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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMPARISONS (25)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.3:
When will scholars find time to investigate prophecies scientifically and to make historical comparisons?

New Era Community (1926) - 81:
81. It is wise to draw a line between past and future. It is impossible to calculate all that has been done - it is incommensurable. It is better to say "Yesterday is past; let us learn how to meet a new dawn." We all grow, and our works are expanding with us. After twenty-seven years no one is a youth, and we all can then understand the achievement of Service. It is unworthy to rummage in yesterday's dust. Henceforth let us establish a new step. Let us begin to labor, surrounding ourselves with a thousand eyes. Let us acquire purity of thought and co-measurement of actions. Thus let us fill our days; let us become used to mobility and decisiveness. Likewise, let us not forget that there is nothing on Earth higher than the given Plan for the Common Good. Let us manifest understanding of the Teachings of life. As Moses brought forth human dignity, as Buddha impelled toward the broadening of consciousness, as Christ taught the good of giving, so now the New World is directed toward the far-off worlds! Ponder, what comparisons surround us! Ponder about the cornerstone. Reflect about the given path. Ponder how the boundaries of the Cosmos touched you. Recall the steps of wondrous tensions not in a book but in life. Reflect that so much has not been taken up and absorbed and yet you stand in your place. Therefore, be not disheartened by mistakes, but ascend by the Hierarchy of the Teaching.

New Era Community (1926) - 217:
217. There are two kinds of skepticism one benevolent, as in him who seeks confirmation; the other faint-hearted, as in a proprietor resisting innovations. The manifestation of the second is customary in circles of poor education. Never begin a dispute with people of this kind. Propose to them to read and to add to their education. The first kind of skeptics represent for Us an agreeable manifestation, for out of their ranks are obtained useful co-workers. Indeed, they are usually far more cultured and their former experiences are richer. Thus, they can more easily compare data of different domains of knowledge. In fact, they are already prepared for acceptance of the community, and for them comparisons will be only a removal of temporary cataract.

New Era Community (1926) - 252:
252. The poisonous breath of possession can be destroyed only by a clearly conceived school program. Literature against possession does not exist. Only a few have conquered the dragon of trash. But many dream about personal acquisitions. How veracious must historical comparisons be! How strictly must be collected biological details, in order to demonstrate the illegality and the futility of possession. The laws of the properties of matter testify that possession does not conform to the nature of man.

Heart (1932) - 193:
193. Similarly incommensurable are the usual comparisons of the earthly and subtle worlds when people speak of dates, suggesting that the Subtle World formulate its prevision in earthly terms. But earthly measures do not exist in the higher worlds. Of course, there exist cosmic dates which are astrologically established, but the future of the Subtle World cannot be expressed in earthly measures; and it is the same in all other comparisons. Therefore, the rapprochement of the worlds demands subtlety and flexibility of consciousness. Precisely, in the book Heart people must be reminded about the Subtle World. The laws of the Subtle World will be absorbed first of all by the heart.

Heart (1932) - 194:
194. Antennas can be adjusted for various waves, but their character is not disturbed because of that. Likewise hearts can catch various currents, yet their essence will be one. This can be observed especially about presentiments. Comparisons can disclose a remarkable scale of human hearts. It can be observed how one event may evoke unfailing effects, but how diverse they will be as to time and quality! One event can provide an entire volume of observations. One heart will grasp the cliche of the Subtle World, another will demand a physical current, and a third will respond only after the event itself. It is one thing to evaluate an event according to its merit, another to exaggerate it, and it is something else to unconsciously reflect it the rhythm of the pulse. No doubt the response of the heart is much more vital than one thinks. Presentiment is not superstition or imagination, but a physical fact. By a slight observation one can foretell an event, for the background of the event is not important; it is its potentiality that counts. Thus, the heart reverberates according to the most varied waves. Is it not instructive to ponder upon these manifestations?

