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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONTAINMENT (54)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.19:
2.3.19. Here the Blessed One transmits; "All is for all and forever. Note the four laws: The Law of Containment; The Law of Fearlessness; The Law of Nearness; the Law of Righteousness."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.19:
It is not necessary to explain the Laws of Fearlessness and Righteousness, and it is easy to understand the Law of Containment, but the Law of Nearness must be elucidated. At the approach of certain Signs and Images ordained by dates, a specially saturated atmosphere gathers, as if clouds of smoke were overcasting Heaven and Earth. That which had been clear begins to crumble, and, as if in a whirlwind, falls to pieces. Even physically this period is difficult, but during this period certain dates are being pronounced which stand as milestones on the road.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
Achievement is not renunciation; it is containment and movement. Thus, when I say, "he who has renounced," it should be understood as, "he who has contained." It is impossible to present the substance of renunciation, because beside it nestles prohibition. But containment emphasizes conscious understanding.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
Loyalty is a quality of the spirit of high tension, and the evincing of containment makes true achievement a joyous acquisition. Thus can the achievement be developed, for a luminous attainment brings forward a following one.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.6:
3.4.6. I shall specify the qualities distinctive in those seeking the Common Good. First - constancy of striving. Second - ability of containment, for poor is he who denies but the seeker of truth is worthy to work for General Good. Third - ability to labor, because the majority do not know the value of time. Fourth - the desire to help, without prejudices and without usurpation. Fifth - renouncement of personal property and the acceptance for safekeeping of the fruit of the creativeness of others. Sixth - expulsion of fear. Seventh - display of vigilance amidst darkness.

New Era Community (1926) - 153:
153. Someone will say "Is vigilance, or co-measurement, or mobility, or devotion difficult? Here, I feel that I can contain all these conditions; will you not take me on the distant journey into the Community?" But has this hasty traveler thought about a certain requisite in the qualities mentioned by him? Steadfastness was forgotten. Little fires flickering only for an instant contain all the qualities of flame, but darkness engulfs them as swiftly as a brazier does a snowflake. One cannot trust an isolated moment of containment; only steadfastness, tempered by toil and by obstacles, results in a trustworthy containment.

New Era Community (1926) - 193:
Destroy the worthless wherever it be concealed. Uncover ignorance under any mask whatever. The world is divided according to the quality of consciousness, and the degree of ignorance is the measuring rod. Indeed, you know that ignorance is not cured by leafing through books, but by the synthesis of containment.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
When a traveler stands on a summit, does he not feel that his body is being raised as if he were a unifier of worlds? Indeed, not breaking away from the Earth, but containment of the capacity for unifying is what makes man a creator.

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
We know many workers who find an hour for the most important; it does not seem to them that they are too occupied. Whoever is not grudging in his work will receive bounteously. This quality of containment of labor is indispensable for the expansion of consciousness. Can anything replace the joy of the growth of consciousness?

New Era Community (1926) - 237:
Many times have We spoken about the discipline of the will and about the command of the consciousness. Long ago was established the courage of responsibility. Now we must direct our keenness toward the extermination of the narrowness of sectarianism and superstition. The sectarian dreams of seizing power for the subjugation of everything to his own inflexible consciousness. The superstitious man most of all is afraid lest he call up, as if by an accidental self a great deal. Superstition and sectarianism are signs of a very low consciousness, for the potential of creative power has been reduced to nothingness for one to whom the principle of containment is foreign.

