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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONQUERORS (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 155:
155. From east and from west will come My warriors, And among the conquerors I shall recognize those chosen by Me. And you will know those designated by Me. Even the grass in its growth fulfills the Will of God. Higher than the wheat is the human spirit, and in Our Teaching its work accomplishes even more than do benevolent thoughts.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.8:
2.5.8. Know how to meet the waves of life in beauty. It is not the receiving of sweet pastry but the forging of a sword; not sugared fingers but the strong hand of a warrior of spirit. To encounter the enemy without acknowledging him as such, and to reach the Gates without looking back - is Our way! We know the gait of the destined conquerors. Chiefly, do not jump along the way. The main thing is that We should rejoice at the steadiness of your pace. It is more fitting for the ray to illumine the walking ones than to leap after the jumping ones. People have been able to do much, but seldom did they know how to end in beauty. At dawn, at eventide, in advance and retreat, flying or diving, think about Us, the Watching Ones. The beautiful will also be the worthy. Must one open the pages of history to show giants at a loss how to step over a stream. Easiness was then obscured by unsightliness, and the mind faltered, losing appreciation of beauty. But the manifestation of complicated problems means to the mathematician only joy. And there remains the power of silence, which has already been spoken about.

New Era Community (1926) - 186:
186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers. Rays, gases, and aerial outposts will be the best external measures, but the most effective resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning "Beware, ignorant one!" Now is the time to whisper to all those who are united in community, "Be conscious of your psychic commands." There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness, in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy, "I will receive into My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one." In these words is Our entire Advice.

New Era Community (1926) - 218:
There will be found conquerors of the beast, but seek them without old formulas. If your surroundings turn you to worn-out thinking, then it were better for you to burn up this milieu than to become its servants.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 407:
407. Do not give in to thoughts of sorrow. Such thoughts are like rust on a conqueror's sword. There can be no sorrow near the fiery crucible of life. If you read the Puranas in their dead letter, even this book of great wisdom will seem like a cemetery to you. But where there is fire there can be no sorrow.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 232:
232. Even the best friends test each other with some ingenious move at chess or through a dangerous hunt. Even in a besieged fortress the army carries on maneuvers in order that the hands of its members may not grow stiff. And those defeated are not offended, nor do the conquerors boast, since it is only an exercise in resourcefulness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 88:
There is a difference between the karma of aggression and that of defense. It can be shown how aggressors suffer the most grievous consequences and how terrible their condition is in the Subtle World. People delude themselves by thinking that great conquerors do not reap bad karma during their earthly lives. But karma has its own timely approach, and does not show itself immediately. Life is continuous, and the wise ones understand their lives as a single necklace.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 283:
The Thinker indicated a certain nation that will conquer the North and said, "Observe the seven signs in the sky; they point to the country of the conquerors."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
322. Urusvati knows that the concepts that We speak about must be fully understood. When We speak of slavery, We mean all forms of this infamy. It is not only the gross buying and selling of people, which, as We have often observed, was condemned by even the most fanatical conquerors, it is also the subtle humiliations inflicted on man that should be particularly noted.


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