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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COUNTERCURRENT (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 332:
332. Let people become accustomed to ejecting from their lives a multitude of petty lies and to learning to apply truth to life. Nothing is as destructive as a consciously injurious distortion of reality. It disturbs the rhythm of Cosmos. The subterranean fire dominates by the countercurrent of its rhythm.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 441:
441. The final dates are often accompanied by spatial ringing. This ringing proves that the current of energy is like a string that reverberates upon contacting a countercurrent. Indeed, each such ringing indicates tension. During such ringing one should first of all reject all futile thinking, in order the more harmoniously to unite with the guiding current. Perhaps earthly events produce such tension. Perhaps also the events of the Subtle World are approaching, and one must be ready to receive them. But when the ear is open to the ringing of the far-off currents, then the consciousness is also expanded for the appraisal of events. Thus Agni works and transmutes all that exists.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
Let us consider how much opposition is met by everyone who sends useful thoughts. Today Urusvati experienced many of Our intensified currents. Such a change of current indicates the concentration that must be manifested, for each current struggles with its countercurrent. Thus, the most urgent decisions require defense against clever destroyers. Urusvati helped Us through the entire night, and even found time to be in her motherland.


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