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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONFLUENCES (2)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 137:
137. The force determining karma is determined by the same Cosmic Magnet. The acquired combination of differently compounded forces is what we define as destiny. Men have difficulty in understanding that confluences of cosmic combinations are induced precisely by man himself. Everything borne by a man reflects all the idiosyncrasies of his lives. Very often the power of the Cosmic Magnet strains all currents in order to assemble that definite compound assigned to the man for his creativeness. So great is the power of creativeness that the coalescence of currents and energies may produce a formula of inexhaustible energy. Of course, the essence of cosmic magnetism should be consciously adopted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 465:
At each step are encountered misunderstanding and malevolence. One has to have special cultivation of the will in order to accept these obstacles as unavoidable. But even though a man shall find in himself sufficient firmness to overcome such difficulties, still, so many most fortunate confluences of energies will be lost.


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