Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 347: 347. About love I can say that in pure souls it rushes ever upward. But compassion flows downward. One may love God, One may picture Him as a wondrous Martyr for creative thoughts for the Good of the World. One may trustingly and even daringly knock at the door of His Temple. And if the knock is consciously delivered, Then in response one receives new strength, though it may not at once be recognized. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.11: 1.6.11. Daringly raise your shield. I ask one thing: not to weaken your strength with gold. My Teaching does not like gold. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1: Needless are conjurations, needless are entreaties, needless is the dust of humbleness, needless are threats, for we alone transport ourselves into the far-off worlds, into the treasuries of possibilities and knowledge. We feel that they are predestined for us, and we approach them daringly.