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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CORD (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 191:
191. It is too early to concern oneself with the downfall of the planet when one has not yet recognized one's own downfall. One should first cure one's own wounds, then walk with those who labor. A new approach to everyday life will provide an understanding of its every detail. A yogi does not fly off to nebulous regions, but does keep the silver cord of contact with the far-off worlds.

Heart (1932) - 254:
One must guard as a treasure this converse with the Teacher. The one who understands the sacred significance of this communion will not turn to darkness. But how the heart must be guarded lest it sever the silver cord! Nothing can weld it. One can bestow all compassion, but the cord is forged out of a multitude of qualities. As the ancient images were cast from many metals, so is the cord strong through many qualities. But the sweetest communion of the heart with the Teacher is that forge where the mighty fire radiates.

Heart (1932) - 437:
437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion.

AUM (1936) - 23:
Thus, the concept of the power of Grace will be a beautiful gift. Only the best striving receives its recompense. The criterion of the best is understood as conformity with the Highest Principle; a cord will be stretched from one thing to another - left untaut the string hangs loose in space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 21:
Do not think that Our Inner Life is dominant. On the contrary, the image of man is forged by man himself. Each silver cord resounds as a string in Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 129:
129. Urusvati attempts to compare a flight to the far-off worlds to a flight into the higher spheres of the Subtle World or up to the Fiery Realm. Fundamentally, both flights are performed in the subtle body, although in different dimensions, and there is danger in both of them. A definite change of pressure is felt when approaching the far-off worlds. For example, let us remember what happened to Sister I., whose flights nearly tore the connecting cord. The dangers are even more grave when we prematurely attempt to contact the Fiery Worlds. The subtle body can be consumed if it has not been prepared by a lengthy, gradual approach.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 156:
He also used to say, "When you offer your whole heart, you will feel the strong cord that binds you to the Great Heart."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
188. Urusvati knows that the duration of a human life depends largely upon the will to live. The Thinker said, "Life lasts as long as man himself wants to remain on Earth." Even fatal diseases can be cured by the human will. Everyone, whether a messenger from the higher spheres, or, at the other extreme, an outcast, must preserve the gift of life. We may not wilfully cut the silver cord that binds us to the Masters.


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