Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52: One cannot expect the approach of the Subtle World if it is rejected, cursed, and feared on Earth. A correct attitude will accept the Subtle World calmly, honestly, and kindly. The magnet of kindness acts in all worlds. How can one deny that which exists, just as we all exist! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94: When We point out the natural consequences of ignorance and madness We are well prepared for accusations of cruelty. But there are no words in human language that can warn people sufficiently against self-destruction, the destruction of the planet, or the pollution of space. It is Our patience, acquired over centuries, that helps Us to continually offer salvation to humanity, in spite of its ingratitude and cruelties. Each day and every hour We are cursed, and Our helping Hand is rejected. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301: People fear being cursed, but in fact bring curses upon themselves whenever they commit an injustice. Try an experiment; send the purest man to perform important work or a heroic deed, then see how he will be slandered. The majority will criticize without considering his task, and only a few, who are themselves persecuted, will think about the aim of the podvig. This lack of good will is a major obstacle to the progress of evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: Just as there are objects permeated with the most benevolent vibrations, there are also cursed objects. People forget that their emanations have the ability to attract antithetical entities. People do not know that any place can be changed into a good and beneficial one. And how can one curse a place that has become unpleasant precisely because of human foolishness? People should remember that their irritability and blasphemy will return to them as a burden. It brings to mind a terrible picture of a man who has unwittingly put his head in a noose and only realizes it when his own neck is being broken.