New Era Community (1926) - 263:
The suffering of privations is unknown to Us, for containment excludes privation. Our Teaching represents the world as rich, joyous and attractive. Nowhere are fetters and floggings indicated. Like a ship filled with treasures does the indicated community rush along. Realization of the innumerable properties of matter brightly illuminates all. The matter of yesterday is clothed in a radiant fabric of energy, which is not in need of a new name but which penetrates all space and palpitates with the rainbow of human rejoicing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 83:
83. Spread the grains of the Teaching little by little. Let it imperceptibly flood the being. The time for preaching has passed, and life remains. Inspire the consciousness of your brother with an imperceptible touch, brought to him as his daily bread. Expose and understand his wrath and quench it with goal-fitness. Affirm him in the joy of realized containment. Beware of manifesting miracles to him, but reveal to him the co-measurement of that which passes into the Infinite. Abolish special holidays, and make of life a perpetual holiday.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 18:
18. Like an all-containing flame, the Heart of Cosmos is all-encompassing. How wondrous is this all-inclusiveness! From the small to the great, everything is refracted in this manifested crystal. Since all the cosmic possibilities provide a direction for each manifested scroll, since each beginning has its propelling currents, since one must realize the magnitude of the Cosmos, let us gather all power of the spirit that we may embrace it. There is no deviation, no renunciation, no repulsion, no negation, there is only containment. The Teacher manifests the significance of the concept of containment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
19. Why do people accept the images of Maya to such a great extent? Life is filled with these phantoms and deceptive manifestations. This satiety fills existence with unnecessary images. The spirit cognizant of Eternity is impelled to the great Origin, and in him is contained the seed of the understanding of Cosmos. That spirit which is receptive only to the customary is directed to the petty reality of Maya. He is attracted only by the manifestations of the ordinary life. The absence of containment does not aid him in opening the book of life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 76:
76. We, Brothers of Humanity, do not admit parallelism where there is manifest a spiral of tensity. Parallelism manifested in action and in the containment of beauty is evidence of goal-fitness. The transport of creation should not become extinguished because of prematureness. To each transport of creativeness of a builder, freedom and its own stronghold are offered.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 104:
104. The cosmic law does not require submission, but a conscious cooperation directed toward construction affirms the cosmic creativeness. The Spatial fire contains in itself multifold properties. The principle of cooperation should be adopted, and all those who know the principle of containment can accept this cosmic law. Hence, when the power of the spirit grows, those who know the cosmic law strive toward cooperation. Thus, let us aspire to limitless cooperation. The spirit that knows the laws can intensify all fires. Let us emphasize that one should strive toward the knowledge of Be-ness and should be strong in following the law of cooperation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 109:
What action is it that is founded upon cosmic cooperation? Each action of forward striving means a step in evolution. The evidence of forgetfulness of one's own "I" indicates the adherence to evolution. The closed circle of the heart produces an oppressive formation. The Silvery Lotus that is unfolded on all sides indicates the containment of all cosmic fires. Thus is an open heart affirmed in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 192:
192. The law of containment is affirmed by all beginnings. When the cosmic creativeness is brought into strain by aspirations, the law of containment brings forth manifold formulae. In cosmic creativeness the treasury contains all manifestations of energies. In spiritual creativeness the Chalice becomes filled with the very same energies. Hence, the treasury of the spirit has to contain all energies. Thus, the law of containment governs the essential creative impulse. From the Chalice issue all creative laws and in the Chalice are gathered all cosmic manifestations. Therefore, the enrichment of the Chalice affords realization of all cosmic plans. The foundations are gathered in the Chalice, and each energy can be a creator. Thus, creativeness is molded by the law of containment.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 460:
460. Cosmic reconstruction contains in itself all human strivings. When cosmic reconstruction saturates the planet, a cosmic stimulus strains the spirit. Thereupon, forces group themselves according to polarity and thus saturate the spheres around reconstruction. It is impossible to segregate human strivings from cosmic reconstruction. One and the same impulse motivates all the forces; hence, each sphere is steeped in the cosmic reconstruction. Thus, human reason can enter no complaint against Cosmos. In life, everything is built up from the principles of containment and correspondence, and the qualities of correspondence are boundless.

