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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CORDIALITY (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 135:
135. Thought-creativeness and suggestion are completely different, although they are both related to fiery manifestations. Suggestion is a coercion of Fire, whereas thought-creativeness is a manifestation of basic law. When We spoke to a certain sahib about permeating his dwelling with Our Aura, We naturally had in mind thought-creativeness, and not suggestion, which We willingly leave to petty hypnotists. Thought-creativeness is far more powerful than any suggestions. First of all, suggestion is transitory; it strikes the aura and creates karma, whereas thought-creativeness saturates the aura and does not interfere with independent action. In fact, space saturated with thought-creativeness concentrates the fiery power. The inviolability of karma remains one of the subtlest conditions of all. To give, to assist, and even to guide, without infringing upon the personality - this is a difficult task. Each one must confront this solution. Thought-creativeness, devoid of self, provides the way out of these labyrinths. Kindness, cordiality, and cooperation likewise help, but the fog of unsteadiness is a particularly poor guide.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 597:
597. It can be observed everywhere how people dismember one concept in their own many ways. Psychic energy is subtle, fiery, divine, Aum. Thus variously is the same fundamental called, and with each variation it is assumed that a better definition is introduced. Doubling our attention, we see that such dismemberments are not useful. It is again time to begin to synthesize. One should strongly affirm the meaning of earthly existence. It is needful to simplify it. Above all cares one should remember that the path is long, and that it will be necessary to be supplied with patience and with the thought about everything useful on the path. But this necessity should be found full of joy for oneself. Without this quality the heart will still be confused and thus weakness brought in. Likewise, one should realize that courage is inseparable from joy. Even the most difficult achievement cannot be low-spirited. A slave can toil in depression, but the fiery spirit transforms everything by very luminous joy. And warmth flows out from joy. But call to mind that joy, warmth, and fire live in the heart. Be not adverse to reminding about such dwellers in of the heart. After all, people do remember about the heart, and each one loves warmth, calling it cordiality. Therefore, know how to speak to everyone about the most joyous, in the simplest words and in the expressions most fitting for all. Thus knock at the fiery door of the human soul.


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