Heart (1932) - 380:
380. True, the battle of the past is not to be compared with the battle of the morrow. One must not think that Armageddon is a commotion in the kitchen. No. The greatest guns are in action and the most fleet cavalry is involved. If we make comparisons with the past war then we are comparing Europe, as it were, with the entire world. I give this comparison lest anyone think that the present is usual and easy. One should gather all unwaveringness of the heart in order to find oneself in the ranks of Rigden. Thus, one should not forget the days that we are crossing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 500:
500. It is especially difficult to explain to people that in the midst of days of extreme gravity there may be no outstanding events, and that the most propitious astrological dates may even be accompanied by misfortune. People will regard such comparisons as indicating the absurdity of astrological laws. They forget that the harvest is gathered after the sowing. Perhaps the best astrochemical currents can relatively lessen the scope of effects, but each effect has its inexorable cause. Therefore, in the midst of grave days one must exert extreme caution, solemnity, and magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 30:
30. Some people may think - how easy it is for the Lords, when They have passed beyond the boundaries of earthly burdens! But whoever says this does not know the scope of reality. Precisely as it is upon Earth, so also in Heaven. The earthly burdens pass away, but incomparable cosmic cares take their place. Truly, if it is difficult on Earth, then so much more difficult it is in Heaven. Let us not count the moments of Devachan, when illusion may conceal tomorrow's labor. But in action amidst chaos, it cannot be easy. You suffer from darkness and chaos. In all abodes it is as difficult from many aspects of darkness and the same chaos. But, fortunately for you, you only feel the attacks of chaos and do not see its murky movements. Truly, it is difficult for people because of their ignorance and their servility to darkness. But it is more difficult when one sees the movements of the masses of matter being turned into chaos. When the destructive subterranean fire tries prematurely to pierce the earthly crust, or when layers of gases poison the space, the difficulty surpasses all earthly imagination. Not burdens, but only comparisons help now to speak about the difficulties. For ignoramuses think that hymns and harps are the lot of Heavenly Dwellers. Such error must be dispersed. Nowhere are there indications that it is difficult only upon Earth; in comparison it must be said - if here one is annoyed by devils, the Archangel is threatened by Satan himself. Thus one must understand action and the everlasting battle with chaos. One must realize it as the only path and grow to love it as the sign of the Creator's trust.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 143:
143. What is love of good? It must be understood that it not only includes the performance of good deeds, but also the ability to be enraptured by good. The latter condition is usually not assimilated, and remains misunderstood; it must be inculcated and cultivated in people. Only delight in good produces warmth of the heart. The manifestation of love of good reveals a multitude of details of good which are touching in their essence. Many useful comparisons may be overlooked which can refine the heart. Such refining will guard against inflicting of an offense. Each offender has already closed the Fiery Gates; he has made an attempt against human dignity, and thus, first of all, has belittled himself. When I spoke about the Fiery World, then love and good was naturally to be understood as a firm foundation for ascent. And how beautiful it is to be able to distinguish the petals of the Lotus of Good! And We rejoice at each manifestation of such joy. Surely such joy about Good is pure! Thus, let each one who dreams about the Fiery World first of all supply himself with love of good.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 188:
188. The nature of things must be taught among the most primary subjects. It must be beautifully described in all reality; the succession of worlds must be demonstrated with all scientific comparisons. Not only will religion not contradict such exposition of the foundations, but on the contrary religion will assist, through its most ancient allusions. The study of the nature of things will serve as the threshold to understanding of Living Ethics. One must realize why honor, dignity and all other high human qualities are indispensable. From the earliest years children should hear about the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; they must understand the principle of Hierarchy and of Good. The sooner they are reminded about Hierarchy and the other Truths, the more easily will they recall former knowledge. The concept of God in all its grandeur is clarified on the basis of Hierarchy. Only thus can the Highest Concept emerge from abstraction and blend with all Existence.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 432:
432. Written meditations about the Teaching are useful. It may be proposed to co-workers that they accustom themselves to such work. They can select portions of the Teaching near to them, and compare them with other Covenants. In this way there can be observed the imprint of the times upon the very same truths. The task of investigating this evolution will in itself be a much needed labor. We are opposed to condemnation, but the comparison will be, as it were, the polishing of the stone. Through love for the subject one can find new comparisons and beautiful points of contact. Such meditations are as flowers in a meadow.