Hierarchy (1931) - 198:
198. With the growth of assimilation grows the feeling of responsibility. Facing the Great Plan, understanding of responsibility must be made manifest, therefore with each decision the full feeling of responsibility should be realized. Complete responsibility imbues one like Spatial Fire. Full responsibility must imbue each action; for the feeling of containment can only be affirmed when the sense of responsibility impels the spirit to the fulfillment of the Will of Hierarchy. Hence cosmic daring suffuses the Carrier of Fire. Therefore the affirmation of the Higher Will can be realized when the spirit is truly filled with responsibility. Thus, victories are achieved. Thus, those are invincible who fulfill the Will of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 356:
356. As the words imply, the evolutionary spiral expands and the involutionary spiral contracts. The very same may be observed not only in personal aspects but also in ideas. It is very instructive to discern how ideas are generated and how they complete their circle. Often they seem to disappear completely, but if they are of an evolutionary nature they appear again in an expanded form. For evolutionary thinking, one should study the spiral of the root of an idea. The task of the gradual containment of an idea can afford a progression toward a higher understanding. One may take for instance the idea of religions and examine it spirally; precisely, not comparatively, but evolutionally, spirally. Thus one can see the one root. Likewise one can study how the ideas of religions expanded through evolution. Thus, the prognosis of the future will not be diminished. Positive signs must be gathered.

Heart (1932) - 7:
7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted.

Heart (1932) - 125:
125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment.

Heart (1932) - 212:
212. Patience is the gift of heaven - thus spoke the ancients. Why should patience belong to heaven when in reality it should belong exclusively to the Heart? Yet how shall we exert patience without knowing the Higher World? Only when the silver thread shall be drawn from the heart to the Higher World, will the understanding of patience come. We revere that quality; it is close to tolerance and containment, in other words, to the opening of the Gates. If something is not close to us, but it opens the heart of a neighbor, would we not tolerate it only to kindle someone's heart? Would we prefer to satisfy our own pleasure and embitter the heart of a neighbor? Moreover, would it not be a beautiful test to keenly observe exactly what will open the heart to Good? In the diversity of achievements one cannot fail to acknowledge the general harmony of the spheres. Though it be expressed only in one tone, yet each correct note sounds like a cosmic consonance and must be accepted with care. Therefore people rebel so greatly in heart if this note is rejected. The trial by patience is one of the highest tests.

