Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 551: 551. In biographies it is highly instructive to trace the intervening circumstances which help to conclusively define a life task . It may be noted that many apparently accidental factors helped along in the predestined direction. As a matter of fact, not accident but many profound causes contributed to such achievement. In this can be seen the participation of the Subtle World. When the spirit chooses a definite task, it adapts itself to many assisting influences. Often there remain in the Subtle World allies and co-workers who control the contributory circumstances. Thus one can observe many scarcely perceptible impulses that lead to definite aims. One can only esteem such fireflies along with wayside guideposts! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 369: 369. "We do not die, but change" - can one speak any more clearly about eternal life? "The wise man proceeds to Me by the Higher Path" - thus conclusively has been ordained the living path. Unjust is the observation that in the Covenants there is no mention of anything about the life of the Fiery World. There are many clear indications, but people evade them. Can it be possible that the element of Fire, continuously alive, can conform to the concept of death, of deadliness? Thus is it useful to meditate on the pathways to the Fiery World.