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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COUNTERACT (13)

Hierarchy (1931) - 414:
414. What thorns people weave into their wreaths of life! What strength people dissipate to counteract those principles upon which life itself is maintained! How many unnecessary thorns surround people, transforming their lives into regress! People will not understand the higher Wisdom if they do not first of all understand the law of Hierarchy - that upon which the entire life is founded; that by which the world progresses; that upon which evolution is built; that upon which the best steps and pages of history have been constructed. Thus, humanity cannot evade the great law of Hierarchy. Self-destruction is the only direction along which those bereft of the understanding of Hierarchy proceed; thus, the thorns directed against Hierarchy turn into a dark path. Thus, the great law of Hierarchy must be safeguarded as a leading principle.

Heart (1932) - 493:
493. Is it not a wondrous experience to apply the heart's energy at great distances and to help the great cause? One can verify the dates and witness absolute precision. Therefore it is so imperative to write down the most important manifestations and sensations. Thus one can counteract absurdities which assert that there are only accidents and coincidences everywhere. For those who do not consciously apply the most important energies the outcome is harmful, not only for themselves but also for others. There is nothing worse than chaotic thinking and the rending of the currents of energy. Everyone is annoyed when his torch is extinguished beneath his nose; but precisely the interception of the heart energy can be termed the extinction of the torch. Do not tire of repeating this. During strong outflows of energy it is very dangerous to intercept the rhythm by very earthly irritations. You never know for what your energy was required, therefore solemnity will be the safest guard against breaks and jagged edges. During Armageddon the usual methods must be especially eschewed. I affirm the great time to which only solemnity can correspond.

Heart (1932) - 576:
We are not necromancers to resuscitate lifeless bodies. The current of the heart must constantly and independently strive upward, and then will the meeting with the Hierarchic current produce a benevolent spark. Indeed, one has sometimes to revive even cork mannikins for a single action, but this will be only a passing action without consequences for a true ascent. It is sad to see the corks jump and to foresee the fall that splits them in two. It is sad to know how the labor of raising them is wasted, but the heart is given to each one in all its limitlessness. So much is already given, so much already experienced, that it is terrible to go back to tossing corks! Thus, let us once again think about the solemn constant ascent when one can fully trust such cooperation. Only with such mutual labor can one accustom oneself to, and love the variety of manifestations. Only a few can understand this, because the cosmic multiformity frightens the untempered heart. But how shall we hide from such astounding multiformity? How shall we learn to love it and to have done forever with the limitations of a cramped trend of thought? Let us counteract it with the heart as a shield. For the shield was carried in the left hand. Thus, let us understand the heart as armor.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 71:
71. Bribery must be eradicated by all means, but one cannot rely upon punitive measures. They help little. In the lessons in Ethics in schools the thought must be affirmed that bribery does not conform to the dignity of man. One should observe very attentively whether such symptoms of corruption are making their appearance. Next to bribery in shamefulness is the non-fulfillment of duty. But this crime is assimilated so early that one can only counteract it by beginning from childhood. Let children get used to the work of grown-ups. The quality of labor will create the realization of duty. Every negligence, forgetfulness and evasion can be condemned only in one's own heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88:
88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 333:
333. One should avoid prejudice both in the great and the small. Many possibilities have been cut short by prejudice. Indeed, the fiery energy is very sensitive to prejudice. But, being aware of this quality of the energy, one can counteract prejudice by means of suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 376:
376. Out of useful meditation is molded complete attainment. First of all, one will become definitely ashamed for all chaotic thinking. It will become impossible to counteract anything good, no matter in what form it be expressed. A difference in expression only is a subtle one, and we must regard it as a cobweb in the light. It is a joy when it is possible to refine one's thoughts.

AUM (1936) - 436:
436. The mutual exchange of energies is a natural manifestation, but the draining of another's energy without the transmission of one's own is inadmissible. Such a manifestation is just as frequent as are infectious diseases. But to a certain extent it is possible to counteract such violent selfishness. If from childhood people will impress upon themselves the importance of exchange and cooperation, then they will also deal rationally with energy.

AUM (1936) - 566:
566. Each excessive strain would counteract harmony. It is necessary that the successful harmony remain in the memory without any compulsion. Anchorites have pointed out the very deep significance of wordless prayer; this was the judgment of those who realized the power of harmony.

Brotherhood (1937) - 604:
604. The assumption of personal superiority is one of the most shameful manifestations of the imperfection of the spirit. It not only corrupts all the surroundings but it also remains as the greatest impediment to improvement. It is essential to counteract such an ailment with a powerful restorative. Thought about cooperation and Brotherhood will be salutary in guarding against such a dangerous ailment, and will call forth new strength.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
This will provide an idea of the complications in Our Work. We transmit benevolent thoughts and ideas, and must also work to counteract the numerous malicious carriers of infection. We are in a position to observe how people themselves spread dangerous earthly infections by thought, infecting one another with damage, in the true meaning of this word. Such malicious influences used to be attributed to sorcery, but even today there are more of these "sorcerers" than one might think.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137:
Much of Our Strength is used to counteract the tricks of the dark ones. We consider that day a victorious one when the hierophant of Evil is obliged to retreat.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276:
Special caution should be taken during periods of disturbed cosmic currents. You have read about cosmic dangers, but there are many more of them than scientists can detect, and the important point is to know what currents can counteract them. One should not only consider the dangers, but also be ready to resist them by all possible means.


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