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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMPLICATING (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 390:
Ask yourselves in the morning, beginning your day, What you can add to the entrusted work that My Name should permeate all your deeds, And should enter not as obstacle but as affirmation; Not averting, nor complicating, but as a part of your decisive thoughts.

Brotherhood (1937) - 143:
143. Tatters are complicating the fundamentals of Be-ness. It is necessary to find the link between the earthly world and the Subtle World. Not on paper but in the heart is it necessary to know just what the people need. Worries and torments denote many mistakes. They arise from the fact that someone had in mind only one group, but not the people as a whole. Salutary counsels are needed for the people.


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