Heart (1932) - 277:
277. One can think with the brain or with the heart. Time was, perhaps, when people forgot about the work of the heart, but now is the era of the heart, and we must concentrate our strivings in this direction. Thus, without relieving the brain of work, we are ready to recognize the heart as a moving power. People have contrived a myriad of limitations for the heart. The works of the heart are understood narrowly and often impurely. We must bring the entire world into the sphere of the heart, because the heart is the microcosm of existence. He who is not inspired by the great concept of the heart, will minimize his own significance. We give Our decree against irritation, but only greatness of heart will preserve one from the poison of irritation. We speak of containment, but where is the ocean of containment outside of the heart? We recall the far-off worlds, but it is the heart, not the brain, that can remember Infinity. Thus, let us not disparage that which is bestowed upon us as the receptacle of Bliss.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 153:
153. We shall return later to the question of birth, so bound up with the Fiery World. But now I shall reply to the question about light in the Subtle World. Indeed, the transcendental nature of the condition communicates a corresponding aspect to the whole world-content. When you visited Dokyood, you saw sufficient light. But certain regions of the Subtle World are striking because of their twilight. The Light is within ourselves and we open up the way to it. So, too, the inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. The inhabitants to whom the need of Light is alien dwell in twilight. This refers to unlimited thought-creativeness. That sun which we on Earth perceive under one aspect, can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creativeness. He who desires Light gives access to it, but he who sinks into a twilight of thought receives that to which he has limited himself. This is why we repeat so often about clarity of consciousness, about boundlessness of thought, and about containment. Such an adaptation of the organism to the future produces the most desirable results. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look about themselves in the Fiery Mist and dimly regret something that has been lost!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 602:
602. Ahamkara is the high state of the fiery seed when it can already affirm itself without egoism. Thus the Fiery Gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved. Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light. But on this long journey what happens to the enemies who wrought such torment through their discordances? When darkness takes over its own possessions, the remaining ones who are able to ascend are divided according to rays. Thus discord disappears and the feeling of enmity dissolves by itself. The spirits gather and rise to the abode of containment like waves of harmonious light. Thus is settled the question, most incomprehensible to man, about the unity of the seeds of Light in ascent to the Higher World. Enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, disintegrates by itself in the etheric, purified rays. Not only in the higher but already in the middle spheres of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity withers because of its uselessness. One must understand these laws of the distribution of the rays. The realization of these laws alone will mitigate the malice of enmity even here. Also let us not forget that enmity throws the organism out of balance, leaving it a prey to various sicknesses and obsessions. Therefore I advise you to consider enmity from the viewpoint of prophylaxis. Why should one be sick, infect others, and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves the invulnerability of the organism?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 107:
107. The Seventh Light is the most containing; therefore each earthly containment will already be a path thither, where each spirit is alight with radiance. The destruction of containment and rapture imposes the chief obstacle to rapid advancement. One must learn about the existence of the Hierarchy of Worlds which is infinite. Let children at least receive an allusion to the beauty of Infinity. At first will be uttered the word, but later will be born the concept. The manifestation of the Fiery World brings a beautiful rapture.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 140:
140. It is necessary not only to recognize that there is no void, but also to understand the surrounding life. The understanding of life as intertwined and mutually nourishing brings realization of the omnipresence of psychic energy. On the very smallest examples, in incomplete micro-organisms, one may study that which is strikingly all-saturating. Varied currents, rays, and chemisms pass through masses of beings, but psychic energy not only does not retard them, but transmits them farther. When we speak of the most pure air, even about the purest Prana, we nevertheless presuppose all-containment, and in this containment various tensions. Picturing such physical saturation will aid the realization of Higher Worlds. Actually, everything is alive, and everything manifests the same energy. In this primitive position rests also the possibility of transmutation of everything existing. Death becomes a transposition and life becomes unavoidable cooperation. The very approach to the Fiery World is application of conformable qualities. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition, and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because, by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the Higher Worlds will come along. Calling to the Fiery World, we must have recourse to comparison with micro-organisms, and thus impel people to think about a saturation with the uninterrupted life. Indeed it is easier to think with the heart, above all micro-organisms. It is necessary to summon to such a solution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 198:
198. The Fiery World requires, first of all, the discrimination between small truths and Great Truth. Nothing else turns people aside from the paths to the extent that a little truth does. They snatch out small fragments, not thinking about that which precedes and follows. Such fragments are no better than any lie, but the significance of the Fiery World rests upon the greatness of Truth. One must prepare for it by all measures; it is impossible to suppose that the understanding of the magnitude of Truth comes of itself. The consciousness must be prepared for a containment of such dimensions. This is not at all easy. One may see how erroneously the simplest words are understood. It is even difficult to imagine to what an extent the meaning of the most ordinary word can be distorted. But one should pass through the testing of so many diverse concepts. Only the acceptance of higher dimensions will evoke the Higher Call - Raj, Raj, Raj! The three-fold containment can lead to the higher spheres. Raj does not know revenge and censure. Raj is magnanimous, because directed into the future. Raj wishes for good, for it is creative love. Such a measure guards against the small truth, which comes close to the evil, and to doubt and condemnation. Thus, when you wish to temper the spirit, you can repeat the ancient Mantram - Raj, Raj, Raj!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 374:
374. One may accomplish not a few good actions and then cover them up with blasphemy. This blasphemy is called the fire-extinguisher; it begets a dark flame and consumes the luminous aura. Repeat to friends that the boundary line between disparagement and blasphemy is a very fine line. Disparagement of one's neighbor must be eradicated from daily life; this error surely opens the way to the blasphemy of the Highest. He who understands containment will also understand the cosmic harm of disparagement.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 418:
418. Achievement and testing have a deep scientific significance. The fiery element requires pressure; it scintillates during tension, and therefore labor is a fiery action. Indeed, achievement, as the crown of labor, is the most radiant tension of fire. Let us apprehend labor in all its significance, as both mental and physical. Knowing how to respect the degree of each labor indicates a containment which is suitable for the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 95:
95. The law of Cosmos is adamant, but at the same time we see apparent fluctuations of it. If we take karma, affirmation of karma too can be changed, just as the span between returns to carnate life may vary in different cases - from an instant to millennia. Those who do not know will be perplexed as to how such steadfastness can be at the same time so variable. Such ignorance will merely prove the lack of understanding of containment.

