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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONJURER (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 257:
257. Each ejection of sorcery is a good deed. The more so since the danger from such action is great. One must have not only courage but also readiness of spirit, in order to understand how to proceed in each case. First of all, one must destroy the magic circle. But such contact requires a still more fiery tension than was employed by the conjurer. The discernment of the conformity of forces is achieved by straight-knowledge. It is impossible to touch the strongest flame without being burned; but when fiery energy gains the ascendancy there will be no terrible effects.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 572:
572. Not from poison did the scientist die, but from conjuration. Thoughts attached to a definite object live for a long time. One can learn how in antiquity thoughts were stratified on an object by particular conjurations continued over a long period of time. The object did not leave the hands of the conjurer, who himself placed it in a secret place. Very remarkable is the experiment of conjuration for lengthy periods.


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