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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COVETOUSNESS (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 23:
Only a realization of Cosmic individuality can illumine the steps of evolution. Otherwise, in the earthly understanding evolution will remain only profitable investment of capital. You already know that capital deprived of goal-fitness is only a millstone about the neck. And, as a manifestation of infection forms spiritual and bodily ulcers, likewise does a manifestation of the lunacy of covetousness bring harm to the spirit and the body.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 272:
272. Each receptivity is already an acceptance of Fire. Tension of energy is the transformation of an undifferentiated element into active vibrations. True receptivity is always positive, because the fiery energy then acts directly. Each unlawful deviation and destruction arouses the so-called black fire. It has a peculiar analogy to venous blood. Phlebotomy had its reason. The black fire could be discharged by it. Fortunately the luminous Fire does not call for such coarse measures. The more naturally the Fire is kindled, the more beneficial it is. Hence the conclusion that the fire of love is the most perfect. You wish to protect the Hierarch, and you do so not from fear, not for gain, but from love. The substitution of fear or covetousness for love results in black fire. The result is the same in the case of any other unworthy substitutions. Every fire is magnetic; therefore one should so cautiously avoid the magnetism of the black fire. It does not transmute the particles of dense emanations, but acts just reversely, thus encumbering space. This can be especially harmful in the case of blood relationships when the dense unconsumed particles are so easily attracted and can overstrain already weakened organs. Thus, it is impractical to kindle the black fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 97:
97. Surveillance must be very vigilant, but it must not appear as a sign of mistrust. One must transform control into cooperation and reciprocal information. Measures of trust and refinement of quality must be introduced from top to bottom. Many useful measures have been condemned and destroyed only because of hatred of supervision. Of course ignorance is the cause of such lack of goal-fitness. When people will become cognizant of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds, they will comprehend the infinity of relationships. In truth, who is outside of Hierarchy? Only ignoramuses or conscious deceivers can render Hierarchy unintelligible under various names. But they themselves will breathe not the freedom of Hierarchy, but will bear the brand of slavery. One must be cleansed of all covetousness and bondage. From early childhood the freedom of discipline of spirit should be emphasized. One may arouse all dignity and honor. Without honor a man cannot be honest. It should not be thought that slavery can be approved by Hierarchy. On the contrary, the Fiery World seeks not slaves but co-workers. Consider the refinement of the heart as the measure of honor. Thus let us not forget that in the most everyday life are laid the foundations of the world's grandeur.

AUM (1936) - 73:
73. It is well to assemble for the unifying of thought; thus you create a spatial beneficence. Such thought is prayer - you do not think of self, you gather together for the Good. Assistance to friends is so far removed from covetousness.


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