Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 550: 550. Petty thoughts not only clog space, they especially impede the transmission of thought to far-off distances. Every participant in thought-transmission knows how at times parts of the transmission are, as it were, corroded, as if a dark cloud obscures the precision of expression. In fact, these small, slimy, ugly creatures intercept the path of transmission. Singly, these little monsters are ineffectual because of their feebleness, but they form a slime sufficient to thicken space and thus intercept the currents. Therefore, to effect speedier thought-transmission humanity must be urged to desist from petty thoughts. Even a little carefulness in thinking will produce beneficial results. Moreover, the slime of petty thinking can be a source of epidemics. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 661: 661. Fanaticism is inadmissible. It contains neither devotion, nor love, nor magnanimity, but is only a reversion to the animal state. Fanaticism begets treason, hostility, and cruelty. The fanatic does not reach the Fiery World, because love is the key to it. Fanaticism is like a neglected ailment, if not immediately attended to it becomes incurable. Such a consciousness must encounter great shocks in order to understand true devotion. By repulsion alone one cannot acquire the quality of the magnet. Therefore, I am so concerned that you should not lose a single opportunity for manifesting friendliness. The best fuel should be preserved for the fire of the heart. The store of friendliness generates true compassion, which is directly opposed to the cruelty of fanaticism. Fanaticism knows only the egoism which presumptuously says, "All or nothing." and since all is impossible, there remains nothing. Therefore, take notice of even the slightest signs of fanaticism. Cure them with the greatest patience as you would a contagious disease. It is precisely fanaticism which has shaken the most beautiful Teachings and corroded the seeds of love. One should carefully prepare everything that can facilitate the access of Agni to one's heart.