Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 37: 37. Love Me, for love multiplies your strength. Love is My Shield. My Smile will bring you light. Cherish the manifestations of blissful communion. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 96: 96. Hearken to the Celestial Song, and when on the summits of the mountains pine not for the flowers in the valley. I rejoice in your striving for creation. Miracles are created in life amidst action and in tensed harmony. Dreams are realized not in fairy tales but through happy communion with the Ways of the Blessed Ones. The Teacher is near you at every moment of your creative labor. Learn - and teach. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 147: 147. Half of human life passes in communion with the astral plane, but people do not remember. They search for knowledge but find it not. You are surrounded by knowledge of the past and of the future. Blessed are those who comprehend the knowledge of the future and its ever-changing outlines. By love will you learn the boundaries of the new structure of life. The miracle of perception of the future will come unheralded, without cannon salute. But the bell will summon each wayfarer lost in the forest. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.5.2: 1.5.2. The spirit is perfect only when it is conscious of the Cosmos. And it often happens, but we cannot always affirm ourselves in the realization of communion with the Truth. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.12: Be steadfast not only during the time of Communion with Me, but also when you are left to your own devices, because only then is the resourcefulness of the spirit forged. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.10: You will ask how you should gather. I will tell you to gather in prayer. Better be silent, without the clatter of objects, without the raising of voices, because the wings of spirit grow in quiet. Dedicate in prayer the time of Our Communions, because for the Communion We shall bring the very best. The current of Communion creates a wondrous ladder to the very loftiest manifestations of the Creator - the ladder of Spirit. You can struggle in life, you can discern when is the hour to invoke My Hand. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.3: 2.2.3. The law of the transition into the spirit world is not complex. The one condition may not be likened to the other. As the dust of a volcano, so countless are the spirits who return to the spiritual world. Of course, matter is a condition of spirit. But blood differs so greatly from its equivalent in the spirit, which is nurtured by prana, that the boundaries are broken throughout all Worlds. It is with difficulty that the spirit realizes its release from matter. The spirit attached to Earth clothes itself in the astral body, which creates for him the illusion of Earth here in the hearth of cravings and remorse. But the spirit which speeds out, in upward striving only, can avoid the astral plane, because the astral body is but superfluous rubbish. The less liter the purer the consciousness. On Earth it is difficult to conceive of forsaking matter without despising it, abandoning it for a new formation. But you have the best example in the giving away of any objects. The best donor will devise the best gift. Therefore, the matter which has garbed a lofty spirit affords the greater usefulness because nothing is wasted. Of course, a conscious communion is accessible to lofty spirits if the appeal is sufficiently freed from questions of matter and blood. The spirit, nurtured by prana, does not assimilate blood. "Therefore, one may divide the world on the basis of blood; no other demarcation exists. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.4: One may strive upwards toward light, seeking to render assistance; then there is no parting. If those who remain would consider the departed as having been sent to light and for enlightenment, then the communion would be more sound. The loftier the spirit, the more he beholds - it depends upon the development of the spirit. A lofty spirit feels whither to strive - it flies as an arrow. But a dark one hovers behind the stove. Therefore, precious is the bold desire to seek, because he who seeks finds. If the desires of the spirit are lofty it can discover lofty forms, and in creating them it can contribute to perfectionment. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.6: 2.2.6. A cloud is no miracle; meanness is not achievement; ruination is not cleverness. But the awakened spirit grasps understanding immediately. Therefore the Brotherhood has abnegated the manifestation of miracles. Signs can accompany events only as banners. One should discard miracles as a means of persuasion, because miracles have never convinced. Some speak of a personal communion; but the air is for all, although many do not wish to understand its use - precisely its use. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18: After St. Augustine the church began its plunge into the darkness of the Middle Ages, and Christ was locked behind a barrier of gold. In order to break it, Christ Himself descended even in lesser Images in order to manifest again the grandeur of communion in unity. The wisdom of antiquity understood well the waves of the needs of the world. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.3: We are absolutely averse to monasteries, as they are the antithesis of life. Only the seminars of life, communities of the best manifestation of labor, shall find Our assistance. Indeed, through life one must attain. It is precisely the generally-accepted religiousness that is unnecessary. The facts of conscious Communion with the Abode of Light are needed., Let us say we wish to bring help, so we proceed consciously without magic to the practical Source. In this simplicity is contained the entire current secret, as yet so inaccessible to men who walk up to their waists in prejudice. It is difficult for them to understand simplicity, beauty and fearlessness. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.2: 2.6.2. The chaos of the chips can be understood through beauty. What other measure can be applied to the medley of thought dross? And when you find a heap of goodness, readiness and movability, you can set to work only with the shovel of beauty. A wonderful fire is contained in the communion with people. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11: One may cite many examples when even high Magi left behind them unexpected consequences and a desire to find support in the lower strata of matter. Such perversion could be termed the channel of the intellect, and can arrest for a long time the communion with other worlds. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11: The course of the planets permits the hastening of the communion between the worlds, and the development of the human spirit will proceed along new ways. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.12: 2.9.12. It is best to strive onward; everyone has his own path. It is useful to attune the organism for receptivity to the Teacher's Teaching. Our Ray is working constantly but concentration of the spirit is necessary. It is best to seek the Teacher's Indications in various manifestations of life. It is good to be able to pray. Prayer, or spiritual communion, is the highest manifestation; but for this, mental refinement and spiritual strength are indispensable. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.12: The knowledge of communion is dangerous and can involve the weakening of the organism, like narcotics. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: 3.3.11. Let new countries also realize the power of the aspiration of the pure in heart. Let them understand that hypocrisy of thoughts is an obstacle to the attainment of communion in spirit. New Era Community (1926) - 125: 125. My young friends, again you have been gathered in the name of the Teaching and again you have had an evening with guests. Whereas, it has been said and repeated that the hour of discourse about the Teaching must be devoid of ordinary gossip. Even though this hour may be more infrequent, yet its quality must be upheld. You approach by round - about ways, you surmount the fatigue of the working day, you bear a particle of the common good; but the accumulated objects of the familiar room break up your striving, and imperceptibly you become dusty boarders. Moreover, one of you, observing what is taking place, becomes a self-appointed overseer and sinks into the pettiest irritation. The fabric of the communion is torn and an unworthy mending is begun. We urge you, even if for only an hour, to be consciously responsible people. If an hour a week is difficult for you, then better meet only every fortnight. Learn how to exclude at that time all troublesome beastly habits - smoking, drinking, eating, shallow gossip, dealings in small affairs, censure, anger. Upon being assembled, remain seated several minutes in silence. If then one of you will not find the strength to enlighten his consciousness, let him silently go back into cold and darkness. We are enemies of all compulsive magic, but a natural control of consciousness must become the prerequisite of real construction. Surely for one hour one can dismiss personal ventures. If this be difficult, how then can you think about progress and growth of consciousness? An ox knows about chewing its cud but does not advance farther than digestion. Make an effort to give your discourses beauty, simplicity and purity. New Era Community (1926) - 134: Let us look at communion and striving. During communion it is necessary to maintain the realization of one's need. Do not ask any advices; let them be given. Let not your striving turn into a chase; otherwise idlers and guards will rush after you. Thus realize the burden of missions. New Era Community (1926) - 267: 267. Two sailors were shipwrecked and cast away on a desert island. Both nearly perished from hunger and terror, for they considered themselves forever cut off from the world. A ship picked them up. And later there was erected on the island a strong light-house. These same two sailors remained at the light-house, to save the other perishing ones. Now their frame of mind was altered. They were happy, directing the light of rescue and no longer feeling themselves cut off from the world. This means that realization of communion with the world and of usefulness to others completely transforms people. Work in common is a pledge of success. Agni Yoga (1929) - 139: The human word is ineffectual in expressing the nature of Brahmavidya. One may partially penetrate it with the spiritual sight by facing the outburst of rays with closed eyes. The growth of the fire of Brahmavidya will later permit perception with open eyes of those components of the rays that are imperceptible to any physical apparatus. This possibility is already akin to the domain of communion with the far-off worlds. It flashes up as unexpectedly as each illumination of consciousness. It does not respond to forced development, but comes when sufficient sensitivity of the organism has been developed. The Teacher does not force this possibility, but He rejoices when the sight is carried from darkness to light. Agni Yoga (1929) - 183: 183. I entrust you to extol the Name