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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONSULT (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 281:
281. I teach you to consult your own destiny. You must comprehend the dates revealed to you. Through that understanding will be unveiled the structure of Cosmos. When the will is harmonized with the revealed dates, there can be no destruction. The Guiding Hand hovers over your spirit, And like a pilot steers it through waves and seasons and elements. Therefore must Our disciples be able to hearken to the breath of life of every day. Not your signs are the twilight of ignorance or the grimace of discontent - Leave these to the dark ones.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
We travel on far-off worlds where We gather many lessons in fearlessness. The alien conditions of the planets' unusual atmospheres can affect the heart of the visitor. Our Sister Urusvati knows the sensations of these distant flights. She knows the particularly difficult feeling upon the return of the subtle body. There are always complications and much courage is needed during these experiences. One should consult Our records of these distant flights to recognize the degree of daring they require.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236:
236. Urusvati knows that astrology is used in medicine and by some government leaders who consult the astrological signs. One might think that these practices would strengthen the importance of astrology as a science, but in reality this is not so. These statesmen do not admit that they consult horoscopes, nor do the physicians and judges reveal how they arrive at some of their conclusions. They obtain the information secretly, and outwardly ridicule it. Thus, astrology is tainted by people's ugly approach to it, and a hypocritical approach to this science is reinforced. How much wiser it would be to accept this ancient science and affirm it, just as one accepts the newest scientific discoveries!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236:
So much could be achieved if our eyes were not blinded by prejudice. Who would then deny that astrology is a science, and that there is a correlation between the planets? Even primitive man in the remote past could sense these special atmospheric influences. Science seems to confirm this chemical interdependence, but scientists fear being suspected of sorcery. Certainly, there are plenty of charlatans who endanger the reputation of astrology, but there are frauds in all sciences, yet no one rejects science as a whole because of this. One must speak plainly in order to remove prejudice from human consciousness. Many physicians, statesmen, and judges secretly consult astrologers. Let them find the courage to acknowledge it openly, at least as an experiment. This will introduce the subject to the general public. People long for knowledge, but they must be encouraged and helped in their approach to it.


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