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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONCORDANT (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.7:
2.5.7. When in perplexity, sit together in silence and think one thought. Soon you will understand to what an extent such silent counsel is practical. We precipitate the force of the spirit along one channel. An unusual discharge results, reinforced by magnetism and harmonized by rhythm. The law is that two concordant thoughts increase the power seven times. This is not magic but a practical consideration.

New Era Community (1926) - 22:
22. One may reach Us only in harmonious agreement. We need not deification but a certain quality of spirit, as a lamp of concordant tension. A flickering lamp is unbearable for prolonged work. The same laws apply in everything, and according to the law of justice a flickering lamp injures itself. I counsel My lamps not to blink. The dynamo is not damaged because of the quality of the lamps, but uncoordinated voltage often results in a grievous-zing! And the basic metal must be provided anew. The laws are identical in everything.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 141:
141. Cosmic creation collects those aggregates which can be confirmed as a potential of the highest essence. The essence of the higher force is evinced by every intense spiral movement and in each expressed and concordant combination. The Cosmic Magnet can assemble the properties of the elements which belong to one nature-element. The Magnet cooperates fully with the elements, manifesting exactitude in the collecting of energies. When you see formations of life which do not manifest beauty, know them to be manifestations of opposition to the Cosmic Magnet. Correspondence between form and striving is ordained by Cosmos; hence, it can be said that the approaching time and the pull of the Magnet will bring forth new forms.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 376:
376. Also, let us make an end to the confused conception of a group soul. The spirit of concordance is expressed with especial force in animals before individuality has been actualized. But it is incorrect to call the concordant soul a group soul. Translations and commentaries have produced this confusion. Plato's conception of twin souls not only was closer to the truth but was expressed beautifully. Thus, let us not use this erroneous term group soul ; let us replace it with the term spiritual concordance . Also among men such concordance is a valuable achievement; it builds individuality. Let us not complicate what can be readily understood. Before a long journey it is necessary to provide oneself with only the most essential. It would be unfortunate to load oneself with elaborate laces and forget the key to the gates of our Father's house. Our Father is not in need of laces and furbelows. Remember the simplest paths of the Light of Agni. Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 4:
It is quite just to call the music of the spheres the Song of Fire. Are not the fiery vibrations concordant? And is not this resounding nurtured with radiations? Thus when we call Agni "the Keeper of the Gates" and understand the unutterable link, then we too resound. One may resound also here, if only for a moment, then all earthly habits become obsolete. Thus one must affirm in the heart all sparks of the Fiery World. May the earthly habits be replaced by the Fiery Truth.

AUM (1936) - 377:
In antiquity people already knew about the power of united force. Sometimes single observations were united in general investigations; and thus an entire chain was formed, and each observer placed his hand on the shoulder of the one in front of him. It was possible to see unusual oscillations of energy; intensified force resulted from the concordant striving. Thus, when I speak about unity, I have in mind a real force.

AUM (1936) - 381:
381. Observations should be carried out not only on concordant factors but also upon disjunctive manifestations. Many-sided experimentation is valuable. It is impossible to predetermine at the beginning of an investigation precisely what ingredients will be required for augmenting the effect.

AUM (1936) - 562:
562. Vibrational electric massage is useful if the vibrations are concordant. It is unwise to surround a patient with vibrations alien to him. One should first of all study his psychic energy, its quality and tension. Massage is based on rhythm, but rhythm is highly individual. It is possible to rub in completely unsuitable irritations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 315:
In olden times prolonged testings were designated in order to assemble a nucleus of the spiritually concordant. However, length of time alone does not solve the problem of selection. An evil seed can remain concealed for years and years. The feeling of the heart can whisper the better intimations. Too lightly do people handle a higher concept, and only a few know how to guard it with full love. Such cherishing is not in gesticulations and obeisances, but in indissoluble heart devotion. For some the bond will be fetters and chains, but for others it is a ladder of ascent.


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