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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CR > CRAFTY (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 194:
194. Upon cognizing the Fiery World, one must forever forget the small, since it does not exist. As a physician does not regard anything as insignificant while mixing a curative compound, so, too, a grain of gun-powder in a powder magazine is not small in effect. We sensitize ourselves by examples of that which exists. What good is education if the brain remains crafty and the tongue false? People can be divided according to refinement of heart, but not according to falseness of consciousness. Do not think that falseness of consciousness has no significance for the Fiery World. Thus again from morals we come to chemistry.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 91:
91. In the approach to the Fiery World one has to pass the step of repulsion of the dark forces by the power of the spirit. A man who ascends feels much more deeply the assault of the unbridled elements. He must, without resorting to magic's violations, withstand the assault of the dark ones by his own spirit alone. This step is mentioned in all Teachings under different names. One must be prepared to meet various crafty devices, but one should not, taking the example of ignorant ones, try to escape such unavoidable encounters. One may remember that above all formulas there exists the power of the spirit. One has but to unite it, through one's heart, with the Hierarch, in order to become invulnerable. It must not be thought that one can be forsaken by the Hierarch, but it must be remembered that on a certain step independent application of one's strength is primarily advised. Thus, one should face each assault courageously, not avoiding the most terrifying. Remember that every retreat manifests helplessness. Even the youngest neophytes know that during necessary changes of place one must move facing the enemy. This is not magic, but only the realization of the power of the gaze.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
We always advise unity as the basic requirement for collaboration, but if sometimes you notice that We place particular stress upon it, there can be many reasons. The most likely is a special need for consciously united energy - when a poisonous spider attacks, all attention is needed. A crafty enemy demands concentrated, united effort.


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