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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONFINE (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 427:
427. Despair is the death of faith. But faith is knowledge. Therefore despair is the death of knowledge, the death of all accumulation. Despair is always connected with a feeling of issuelessness. The usual method of the dark ones is to confine their victim in a circle without issue and then urge him to crime. Indeed, where can the victim turn if he is not aware of the path upward? For those who know the Bliss of Hierarchy there can be no such thing as issuelessness and despair. Thus, one can trace to what an extent the Teaching has in mind an essential, direct benefit, which can be given to everyone who knows how to look upward.

Heart (1932) - 322:
322. It is necessary to affirm constantly the diversity of refined manifestations, otherwise people again will hasten to confine them to rudimentary limits, not attempting to sharpen their attention toward this method of individual concentration. It is necessary again to turn to certain fires of the heart, which to some appear as purple, but to others as violet or lilac, depending much upon the condition of the aura, and also on the physical health. But these differences do not change the substance of the fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 343:
343. Societies for psychic research could be of importance, but they confine themselves to the lower strata. They are satisfied with necromancy, although they could regenerate the spiritual aspects of life. We do not condemn these societies, for they had to begin with the lowly and insignificant, but after half a century there should be evidence of some striving toward the higher worlds. However, this is scarcely apparent.

Brotherhood (1937) - 536:
536. It is inadmissible to imitate the dark inquisitors who strove to confine the Universe in a prison of immobility.


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