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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CU > CURTAIN (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 106:
The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown is made known. The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but the heart knows. I speak not of the things of today. The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events - the currents vibrate. And the happenings of the Universe are interbound with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings is intricate. The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the warriors but should wing them on. Forge your arrows, I send you love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 421:
Not necessary are countless fantasies and plans; The spirit proceeds freely. Earth's burden must be lifted. Layers of effluvia enwrap every cradle. Blessed is the mother who draws open the curtain to let in the light, and who offers the first blossom. In quiet, in beauty, and with a smile, Await those new ones seeking entry into the world.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.8:
Success is only a sign of the correct direction. Success is but the understanding of the moment. The Teaching is but the lifting of the curtain of the theater. How wonderful it is to be an actor in the world's mystery! Walk in joy! The unbroken chain has great value. My Hand sends rays from the mountains. We shall begin the New Era without delay. I teach not to dream but to harken to the flow of events.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 369:
For the sake of creation, stand firm against irritation. When, like a blood clot, it closes the ear, can one then hear? When it clouds the eye, can one then see? When the curtain falls on the consciousness, where then is achievement?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 2:
Is it so difficult for the consciousness to propel itself to that source the streams of which are endless? Can the obstacles be so resistive when the Teaching says that it is easy to lift the curtain of the future? Decide to apply this to life, so that the ability to make use of Our advices should not be limited to exclamations or assurances, and let your spirit say, "The wisdom of the Lord is the power of the far-off worlds. The Fire of Infinity and the radiation of the Star of the Mother of the World are sending to us the affirmation of our being!

AUM (1936) - 153:
153. Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back - only when subtle energy abounds during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when subtle energy reveals the Chalice of accumulations; the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. Amazing is the extent of man's transformation at the moment when he leaves the earthly sphere. People call this death, but it is really birth; therefore, how pitiful it is when the subtle body sojourns long in sleep. Especially noteworthy is the transition wherein consciousness is preserved. Then it can be clearly imagined how the earthly tatters fall off and the imperishable accumulation emerges, revealing itself to be a true treasure. It can be understood why this most subtle treasure cannot be revealed amid crude conditions.

AUM (1936) - 570:
570. The most significant dates may pass unsuspected. The 16th of September may have been sensed by only a few. It is thus when fire is already raging beyond the wall, and the people gather at the theater without realizing that the curtain conceals devastation. The date may be foretold by cosmic conditions, but people pay no attention to the inculcated signs. Similarly, an experienced physician wisely calculates the progression of an illness; but the indicated date arrives and the patient meets the day laughing at the physician; yet how many times has the reply come, "The evening has not yet arrived!


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