AUM (1936) - 327:
327. If, after perusal of all books about the Good, a man does not learn patience, containment and co-measurement, he is no man. From such hard hearts no gratitude resounds. I often reiterate in different symbols about the quality of gratitude. It is imperative to understand the quality of gratitude - it is the adamant of Existence.

AUM (1936) - 479:
Containment must be stretched so greatly as to sense the Cosmic Breathing both below and above.

AUM (1936) - 488:
488. Endeavor by all means to extend good will and containment. Not one affirmation of science may be found which you cannot accept; in such a manner the advantage will be on your side. You will have no grounds for irritation, because you admit any scientific consideration whatever. Sometimes you will regret a form of expression, but the essence will find a place in your consciousness. Such admittance will create a distinct advantage.

AUM (1936) - 490:
490. In everything there is movement, just so does Guidance vibrate. The higher qualities of Guidance are responsiveness, keen-sightedness, and containment. Poor is the Guide who is fixed upon one command! Higher Guidance is both invisible and inaudible, it is a special science to give not less nor more, taking into consideration the planetary conditions.

AUM (1936) - 500:
500. It is necessary to show by historical examples to what an extent this containment and coordination have been signs of breadth and clarity of mind. Soon the machine will enable people to be at leisure a considerable portion of the day. One must ask oneself upon what this free time will be expended.

AUM (1936) - 558:
558. People know about the electric eel, but the same discharges in a man seem to them something phenomenal, so extremely difficult is it for the consciousness to absorb the fact that man contains within himself absolutely everything. Such qualities in man ought to stimulate especial cautiousness in him, but this universal containment in man has not been recognized. The words Macrocosm and microcosm are repeated senselessly, without any inner realization.

Brotherhood (1937) - 213:
213. From wherever good may come, let it not be rejected. The step of evolution must incorporate containment. And the good, too, must not be one combined with selfishness. Such a lower degree of good must be replaced by a higher. There is so much joy in one's feeling when one can be exhilarated at the good of one's neighbor. But there is so much darkness in a personal appropriation of the General Good. Let the cruel ponder about what has been said.

Brotherhood (1937) - 231:
The time will come when clairvoyance, scientifically treated, will help to piece together the fragments of shattered vessels of ancient knowledge. Let the ability to decipher patiently the effaced signs be the distinction of a true scholar. He will apprehend too the meaning of containment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65:
65. Urusvati has more than once taken upon herself another's pain. This action becomes part of the Great Service. At first it is difficult, but later such containment and self-sacrifice become second nature. Physicians should observe and study not only the transference of sensitivity, but also the transference of entire illnesses, whose symptoms can be made quite complex by simultaneous aggravation from different sources. Also, the acceptance of the pain of others can be broadened by a person's predisposition. At first, transference of the pain is limited to near ones, but then the self-sacrifice is extended to others over vast distances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
We could make available to chemists the opportunity to invent a neutralizing gas, but using it would be very difficult. Even if it were possible to protect a limited region, the degree of containment and neutralization of the destructive gas could not be determined. Humanity creates new dangers and pays for them with new diseases. Humanity bears the responsibility for its own health on Earth, but it is unforgivable when the subtle spheres are harmed.


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