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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CU > CURES (9)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 495:
During the early stages of cancer, surgery can be beneficial; it is pointless, however, if the patient after his convalescence returns to his former ways. Of course, ultrasound can break down the tumor, but of what use can it be if the cause of the poisoning has not been eliminated? Life must be made healthier. It is not wise to invent cures for corpses! One has to pay attention to the conditions of life and habits of those who fall sick.

Hierarchy (1931) - 290:
290. A physician usually says to his patient, "When summer comes you will go to the country, into the sun. You will be regenerated by the mountain wind or the sea breeze." Even an earthly physician cures by projecting into the future. Karma is the sickness of the past. Its cure lies in the future. Precisely, he who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future. Striving with one's entire being protects one from downfalls; take for example the moving heavenly bodies. Thus, remember that I have pointed out how to walk upon the water, but I have never said that one can stand upon it. Karma can be changed by an irresistible striving.

Heart (1932) - 110:
110. Numberless experiments can be made in connection with the subtle body, but it is necessary primarily to apprehend the sensitiveness of the heart and to understand the instantaneous activity of the subtle body. If a physician applies the technique of amputating one's foot to test the heart, he will of course become a murderer, as often happens. Especially outrageous are the cases of administering poisons for the heart forgetting that the heart cannot withstand poisons, and the subtle body is injured by such criminal cures. How much simpler for the cessation of suffering is the action of suggestion and vegetable cure. For that, it is necessary to have people who know what suggestion is.

Heart (1932) - 153:
153. In hoary antiquity incense was used to determine the aura of objects. It was supposed that objects with good auras became imbued with incense, whereas bad emanations did not absorb the effusions of the plant. Afterwards, incense was used in the temples in order to strengthen the Subtle World and being it nearer. Verily, incense has the property of increasing the vitality of the Subtle World. When used at funerals, its purpose is to safeguard the one who has passed the borderline of consciousness and to liberate him from the state of slumber that is usual for those who are unprepared. Such details of the ancient knowledge are completely forgotten; similarly forgotten is the significance of various fragrances. The manufacturing of perfumes has lost its ancient meaning; not only has it lost this, but through ignorance the most harmful combinations are often used. The affirmed knowledge, based upon wide study, will afford an entire domain useful for application in life. The use of aromas in antiquity was connected with the study of cures. The priests indicated how to utilize aromas and in what cases to apply them. Thus, without witchcraft, one can trace an entire system of cures based on inhalation and the nourishing of the nervous system by rubbing aromatic essences into the skin. Thus, the ancients looked far deeper than the surface of the skin.

Heart (1932) - 364:
364. In order to cure through vibrations quality of the pulse is an absolute condition, otherwise upon what can one base the application of various vibrations? You yourselves already know how greatly vibrations differ and what effects they produce. It is not exaggeration to say that the heart endures many dangers through vibrations. Thus, one day we speak of psychic energy, which cures the heart, but next day we recall physical manifestations that would seem to be within reach of all. The latter also refers to the heart, and to its pains, and one may overcome these only through the link with the Lord.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 315:
315. The Chinese method of healing by means of a puncture of the corresponding centers, of which you recently read, is not curing but only a temporary relief. The ancient Egyptians produced the same reaction by pressing upon the corresponding centers. And even nowadays cupping glasses and hot poultices are in the same category. Thus, throughout life one should eliminate irritation by means of corresponding complements. The Teaching of Old China also contained the process of healing by means of heightening the vitality. Precisely China has valued ginseng and a prolonged use of musk. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if the latest medical research discovers aspects of the higher vitality. Likewise, one can notice the fieriness of the manifestations of vitality. May the best of physicians learn how to discern the fiery origin of the vegetable and animal life-givers. Such experiments should not be deferred; when fiery epidemics threaten, let us not forget that like cures like.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144:
144. Urusvati can testify to the great variety of vibratory cures that have been effected at a distance. This kind of healing will eventually be known to medical science, but at present the very notion would only irritate physicians. We are particularly aware of vibratory influences and apply them far more often than people might think. One should bear in mind that such influences can be intensified by conscious receptivity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144:
We affirm that among future human discoveries there will be such vibratory cures. Many diseases, nervous afflictions, and psychic ailments will be cured. Cancer, in its early stages, can be arrested by such vibrations, stones can be dissolved, and glands normalized. Similarly, certain skin ailments will be cured easily.


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