of the Teacher so highly that nothing debasing may touch this link uniting the worlds. I entrust you also to offer your help to those who knock untiringly. I entrust you to speak of the purpose of life on Earth. I entrust you to reject all that demeans communion with Us. I entrust you to affirm the fact of Our Existence. Agni Yoga (1929) - 184: 184. Among the achievements on the path of Yoga is included the possibility of communion with the Teachers. In this regard one must distinguish two currents, the single current and the spatial one. The single current evokes the response of one chosen Teacher. The current of space not only brings one into contact with several Teachers but also provides the possibility of receiving knowledge from Cosmos itself. It is necessary to understand the different ways in which one's energy is expended when in contact with these two currents. Just as a lamp responds variously to different currents, so do the centers vibrate to the currents of space. Truly, caution is needed to bring into daily life the combinations of such varied energies. Agni Yoga (1929) - 245: 245. Why is Earth so sick? Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura. To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance? From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm, the law is one. Losing their realization of the great worlds, people have wandered from the understanding of perfection. The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them, self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. Slaving for their daily wage, they yearn only for the end of their path as they see it. Agni Yoga (1929) - 245: Therefore, in the presence of a state religion, the responsibility of the yogi is great. Fearless, testing, indefatigable, the yogi must help humanity to remember the Law of Unity. Like a flashing sword, the thought of the yogi is a lightning-bolt through space. Ready to alter the ways of communion, ready for achievement, ready to accept the condemnations of the ignorant, the yogi exhorts humanity to contemplate the causes of their incarnate lives. By doing this, the quality of their labor and learning will be changed. Knowing the possibilities inherent in people, who would not wish to dare valiantly? Does not the victor's crown belong to the one who teaches courage to humanity? Without this the heads of people, like those of swine, will remain glued to the refuse of Earth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 535: 535. If you desire, by power of the will, to see parts of your own aura, you will find it impossible. It is necessary to desire it, but the law of psychic energy also requires suitable conditions. Such conditions are not established in an instant; they must be built on a foundation of higher influences. But the way to higher influences is not easy either, since they can be reached only through open gates. Each failure in communion with the source of the subtlest energies closes the gates. A proper understanding of the requirements for fruitful communion is needed. It depends not only on the intensity of striving, but also on the careful consideration of surrounding conditions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 563: 563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 6: The broad utilization of metals in medicine, in India, is the result of contact with the Fire of Space. The consciousness of the yogis is in communion with the luminaries. One may receive in life the effects of the spheres. The human attitude toward labor, and human reluctance to change the tendency of thought, are like clutches. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 9: 9. People are often perplexed as to what lies beyond consciousness. Of course, in the human understanding the concept of consciousness is limited. This results from the acceptance of the visible world only. Knowledge remains confined within limits if the boundaries of visibility are not broadened. But let us look beyond the boundaries of human consciousness and knowledge; let us find a minute grain of cosmic understanding. How beautiful is the vast horizon! How powerful is the thought penetrating Space! What new ways are disclosed by communion with Infinity! Seek these treasures; in them is the guarantee of your advancement. Of what use is knowledge which brings one to closed gates marked by the sign "we know no more"? Limitation of knowledge is a grave. Therefore, fathom Infinity! The limitation of consciousness is the death of spirit. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 51: 51. The yearning for communion with the far-off worlds provides the possibility for adherence to the course of Cosmos. The date predestined to humanity for the realization of Infinity pierces already the strata of cosmic fires. People have sought the approach to Truth in varied ways. Various manifestations impelled them to fasts, flagellations, tortures of their bodies and benumbing of their spirit. Manifold searches are inscribed in the book of striving. But progress of the spirit cannot be achieved without the realization of the endlessness of the battle. Progress of spirit is there where the spirit develops its protective net through unlimited striving. But the one who tries to find his protective net in leisure retreats into the mist of non-understanding. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 52: Cosmos creates for Infinity. Cosmos builds with co-measurement. Communion is imperative, and Materia Lucida is the consciousness of the cosmic rays. You are right in terming Materia Lucida the great Mother of the World. You are right in calling Materia Lucida Cosmic Love. Verily, the Universe is woven with the yarn of Lucida and the lever of Love. Poor humanity alone has clothed itself in isolation, with the veil of dark denial. