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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONSERVATION (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
Let us look at things more veraciously - everything irreplaceable will be in the prime places of conservation.

New Era Community (1926) - 120:
120. We are ready to support each inventor, for even the smallest inventor is trying to introduce an improvement into life and is anxious to bring about economy of energy. The Teacher recognizes guaranty of and care about the conservation of energy. This persistent economy warrants trust in the disciple. Indeed this economy is far from stinginess. The general who is careful in guarding his select troops is acting advisedly. Each possibility becomes our warrior, but one should understand things in the larger aspect.

New Era Community (1926) - 245:
245. Adaptability is the best means for conservation of forces. Often it is asked how to develop this quality. The development of adaptability actually takes place in the current of life. To all is known the sensation of the boundaries of spheres. When you go out of a playhouse into a gray street, it seems to you that you have fallen into a lower sphere. When after solemn festivities you turn to ordinary toil, you become struck with the sad everydayness. When out of the dismal cold you enter a beautiful building, it appears to be the crown of perfection. A sluggish adaptability produces a series of false concepts. This falseness makes you timid and awkward. People cringe before the mirage of an effect. They constrict their own concepts before something unexpected, whereas everything must take place in an opposite manner. Sternly accustom yourselves to the reception of contrasting sensations, to the grasping of unexpectedness. All is expected, because all is realized.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 190:
190. Danger is a concentration of the vibrations of tension. A great number of perils surround people, but only a few of them are noticed. When the Leader says, "live in danger," he might well say instead, "observe the dangers and thus succeed." One cannot live outside of dangers, but it is beautiful to make out of dangers a carpet of achievement. The Leader knows that he bears a mission, and dangers are only propelling forces; therefore the Leader does not even think about dangers. The very thought of peril is harmful. Thinking about dangers, we strengthen their vibrations, and thus disturb our equilibrium. Conservation of forces must not be disrupted by fear and confusion. We are watchful and careful for the best execution of the commission. But dangers cannot overburden our attention. The Teacher should, first of all, insist upon the disciple's liberation from the phantom of perils. The disciple should always remember not to expend a drop of the higher energy uselessly. Thought of danger agitates many of our centers and in disorderly fashion consumes the precious energy. Thought of danger reflects even upon the pulse; but the heart is strengthened by the desire to carry out well the mission. Thus, let us act in the most efficient manner.

Brotherhood (1937) - 92:
92. Detested labor is not only a misery for the unsuccessful worker but it poisons the whole surrounding atmosphere. The discontent of the worker does not permit him to find joy and to improve the quality. Moreover, imperil born of irritation redoubles gloomy thoughts, with effects fatal to creativeness. But the definite question may arise as to what is to be done if not everyone can find work corresponding to his vocation. Undoubtedly, many people cannot apply themselves in the way they would like. There exists a remedy for lifting such a blight. Scientific attainments show that above the everyday routine there is a beautiful domain accessible to all - the realization of psychic energy. In experiments with it one may be convinced that farmers often possess a goodly store of the energy. Likewise, many other fields of labor aid the conservation of energy. Therefore, amid the most diverse labors one may find uplifting strength.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 243:
243. Urusvati knows that We advocate the conservation of vital energy, yet We also advocate maximum tension even to the point of self-sacrifice. This sounds contradictory, but in Our concept of truth both ideas should be harmonized. It is necessary to conserve strength, otherwise you can harm not only yourself but also your higher Guides. But vital energy must be available for use in moments of extreme emergency.


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