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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONTRIBUTION (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 661:
661. Each thought put into action is a contribution to the fiery creativeness. Each fulfilled thought is linked to Our actions. How carefully must the disciples examine the quality of their thoughts! Has not the worm of egoism, or conceit, or the manifestation of self-love hidden somewhere? The ability to admit this honestly is something that each spirit must develop within himself. Only thus can one fulfill one's mission in the Plan of the Lords.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 170:
170. The attraction of the various parts of one principle acts through the medium of the Magnet. Hence the variety of the expressions of all the affirmed principles on different planes. The core of Reason is apparent in all Spatial Fire. Being of the same origin, the Cosmic Magnet carries within itself the principle of creativeness of Fire, and Reason builds the substance applicable to each sphere. Therefore, homogeneousness is spread throughout the entire Cosmos, and homogeneousness can provide man with the key to the understanding of the existence beyond. Homogeneousness will lead then to the understanding of the highest principles. When humanity will refine all conceptions of the principles, it will be possible to affirm the manifestation of homogeneousness ad infinitum. Thus are all strata of Be-ness build; not by deflection from the principle inherent in the Cosmic Magnet, but by contribution in most subtle forms. Therefore, the Origins should be the affirmed guiding principles. Let us accept the principle of Be-ness as the affirmation of the Highest Reason, and the Cosmic Magnet will unfold as the manifested might of the Mother of the World. This concept can bring a true understanding of the existence of Our Brotherhood, a true understanding of the far-off worlds, and a true understanding of those principles which ordain man as a creator.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 331:
331. When the world is in convulsion, how is it possible not to realize the cosmic shifting? When the world exists for evolution, how is it possible not to strive for true construction? In the great construction everything is predestined to be reworked, and the chief concern of humanity should be the quality of its contribution. Therefore, when We intensify all creative impulses, how then is it possible not to cognize the constructivity of Cosmos? The beauty of Be-ness is contained in the realization of all the subtle energies. In this principle is comprised the entire limitless creation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 342:
342. Permeation of the space by a manifestation of the spirit is conscious striving. When human thought penetrates beyond the boundaries of manifest Earth, this contribution is acknowledged in a gift to humanity from space. Every thought propelled into Space means loftier attainment. In the striving of thought is comprised a new achievement in spatial records. Each expanded thought carries the spirit to the summits of Space. Thus, the spirit who knows the flights beyond the limits of Earth can realize the creativeness of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 467:
467. During cosmic reconstruction a vital action is intensified by the current of the Cosmic Magnet; hence, human efforts are greatly varied. When the tension of the Magnet induces concordance, the spirit is aware of its destinations, but when the cosmic orbit is not acknowledged by the spirit then certainly cosmic imbalance is intensified. Thus, each spirit makes its contribution, and the responsibility for the direction is in the spirit. That is why the dark forces and those of Light are under such strain and the battle is so great. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 293:
293. Humanity grows weak to such an extent, because it evidences disunion with the Highest Will. Therefore We so powerfully affirm the focus, for without the center the Highest Will cannot be accepted. Therefore We summon so powerfully to Hierarchy. Verily, we must sacredly guard the treasures. They underlie the foundations of Our Work. Each sacred creativeness is a contribution to evolution. Let us ponder upon the significance of a great thought; let us ponder upon the great might of the fires of the Tara; let us ponder upon the devotion of the heart; let us ponder upon the invincibility of those who walk in the name of the Lord.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412:
412. Urusvati knows that the decay of consciousness is worse than any war, pestilence, or earthquake. It steals up unnoticed and commits acts that will horrify future historians. It causes people to lose their self-respect, to become malicious, and to ignore their own necessary contribution to future generations. The decay of consciousness causes writers to produce repugnant images, and nonentities to sit in judgment.


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