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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONCEALS (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11:
2.8.11. I have already told you that the Mother of the World conceals Her Name. I have already shown you how the Mother of the World veils Her Face. I have already made mention about the Mother of Buddha and Christ.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
Poor is the leader who conceals real danger. It can be conquered only with the help of complete knowledge.

New Era Community (1926) - 166:
166. The true fire-blossom is actual selflessness; however, it must not only be evident in actions but must live in the consciousness. Behavior, like wandering shadows, is an inaccurate reflection, and the vortex of shifting conventions conceals the meaning of action. Is it possible to judge conduct without knowing cause and effect? Then a savior will appear to be an offender, and a giver will seem a miser. But it is not easy to establish in the consciousness selflessness - individuality is unavoidable. And the blending in of selflessness can take place only with a clear realization of the future. Selflessness is not built on past experience; only a true perception of the future can mold an inner judgment about the boundaries of the possible. Whoever thinks in the stillness of the night that the past has taught him the value of selflessness is a prisoner.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 139:
139. Only in spheres where a shadow veils the vision can the spirit seek the Light. Only where the shadow stands behind its back can the spirit display its strength. Only where the shadow conceals the far-off world can the spirit reveal its power to discrimination. Therefore, the growth of the spirit is quickened through obstacles. Hence, Agni Yoga is given as the loftiest and most direct path. The knowledge of transmutation will reveal all possibilities. Therefore, when the fiery experiment is confirmed for humanity its offering will be unlimited.

Heart (1932) - 589:
589. Many times have I warned against fear and treason; this must be remembered from an evolutionary point of view. All the substances of fear are contrary to fire. He who conceals within himself the embryo of fear must not approach Fire! All fruits of fear will be reduced to ashes by fire, hence striving to fiery energy signifies the renunciation of all fear. One must take as an example those valiant hearts who not only do not flee from the fiery dragons but approach them fearlessly. Let us remember the vision of September 13th; it signifies in the most vivid way the impetuousness of the approaching fiery elements and proves how the courageous ones will welcome them. Every vision will have significance.

AUM (1936) - 10:
10. Unwillingness to think conceals the entrance into the future. Meanwhile let us picture to ourselves the difference of consciousness in each century. The difference in qualities of consciousness is amazing. Often the degree of ignorance will be almost identical, but its qualities will be different. These fluctuations must be noted in the history of culture, and a most remarkably steep spiral will become evident. Let us observe how these circles of the spiral have almost touched each other at times, and then receded in order to return upward. Therefore one may be an optimist.

AUM (1936) - 149:
149. Secrecy is also cautiousness and goal-fitness. One should plant flowers in appropriate soil. One should know when and to whom to intrust the seeds; thus does the concept of the Guru grow. In the simplest and most needed manner, the Guru tells what is especially necessary. If he guards the secret, it means that this is temporarily imperative. There can be no suspicion that the Guru conceals harmfully. One must accept the Guru as Guide; in such a manner the concept of the secret is transformed.

AUM (1936) - 570:
570. The most significant dates may pass unsuspected. The 16th of September may have been sensed by only a few. It is thus when fire is already raging beyond the wall, and the people gather at the theater without realizing that the curtain conceals devastation. The date may be foretold by cosmic conditions, but people pay no attention to the inculcated signs. Similarly, an experienced physician wisely calculates the progression of an illness; but the indicated date arrives and the patient meets the day laughing at the physician; yet how many times has the reply come, "The evening has not yet arrived!

Brotherhood (1937) - 409:
409. Tolerance is one of the conditions of observation. True observation is the basis of cognition. An intolerant man cannot form a just picture of things. He deprives himself of observation and loses perspicacity. What kind of cognition can be born from egoism which rejects reality? There are many examples of great truths having been subjected to distortion, because of intolerance. It may be said that intolerance is ignorance, but this definition will be too mild. Intolerance is evil; there can be no good intolerance. It invariably contains falsehood, because it conceals the truth. Only those who definitely lack intelligence can light-mindedly fail to consider intolerance as something unworthy.


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