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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CU > CUMULATION (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 180:
A yogi is neither old nor young. Not old, because he knows the path of steady ascent. Not young, because he knows the cumulation of previous experiences. A yogi can pass unnoticed through life. A yogi smiles at foolish words, and smites ignorance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 640:
Illumined by the radiance of the Mother of the World, our physical existence is seen to be but a grain of sand. But the cumulation in the Chalice is like a radiant mountain!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 135:
The Wheel of Cosmos affirms the satiety of cumulation and asserts the subtle energies. The existence of man in spiritual and physical body makes manifest that force which is called the spiral of life principle. Let us continue this line into Infinity and spirit-knowledge will be achieved.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 251:
251. By the world of causes, created by aspirations, may the quality of the world of effects be determined. Let us see how the Agni Yogi creates and transmutes. The fire of the Chalice represents the psycho-dynamics which ignites around it all energies. Through the synthesis of the Chalice, all fires, at different degrees, are directed by summons toward the cumulation of the Chalice of Amrita. The fire of the spirit drives all energies. The creativeness of the Agni Yogi is thus definitely impelled. Thus does the Tara transmute into beauty. Humanity will comprehend the power of the transmutation. Verily, beautiful is the creation of Be-ness!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343:
343. Striving toward development of consciousness depends upon the impulse of the seed of the spirit. The cumulation of striving intensifies the growth of consciousness. If the energy lacks striving, the manifestation of the intensity of energy is considerably weakened, and the attraction cannot result in fusion. Thus, the seed of the spirit is in need of striving. The best sign of the tension in the seed of the spirit is the intensified fire; hence, the centers of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so aflame and the tensity of fire is so great. Only the influx of fire bears witness to this fire; and creativeness of the centers is very flaming.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 114:
114. The wealth of humanity consists in spirit-creativeness. The principle of cumulation lies in spirit-creativeness. The principle of striving lives in spirit-creativeness. Therefore, the Cosmic Magnet can be sensed through the spirit-creativeness. The growth of spirit-creativeness in man is affirmed by the cumulation of the Chalice. The Cosmic Magnet knows the guiding power. The pledge of the future lies in spirit-creativeness. Yes, yes, yes! Therefore, We vouch for the impelling force of Our actions. Thus, that which was founded by Us will give new dates to the world. Therefore, the predestined will come. The Crown of Existence radiates with all cosmic fires. Thus, life for an Arhat is variegated as the radiation of the cosmic fires. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 325:
325. The earthly strata are greatly tensed because all earthly centers are atremble in the effort toward shifting. Every step of the cosmic shifting evokes tension. Thus, both matter and spirit are acting. The spirit immerging into the affirmed sphere of evolution is under the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How, then, can a spirit who does not carry the fires be affirmed? Each step of evolution is constructed by the Cosmic Magnet. Only when the spirit can build the step of cumulation of the Chalice can he become a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. Every effort to go beyond the limit of the usual pertains to constructiveness. Having stepped beyond the earthly strata, the spirit understands the needs of Earth. Thus, verily, will the spirit realize the Infinite.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 20:
20. Every pilot will tell you not to turn the rudder too sharply. But one should speak even more emphatically about human consciousness; this crystal is formed slowly, yet each moment of cumulation is a spatial joy. Each one has a heartbeat, but one rarely observes the fiery substance. Therefore We do not always speak about Fire everywhere, except where Fire has already been accumulated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 203:
203. The three Worlds are far closer to each other than one may think. One can see how corresponding vibrations create cooperation. You know how certain individuals from the Subtle World who are close to us act to assist a common task. Even not so long ago they were unable to serve the common purpose because of differences of vibrations, but now your vibrations and their endeavors for communion make them useful co-workers. Thus is created useful labor in common. It is the more useful because the adversaries have similar co-workers. Certainly, it is joyous to watch each cumulation of consciousness. Ur. has seen how in the beginning the atmosphere is dim and in the course of successive meetings it becomes lighter, and a day ago Ur. saw completely conscious cooperation. Such an enlightenment is very rapid, yet for this the Ashram is of significance. Verily, Ashrams have a great importance for the earthly and for the Subtle World. Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonatoars. Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere, I have in mind a very important consequence. Without spiritual accumulations, the command to take everything upon oneself has no meaning. This command can be given only where there is a heart bond with the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Only such a bond, during the present earthly conflict, can strengthen those to whom the order has been given. The currents are too complicated to be opposed by earthly forces. But you know about the bond with the two Worlds. Precisely in this communion are found forces for the passing by the most unexpected path. In this, do not hesitate to take care of yourself, in order not to expend energy superfluously. One should not in any manner be diverted from inner concentration. The affairs of the whole world are in a grave state.


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