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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONTAMINATION (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 456:
456. Everyone whose consciousness can already contain the significance of Hierarchy must first of all renounce blasphemy of the spirit. Much unworthy blasphemy is uttered and thought amidst the usual work of day and night. The most dangerous poison is produced by these imperceptible treasons. Often their consequences are more dreadful than one misdeed through crass ignorance. It is not easy to break the habit of the abomination of blasphemy, for the boundary between the white and black is complicated. We call this contamination a black ulcer similar to cancer. Besides, the meaning of cancer in general is not far distant from the consequences of a spiritual abomination. Like striving to the Guide, one should develop in oneself comprehension of the Highest Hierarchy. Ponder that in concluding our notes about Hierarchy We do not conclude anything, but only open the next Gates.

Heart (1932) - 216:
216. Right strivings annihilate the manifestations of contamination. A striving man verily is full of immunity. So it is with those who cross on the rim of the precipice. The best wings are woven by strivings. Even the best antidote will also be striving. The fire born of impetuous tension is the best shield. The ancients have explained how arrows never reach those who are striving. Contemporary physicians could point out the development of a special substance during spiritual striving. Apply it to life as a life counsel. I point out how the striving spirit, with the velocity of light, changes its position and becomes elusive. Thus, one must train oneself to strive, manifesting it physically as well as spiritually. The teaching that is devoid of striving is like a sack with holes. One must assimilate the essence of what is said, because a study of the words alone will remain only upon the tongue. But beware of the striving tongue with a dead heart. Thus, let us not forget about the antidote of pure striving.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 222:
222. So long as humanity continues to dwell in a corporeal consciousness, the methods of conventional experimental medicine can hardly be altered. Only by directing the consciousness toward psychic energy can the senselessness of vivisection be stopped. Working with living plants, on one hand, and applying psychic energy, on the other, will lead the trend of thought into a new channel; but, in any case, each protest against vivisection already has Our approval. Such protests indicate a knowledge of the manifestations of the Subtle World and an understanding that vivisections can become new sources of contamination. In the future, an adequate prophylaxis, together with application of psychic energy, will make diseases entirely non-existent. But meanwhile, it is necessary as far as possible to stop the cruelties of vivisection and to reiterate about psychic energy. Through such a constant reminder, the energy itself will become more manifest. For fiery thinking is also a kindling of the torches.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
One may remember now these myths, which foretold the contamination of the planet. Indeed, why do people investigate to little the chemism of the air? Even with earthly apparatus one may record the condensation of destructive substances. Of course not always can these currents be detected, just as is the case with the photographing of the manifestations of the Subtle World, which will not always be successful, but with patience much can be recorded. The Fiery World does not easily lend itself to earthly observations.


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