AUM (1936) - 78:
78. With the utmost reverence, some affirm - "Not That, not That," so as not to admit offensive comparisons. Others altogether forbid pronouncing the word God in order not to belittle the grandeur of the Highest. Thus do people approach Infinity differently. In the depths of their consciousness they feel that it is impossible to express or appraise that which is higher than all possible concepts. A blind man feels the stones of the lower levels, but knows not the height of the tower. Yet man cannot tear himself away from the Ladder of Hierarchy. The traveler will reach the steps of his ascent.

AUM (1936) - 101:
101. All comparisons are applicable in encounters with ignorance. Deniers like to refute, but they will offer no issue or solution. They ridicule the very best communion, but are unable to connect even three letters.

AUM (1936) - 209:
Indeed, through deep study far more applicable names will be found. Even for the loftiest concepts it is possible to find comparisons in physical usage. People do not tightly cover an ailing tooth nor an open wound. They understand the need of admitting air in order not to deprive the affected part of a useful substance; likewise, the spiritual perception must not be deprived of communion with the Higher World. Just as bodily hygiene is indispensable for earthly life, so also is prophylaxis of the spirit needed. Do not be surprised that We apply medical terminology to the spirit; through this the physician may feel that his sphere is close to the Higher World. Let each one find the One Path in his own way, even through it be the way of mechanical terms.

AUM (1936) - 212:
Similar comparisons may be adduced from many domains; yet all of them indicate only that man thinks too little about the higher worlds, and thus deprives himself of the truest solutions.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

AUM (1936) - 349:
349. Experiments with psychic energy inspire joy. Each observation evokes the possibility of the next striving. The number of conjectures and comparisons is countless. By such a path, from everyday routine to the distant worlds, it is possible to make tests of psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 467:
467. It is correct to compare the events of the past, in order to discover their logical connection with the present. Such comparisons may provide a rationale for what is taking place, but one must take the facts in their entirety, because people often isolate a single detail for scrutiny. The scientific method is needed in everything. Only thus is it possible to bring closer the spheres of different tension.

AUM (1936) - 487:
Let the transmission of thought at a distance be compared with the radio. Let us apply to visions the principles of television. Let us recall the newest discoveries, they will help in the question of psychic energy. Let us not be afraid to compare visions with scientific discoveries. Of course, not for the sake of sacrilege or self-conceit can one draw comparisons from all the domains of nature. Let physics confirm the very highest psychic manifestations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 320:
320. The experienced swimmer springs from the heights into the depths of the water. He feels daring and joy at returning to the surface. So, too, the conscious spirit plunges into carnate matter, in order to rise again to the mountain heights. Experience makes such a testing joyful. Among earthly manifestations one needs to find comparisons with the higher worlds. The wayfarer likewise appears as a useful example. Compare the sensations of a wayfarer with proceeding through the Subtle World and you will receive a better analogy. Moreover, call to mind the different kinds of wayfarers and you receive a precise picture of the dwellers of the Subtle World. Some are afraid in general even to think about the way. Some dream about profit; some hasten to the assistance of a near one; some burn with malice; some seek knowledge. One can picture to oneself all the peculiarities of the wayfarers and decide for which of them the path will be easier.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
91. Urusvati knows the ways of striving. Such techniques should be transmuted in the consciousness, for one cannot command them intellectually. Only with the eyes of the heart can one see whether there are still more ways to increase striving. One should rejoice at each act of full striving. Such fullness gives birth to the music of the spheres. An intensified harmony arises when all the strings of the heart resound. Do not take such comparisons as mere symbols; long ago We spoke about the eyes of the heart. Indeed, man sees through them, and hears with the ears of the heart. How could we exist without such senses?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377:
Unfortunately, people often make crude earthly comparisons that only serve to increase their misconceptions about the Subtle World. Examine human history, and you will see how the striving for Truth is impeded by human imaginings. The crude descriptions of the Subtle World do not correspond to its true condition. For example, the fury of the subtle entities is quite different from earthly rage.


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