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 144: 144. In the interchange of energies is comprised the most beautiful power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interchange is manifested in the striving in Cosmos toward perfection. The communion of spirit with spirit reveals itself as an interweaving of the subtlest energies. The interweaving of these subtlest energies draws a line which leads to the Cosmic Magnet. Upon each unit the Absolute Reason lays its confirming Hand, and the Hand gathers that force of the element which is needful to Cosmos. Thus the Fire blends with the currents of Space. Therefore, the spirit that merges with Cosmic Reason can verily manifest that element which, blending all contents of the cosmic seed, can become a directing cosmic force. All that consciously unites can direct the cosmic forces. The same law governs the expression of creativeness upon the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 164: Sparks of the far-off worlds reach Earth, and the possibilities of studying the radiance of the worlds shine with especial brilliancy. Communion with the spatial fires will afford a light-bearing science. It is impossible to conceive all that can be bestowed by the power of the far-off worlds! The psychic life is affirmed there as the action of the Cosmic Magnet. The psycho-life guides all expressions of existence, and it is impossible to separate the shadow from the light. If people could but understand that light force which impels each action, they would regard the creative sources with great solicitude. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 351: A new step approaches for humanity - communion with the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 372: 372. The symbol of Fire is found in all Teachings, and in Cosmos Fire is affirmed as the manifestation of life. The substance of Fire is so radiant that it is impossible to define and describe it. The Cosmic Breath is the Fire of Space. All cosmic manifestations are permeated with Fire and human thought is Fire. Thought gives form; thought gives direction; thought gives life; thought imparts creativeness; thought imparts the attraction of a drawing magnet. When the spirit kindles its fires, thought creates through the accretion of Materia Lucida. Cosmic thought is comprised in the fiery communion. The Spatial Fire contains the striving energies. Cosmic Fire is boundless in its saturations and its manifestations. Thus, the Cosmic Fire strives with the Cosmic Magnet! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 389: The link between the potential of the spirit and its luminary intensifies action. Hence, when the centers are strained, the fiery potential is in communion with the fire of the luminary. Thus shall We remember the Mother of Agni Yoga. The potential of the spirit is great! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 26: 26. The spark which kindles creativeness is inherent in the very seed of the spirit. The basis of cosmic creativeness is established upon this principle. The limitation of human thought directs man into the spheres separated from the designated path. In antiquity the communion with the Fire of Space was known and the departure which affirmed a new life was venerated. The entire essence of Be-ness is contained in this law of communion with the Fire of Space and in the principle of interchange of energies. Observing sensitively the manifestation of energies, one may note what the impulses are which activate the energies. As in a chemical reaction the properties of the energies are distinctive, so also the properties of the impulses of spirit must be observed. The impulses of children can afford the best indications. One can direct the impulse to a reaction and can induce it to take on a new tone. One may observe how a child, having lost one such impulse, will apply a new energy to his spirit. In the great laboratory of Cosmos all the heterogeneous elements may be applied. But humanity has lost its possibilities to such an extent that it is impossible to affirm such interrelation without explosion. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 126: 126. During communion with the far-off worlds one must accept the degree of Fire. The fire of purification explains all the ancient mysteries. When Christ spoke of the spirit needing regeneration, He had in mind the fiery purification. When the outline of the law of The Wheel of Life was given by the Lord Buddha, the fiery purification was affirmed. Thus, the consuming of old encumbrances is affirmed by the fiery purification. The new ascent is conditioned by the purification through Fire. Therefore, the purification of spirit lies at the basis of transmutation. The highest Agni Yogi is not an instrument nor a passive recipient but a co-worker and creator. Therefore, when the fires of Cosmos are strained the manifestation of fiery purification is inevitable. Thus shall we establish attunement with the fiery purification. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 134: 134. The Spatial Fire purifies the earthly crust. Pure emanations approaching the earthly sphere rarefy the dense emanations. The acceptance of Agni Yoga will confirm humanity in its conscious communion with the Cosmic Magnet. The communion with the Fire of Space will afford possibility for amelioration of earthly conditions. The creativeness of Cosmos affirms the cooperation of all spheres. The Spatial Fire decreases the pressure of the gasses upon the earthly sphere. Therefore it is affirmed that the attraction of the Fire of Space will bestow a better step upon humanity. The conditions will improve when the centers will awaken. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 190: 190. The sensitiveness of the spirit is strained toward a questing for communion with cosmic manifestations. The being imbued with the quest for communion with the higher spheres is striving toward cosmic ordinances. Every energy is drawn taut by the lever of Fire. For humanity, this lever is the basis of the creativeness of spirit. When the spirit in its striving senses the ordinance of Cosmos, it fulfils the law of Cosmic Reason. How vividly the fiery Agni Yogi expresses communion with the higher spheres! The spirit of the Fire-Carrier knows the power of communion; therefore, when the universal energy approaches, the fiery spirit knows the date. The ordinance of the Cosmic Reason imbues the spirit with sensitiveness and transmits to it each cosmic move. The sensitive spirit sets up a fiery current with the higher spheres. Let the fiery torrent take the place of oppressive immobility. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 259: 259. The spirit which dwells upon the sphere of the visible world is thus renouncing the manifestation of the higher spheres. When the spirit lives in a realization of the oneness of the entire cosmos, he is then linked to the entire Cosmos. Creativeness of the spirit is sustained not from without but through the striving of the seed to the communion with the Cosmic Magnet and the Spatial Fire. The seed of the spirit knows all laws of creation; and the spirit aware of its essence seeks the link with higher spheres. The immutability of oneness impels the entire Cosmos. Verily, the consciousness reaches the most subtle energies, but the impulse which has attained striving must emanate from the seed. Thus, the key to attainments is contained in independent action. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 352: 352. Each sensing of the cosmic energies gives impetus to the communion with the Fire of Space. When the centers of earthly fires are active, tensions of the spatial fires are inevitable. When the Cosmos is strained, there are no inert energies. The volcanoes are becoming active and they evoke human tensions. Thus, when humanity has been brought into tension by the creative fires of shifting Our soaring flight is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, the spirit who knows the dates and the course of the Cosmic Magnet can sense the volcanic actions upon the physical and spiritual planes. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 415: 415. Only a vital interchange can produce a creative wave. Only the grandeur of Cosmos affirms the manifestation of a vital interchange. A cosmic seed is inlaid in everything and the Cosmic Fire is expressed in all. How then can humanity affirm its existence without the principle manifested by the vital interchange? A cosmic seed is inlaid in everything and the Cosmic Fire is expressed in all. How then can humanity affirm its existence without the principle manifested by the vital interchange? The law of existence draws the spirit into the orbit of the cosmic seed, and when the spirit strives toward communion with the higher spheres, then the cooperation can be affirmed. Only when the interchange is imbued with a conscious striving can cosmic cooperation be affirmed. Therefore, each higher energy that is assimilated by the spirit can bring conscious striving to humanity. Thus, the manifestation of interchange provides a limitless cooperation. Hierarchy (1931) - 29: 29. He who adheres to the Teaching of Infinity gains freedom of action first of all. He who fears to adhere to the Brotherhood deprives himself of the Highest. He who dreads dogma can strengthen himself in the Teaching as in flight to the far-off worlds. He who dreads such communion can remain at the threshold. Incessancy of striving affords affirmation of Our Teaching. Hierarchy (1931) - 81: 81. It will be asked, How must we direct our prayers to the Highest One if the Image of the Lord is constantly before us? Say, Precisely through Him address yourself to the Highest One. Besides, if you have reached the state of keeping a constant Image of the Lord before you, this question cannot disquiet you at all. When we reach a conscious communion with the subtlest energies, much of that which did not find its place yesterday becomes fully comprehensible today. Thus we learn to rejoice and to be calm, where yesterday we sorrowed. It is useful to observe how our consciousness is purified through everyday labor. Now especially the tempering of these swords is timely, because the air is filled with fire. Only the Image of the Lord can rotate all centers and serve as a Shield. Let us not be afraid to repeat about swords and shields, because We desire peace and the reign of spirit. As victors cease to remember their enemies, so We do not count them; and a forest will not suffice to liken them to trees. Hierarchy (1931) - 161: 161. Not only the direct link with the Lord but even an unconscious striving toward Hierarchy gives a glimpse of the communion with cosmic forces. Where colored sparks appear, the door is open to the chain of Benefaction. True, people seldom pay attention to obvious signs, however in merging into the life of the spirit one can not only understand the significance of these fires but may even perceive their interrelations. One may notice entire battles between the black and the blue sparks, and be convinced that the blue ones will always conquer the progeny of darkness. Hierarchy (1931) - 297: 297. Where, then, is attention directed? It must be understood that the process toward perfection lies at the basis of evolution. It summons one to simplification and to direct communion with higher worlds. It can be seen how pranayama and other artificial methods of various yogas can be replaced by a simple, fiery heart. Certainly this simplicity is relative. The flaming fiery path leads to it. Yet it brings into life precisely that which was rejected as abstraction and fiction. I consider that each striving to knowledge should be speedily brought to fulfillment. People ask why We do not compel the striving toward evolution. But even a plain nurse tells a child, "Be like a grown-up, find by yourself!" Hierarchy (1931) - 428: 428. One must learn to address oneself to Hierarchy as the most immutable. What power the invocation of Hierarchy can give one, without waste and wavering! But these waverings, though swifter than a heartbeat, can sting the consciousness worse than a deadly viper. One must accustom oneself to constant communion with Hierarchy. Only thus is the nest of life built in the heart. Hierarchy (1931) - 440: 440. Great firmness, great determination must be evidenced when the goal is communion with Us. But even a minor treason generates numerous calamities. I warn those who have ears. Hierarchy (1931) - 451: 451. If one were to expound the condition and aims of Yoga, the number of applicants would not be great. For them the renunciation of selfhood would be dreadful. When a Yogi feels the same during want or plenty; when he feels himself only a disposer of means; when he feels his destination in bringing service to the world and his holiday in communion with the Higher Forces - such a way of life, with the assumption of all the burdens of surrounding imperfections, will not be pleasant to many. Many are altogether incapable of thinking about the future, lulling themselves with the misunderstood letters of the Scriptures. We must not think too much of the earthly, yet it is not said anywhere that we should not think of the future. The thought of the future is already like gates to the Infinite. Thus, think of the future, and you may be sure that this thought will be supported by Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 1: 1. To behold with the eyes of the heart; to listen with the ears of the heart of the roar of the world; to peer into the future with the comprehension of the heart; to remember the cumulations of the past through the heart; thus must one impetuously advance upon the path of ascent. Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, upon the path to the Hierarchy, upon the path of Great Service, upon the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can the manifested rays be radiated if the flame is not affirmed in the heart? It is precisely the quality of the magnet that is inherent in the heart. The highest creativeness is imbued with this great law. Hence, each consummation, each union, each great cosmic unification is achieved through the flame of the heart. By what means can the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart. Heart (1932) - 43: 43. Magic is like a massage. A massage artificially limits and restores the forms of the body and circulation of the blood. Magic also artificially connects and restores the communion with the Invisible World. Massage is not necessary for a normal organism. Magic is not necessary for a developed spirit. Massage is concerned with unhealthy organs. Magic propounds the teaching of conditions, of palliatives, without opening the simplest approach to the Higher World. When beginning massage, it is necessary to increase it, otherwise the tissue will be threatened with abnormal growth and destruction. Turning to magic, it is necessary to increase its conquest, otherwise the elements will begin to press the retreating one. Thus, comparing the bodily and spiritual worlds, we see the same vital laws. The same laws indicate how much closer to a developed consciousness are the simplest paths. During moderation the stomach will not grow. The heart will not become silent during the refinement of the spirit. Heart (1932) - 46: 46. The pledge is a manifestation of tremendous significance. It creates the chain of hearts and turns Chaos into conscious arteries of space. The symbol revealed to you by night was highly significant. The serpent of darkness devours the friend if he does not enter into conscious communion. Similarly great is the responsibility of him who takes the pledge. Not in vain is it said - the hand burns! Thus, without exaggeration a fiery pain pierces one when those for whom one has vouched make mistakes, but there cannot be any other construction, therefore, learn caution and attention. Heart (1932) - 73: 73. Even in the most ancient times people understood the significance of the heart. They regarded the heart as the Abode of God. They pledged their oaths by placing their hands upon the heart. Even the most savage tribes drank the blood of the heart and ate the hearts of their enemies, in order to strengthen themselves. Thus the significance of the heart was shown. But now, in our enlightened days, the heart is reduced to the state of a physiological organ. The ancients drank from the skulls of their enemies; the chalices of the sacred rituals were made out of the sincipital bone. Those who knew about the Brahmarandhra center understood that the magnetic pressure transmutes the substance of the bone. But now people only laugh at these powerful curative substances. The most mediocre invention attracts a multitude of consumers, but the most powerful chemical laboratories are forgotten; whereas a natural coordination of the three kingdoms of nature provides the strongest compounds. One should remind people primarily about the significance of the heart as the unifier of the worlds. Is not the fire of the heart the very Fire of Space? One can clearly understand the constant communion with the far-off worlds which was attributed to the ancients; the magnetism of the far-off worlds affords imponderable power. But does not the heart feel the most subtle vibrations? Heart (1932) - 90: 90. Regard the hours of communion as a prayer, as the casting aside of all evil and destruction. If thought does not contradict the good, it means the Gates of Beneficence are open; this is the most needed hygiene of the heart. Heart (1932) - 107: 107. How much has been said about the language of the heart, yet for the majority it remains an unapplied abstraction! Let us not insist on the highest forms of this method of intercourse, let us try to assimilate the basic foundations, which must be manifested without delay and without special preparations. Every language has primarily the objective of a mutual comprehension, which means that it is necessary to try not only to understand your companion but also to make your speech easily adaptable to him. For that, know how to talk in the language of your companion. Speak with his words, with his terminology; only thus will he remember and accept your thought into his consciousness. Thus, we shall learn to contain the words of a companion, and unnoticeably we shall bridge the character of his thinking. The highest form of communion will be the perception of thought without sound. Heart (1932) - 114: 114. The communion with Agni Yoga takes place simply, just as many significant experiments and achievements were attained simply. Every step is valuable when it is straightforward in its unwavering striving. We go through so many specialties in order to fuse and transmute them in the heart. Who, then, will not become aflame when the bonfire is already kindled! How many hearts are already prepared in readiness for future kindling! Heart (1932) - 206: 206. One can understand how greatly the ritual aspect of Yoga was demanded in ancient times, but now one should ascend by way of direct communion with the Highest World. The Yoga of Fire leads one upon this shortest path without abandoning life. This comprises a departure in the new understanding of rapport of the worlds. Before us we have an example of a significant step in the so-called Samadhi without withdrawing from life. It should be understood that this manifestation of the Mother of Agni Yoga is not easy to attain under the conditions of the Great Battle. The value of such a manifestation consists in that the usual rules of concentration are transcended. Precisely, the entire significance is transfixed in the heart - in other words, the significance of the entire rapport of the worlds is centered there. One must also mention that along with this the heart has withstood beautifully this saturation. Of course, the sensation of the present time does not result from Samadhi. Many times I have already advised necessary caution, in spirit as well as in matter. I beg you to guard the heart from outer and also inner disturbances. Extreme measures should be taken to withstand all attacks. It must be understood that yesterday is completely different from tomorrow, so unheard of is the rotation. Unprecedented are the clouds and one must encounter them joyously. Heart (1932) - 254: 254. The tower rests upon a firm foundation laid upon a rock. The tower of courage rests upon a firm consciousness, strengthened by the rock of the heart. But by what shall the heart test itself? Only by Hierarchy. Let the heart become accustomed to conversing with the Teacher. Like the ancient wise ones, let the heart know the communion with the Lord, in order that nothing small may intrude during the heart's talk with the Highest. Heart (1932) - 254: One must guard as a treasure this converse with the Teacher. The one who understands the sacred significance of this communion will not turn to darkness. But how the heart must be guarded lest it sever the silver cord! Nothing can weld it. One can bestow all compassion, but the cord is forged out of a multitude of qualities. As the ancient images were cast from many metals, so is the cord strong through many qualities. But the sweetest communion of the heart with the Teacher is that forge where the mighty fire radiates. Heart (1932) - 256: 256. The fiery path should be understood as the path to the Sublime. Not words, nor fear, nor habit, but communion of heart is the most immutable and most eternal manifestation. Thus the rainbow bridge will bring that shore closer. How many controversies there are, concerning that shore; but it exists, and one must find the path to it. Not the withered leaf of autumn, but the flaming heart shall cross all bridges. He who does not think about the inception of the fire of the heart does not know the upward path; he does not want to see it in a radiant light. Heart (1932) - 336: 336. Reasoning is a kind of antithesis to the attainment of the heart. Reasoning is a kind of magic, but magic is the antithesis of Beneficence. We must fully comprehend magic as well as reasoning, because they are so closely related to personality, to self, to egoism. Reasoning issues from self, magic sets itself against the Highest. But the achievement of the heart, and also of Beneficence, in essence has no feeling of self, in other words, of the most limiting inception. The porcupine flings its quills from itself, and it is difficult to get at him from above. Each one who is argumentative deprives himself of the great communion with the Above. