the lowest and the highest - equally avoided by you."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
The rest you already know. He did not condemn me. He but weighed my chains and the chains of shame crumbled as dust. He decided simply. Never did He hesitate to send the simplest object which determined one's entire life. He touched these sendings as though bathing them in spirit. His path was empty; because people, after receiving His gifts, hastily departed. And wishing to lay on His Hands, He found all empty. When He was already condemned, the furies of shame rushed behind Him and mockingly brandished their branches. The price of the robber was worthy of the crowd.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.21:
It has been decided to safeguard the future destiny by placing it into vital practical conditions of the cooperation of the spirit. The difficulty lies in the new differentiations of humanity. The former primitive divisions into castes, classes and professions have been replaced by a complicated distinction according to light and shade. This manifestation, as a purified communism, will select the best groups of humanity. Without details, one must trace a general demarcation line of light and shade, as if recruiting a new army.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
2.6.1. It may now be told why it was decided to renounce the miracles. The way of miracles is most remote from harmony. Either the miracle is lost, and then it is simply harmful; or it jerks a man up to a degree which cannot be maintained under surrounding conditions; or it happens to be seen by envious ones, whereupon it begets evil.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17:
Affirming the plan, Our whole being is ready for the shortest way. Having just donned European attire, We are ready to fetch out the Mongolian kaftan. Having just decided upon a dwelling place, We are ready to depart. Such mobility can be born only from the realization of the immutability of the plan.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.10:
3.1.10. You already know about the conjured circle, you know about its scientific significance. The Plan has that particularity that it has been decided to smooth away the protection of the circle, because it is a cosmic obstacle.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.13:
If you can propound any other structure of the universe, We shall reserve for you a chair as professor of theology and promise you a first-class funeral; for indeed in the eyes of the enlightened you will have already decided to die.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
3.5.17. Let us recall several cases of error repeated many times in different lives. People have awaited the Messenger for ten years yet closed the door on the day before His coming. Choosing the least portion, they have imagined that all was permitted and tolerated. Selecting a particle, they have fallen into blissful inaction and wondered why the particle wasted away. Choosing a particle, they have decided to retain old habits - as if on one side of the bosom could repose the portion of good and on the other could be kept pet cockroaches. Choosing a particle, they have decided to jump off the train for only a minute, forgetting that such a leap in motion carries one perilously backward. Choosing a particle, they have thought to slander a brother, forgetting that the slander would beat back painfully on their own foreheads.

New Era Community (1926) - 166:
One should sing a hymn to selflessness in the rays of the sun, as a bird does, in its own way of expression, knowing the future day on which it has been decided that the migration is to start. The concept of migration has significance for the realization of selflessness.

New Era Community (1926) - 193:
193. The Teacher Milarepa often conversed with animals. Near his retreat bees nested, ants built cities, parrots flew about, and a monkey was accustomed to perch himself in imitation of the Teacher. The Teacher said to the ants "Tillers and builders, no one knows of you, yet you raise up lofty communities." He said to the bees "You gather the honey of knowledge and of the best forms, let no one interrupt your sweet labor." He remarked to a parrot "By your screeching I see that you are preparing yourself to be a judge or a preacher." And he admonished the mischievous monkey "You have destroyed the ant's structure and have stolen another's honey. Perhaps you have decided to become a usurper."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 44:
Do not say, "I have decided." Say, "I believe this is fit for the goal." It is easy to increase the goal-fitness, but to change one's decision is unworthy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 164:
164. People talk much about the aid that should flow from Our Abode. But let us examine the ability of people to accept Our help. Each person who yearns for assistance has already decided selfishly the direction and measure of it. Can an elephant find room in a low cellar? But the seeker of help cares about neither its proportion nor its suitability. For him, lilies should flower during wintertime, and in the desert a spring must burst forth; otherwise the Teacher's merit is small.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
303. The hands of the enemy are ever ready to destroy the works decided upon by Us. The ears of the enemy are cocked to hear slander that can be used against Us. It is not enough to say, "Rejoice at the enemy." One must learn to understand his ways. The enemy is like the unknown quantity in a mathematical problem. But this unknown can be determined using already-known facts. Hence, it is possible to take the measure of each detected enemy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
557. I speak of psychic energy as though all of humanity has already accepted it and decided to improve their consciousness. However, the Teaching remains a wonder from the mountains. People are ready to listen to the Teaching only during their moments of leisure. People see the followers of the Teaching as just lucky, not considering whence comes their happiness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 136:
136. Only by the tension of all strength will you conquer. This must be remembered and applied. We have decided on complete success, it depends upon you to accept it. The entire garden of doubts, suspicions, fears, offenses, condemnations must be cast aside. If you desire to accept victory, every treason must be avoided, because the consequences of doubts and lack of respect for Hierarchy will disrupt all threads. When the ship is holding by only one anchor during the tempest, it is stupid to begin to change the chain. Guard the foundation, and ascend only through its growth. I shall be tireless in repeating about Hierarchy until you realize it. It is not enough to nod your head, it is time to think and to apply. I have reasons for repeating this.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 142:
142. A demon decided to place a holy hermit in a helpless position. For this the demon stole some of the most sacred objects and offered them to the anchorite with the words, "Wilt thou accept these from me?" The demon hoped that the hermit would not accept the gifts, and thus would betray the holy objects; if, however, he did accept them, he would be entering into cooperation with the demon. When this horrible visitor had voiced his proposal, the hermit did neither one nor the other. He rose up in indignation and with all the force of his spirit commanded the demon to leave the objects on the ground, saying, "Dark spirit, thou wilt not retain these objects, thou wilt vanish, annihilated, for my command has been manifested from Above!" Thus must one rout the dark ones, and when one's confidence is fortified by Hierarchy, no dark force is able to keep back the flame of the spirit. Let us not consider these legends unnecessary. The demons are of many forms and each toiler of Light undergoes attacks.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 144:
144. Much is going on roundabout and especially where there is a Magnet. The Teacher forewarns that nowadays the most unusual conflicts may be expected, so crowded have the lower strata of the Subtle World become. People have decided to fill the Subtle World with great numbers that are arriving before their normal time. No one has thought what the consequences will be for the people themselves. It is impossible to slaughter millions of people with impunity, without setting up a most grave Karma. Even if the karma is not a personal one, so much the worse, because it increases the Karma of nations and of the whole planet. What has been said about peace-makers is the more correct, since because of them there arises a proper attitude toward the future. The lower strata of the Subtle World must not be filled with the horrors of uncompleted karma. One should not think that this will have no reaction upon the condition of the planet. But the principal cause is that no one thinks about the Subtle World at all. The isolation is most frightful; precisely the dark force exults at each alienation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 563:
563. Today is a difficult day, therefore, I shall narrate a tale. "A certain demon decided to tempt a pious woman. Dressing himself as a sadhu, the demon entered the hut of the woman, counting his beads. He asked for shelter, and the woman not only invited him in and set food before him but asked him to join her in prayer. The demon, the better to succeed, decided to accede to all her requests. They began to pray. Then the woman asked him to tell her about the lives of the saints, and the demon began to recite like the best of sadhus. The woman rose to such ecstasy that she sprinkled the entire hut with holy water, and naturally sprinkled some over the demon himself. Then she proposed to the demon that they perform the pranayama together, and gradually she developed such a power that finally the demon was unable to leave the hut and remained to serve the pious woman and to learn the best prayers. A Rishi, passing by the hut, looked in, and seeing the demon in prayer joined him in praise to Brahma. Thus all three sat around the hearth, chanting the best prayers. Thus a simple woman, through her devotion, impelled a demon and a Rishi to sing in praise together. But in the Highest Dwelling Places this cooperation occasioned no horror, only smiles. Thus even a demon can be compelled to join in prayer."

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 247:
247. Those uninformed in Great Service may even complain of the difficulty of such an achievement. But those in contact with it already cannot conceive of existence without it. A frightful emptiness appears, it seems, when there is no application of one's forces for Common Good. Without communion with Hierarchy a terrible darkness closes in from all sides. Without Great Service, life itself, like a wilting blossom, loses its meaning. The Fiery World is intangible, and the very concept of it, instead of being attractive, appears menacing. Equilibrium is established by great measures, but affirmation of the Shield of Hierarchy comes after the dedication of oneself to Great Service. The spirit decides its own fate. Without any stipulations the spirit itself determines its sacrifice. The dimension of the sacrifice is decided in the heart. No one can force an enlargement of the offering, but much joy is felt from a sacrifice which is not diminished. The Teacher advises to recognize one's potentialities according to the sacrifice voluntarily accepted by the heart. How great is the law of such good-will! It determines the future, from small to big, and up to great events!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 422:
422. In vain do people complain about being separated from the Subtle World. Many see the subtle dwellers. Many grasp the speech of that plane. Many sense aromas not of this earth. Countless manifestations can be named, both among people and among animals. Only obstinate prejudice prevents people from understanding reality. So many people have been saved by indications from the Subtle World. So many matters of state have been decided according to information from Beyond. Not only do ancient epochs furnish examples of this, but the most recent past can provide indisputable facts of such continuous relationships. The Earth cannot be isolated from all the Worlds. Even the material senses, contrary to all ignorant superstition, transmit feelings of the Subtle World. When the consciousness has been refined, then can be expected precious contacts which will be perfectly natural.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 437:
437. One of the most visually beautiful fiery actions will be the convergence and divergence of auras. This beauty can be likened to that of the Northern Lights, and in it is expressed a multitude of psychological moments. One may observe how carefully the radiations draw near, how the protective network palpitates and flashes, as a preliminary to resounding harmoniously or to becoming darkened. The full and complete life, its chemism and magnetism, is concealed in the space and about a man. We await the time when people will begin patiently to photograph auras. Then it will be possible to observe the movement of light on a cinema screen, when the film will reflect the sequence of movements of the aura. You know that for successful photographing many subtle conditions are required. Often even a physically uncomfortable room can yield good results. You have excellent prints of subtle beings, photographed under ordinary conditions. Also, you know that when you decided to improve the physical conditions the photographing failed. The chief factor of success lies in internal, invisible circumstances. One must apply great patience, and exclude any irritation or wavering. Any fiery chaos merely darkens the film. Also, there will be no especially clear visions when there is a confused frame of mind. But when the necessary harmony is reached the photographing will be easy. Many external conditions can have an influence; therefore it is better not to bring in new objects once the needed vibration has been established. And disorderly exclamations are also harmful. The principle element is patience.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 257:
257. The principle of life has been cultivated in all the higher Origins and is contained in life as has been preordained by Existence. The application of all the higher Origins is the very basis of life, for each higher Principle is affirmed as the very breath and movement of life. A higher principle is space itself, and the force of all vital manifestation. Each affirmed principle can bestow its attainment, preordained by Beauty. Therefore it is necessary to become familiar with the application of the higher Principles. Demarcation of the Origins does not produce equilibrium. Verily, the principle of creativeness produces that greatness which is predestined for the planet, but the choice is in the hands of humanity. Light or darkness, construction or destruction, this is to be decided by mankind itself. On the path to the Fiery World let us carry with us a striving toward Fire and the principle of Beauty.

AUM (1936) - 39:
39. There can be no truce with Satan. Near Satan there is only slavery. To mollify Satan is impossible. Only without fear is it possible to march over him or through him. There is an ancient legend telling how Satan decided to frighten a hermit. He appeared before him in a most terrifying aspect. But the ascetic was filled with a fiery irradiation and charged upon Satan so that he passed through him, burning his way. The fire of the heart is more powerful than any satanic flame. One should be filled with such fire, then all sneers are transformed into searing grimaces. Thus, let us charge upon Satan.

AUM (1936) - 451:
To people of exalted thinking, such inspiration must not be an infrequent guest by the very basis of their life. It is necessary only to pay heed to these contacts; people usually brush them aside as annoying gnats, and it would seem that man had decided to dispense with the higher energies which have been placed so lavishly at his disposal. I advise you to reflect deeply - What is inspiration?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 142:
Armageddon began in 1931, and now the year 1942 is pointed out as an important one when the next series of world events will be decided. We have spoken of the year 1942 before, and it is significant that this same year is resounding also among humanity. An epic of planetary significance unfolds around each Indication.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
It was not by chance, but only after deep and long contemplation, that the Great Thinker decided to bring His knowledge from the new planet. This was not desertion, but the realization that ideas rule the world, and that thought is limitless. Thus He made known the new communication.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196:
People do not like to listen to those ideas that they have decided beforehand not to accept. In the cruel hour of fratricidal strife people invoke the name of Christ, and false witnesses take oaths on the most sacred objects. Such irreverence is all the more blasphemous. People are not afraid to utter a false oath or to ridicule the faith of others. They always find time for criticism and slander, but they have no time for labor. They may at times think about community, but do not know how to cooperate, even in their daily life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 256:
In spite of his refined consciousness, this man did not realize that it was not his mother's dream that was urging him on toward this work, but that while in the Subtle World he had realized to what extent he was unable to harmonize the abilities given to him, and decided that in his new incarnation he would dedicate his entire life to the service of humanity.


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