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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONJECTURE (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 98:
It is impossible for a poisoned consciousness to distinguish the moments of freedom and of bondage. The man who is lost in conjecture as to where is slavery and where freedom is unable to think about the community. The man who opposes the consciousness of his brother cannot think about the community. The man who distorts the Teaching cannot think about the community. The basis of the community lies in freedom of thinking and in reverence for the Teacher. To accept the Teacher means to fall in line with the workers fighting the fire. If everyone rushes to the fire from the wellspring without any order, the wellspring will be trampled without benefit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 337:
337. Consciousness is the measure. Beauty leaves no room for ugliness. A lie cannot be concealed. Conjecture is the cookstove of lies. The growth of values is life. Consciousness is the judge of motive. Karma provides the means, but often they are in repayment of old karmic debts. There are so many aspects to life, and only consciousness can be the judge. Therefore, develop consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 186:
186. The contact with the Fiery World bestows advantages not only for future lives but also for the present. Not in vain is it said that a fiery wish will be fulfilled. Let us not regard this as a hidden, illusory conjecture, let us accept it as a reality. Fiery thinking so crystallizes corresponding spheres that thought in itself will already be an affirmation. Indeed, let us not calculate according to earthly dates, for the spatial fires are timeless. Let us not divide life, for life is eternal. But the fiery wish will be fulfilled. Thus, many images indicated in advance had already been formed in unalterable storehouses. Let us look upon these fiery desires in full consciousness, and let us not be superficial when we are concerned with the essence of Existence.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 280:
280. The physician must also be warned to be cautious with the obsessed. When approaching the obsessed, one should remember not to hold even the conjecture of obsession too definitely in mind. One must not forget that an obsessor is highly sensitive to thoughts, once he suspects that his presence is discovered. He can express his malice in many ways. By destroying an obsession one can make many enemies, therefore one should conduct one's observations without personally disclosing the fact.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 412:
412. One should not guess at one's place in the Fiery Hierarchy. We are all hard workers in the Sphere of Light. Earthly measures cannot express the dimensions along the path to the Fiery World. Each one has a fiery particle, but how and where it is transfigured is not a matter for earthly conjecture. Yet we distinctly sense when something accomplished by us is worthy of the Fiery World. Thus each one must be in tune with this sacred feeling. In this he will be a true co-worker.


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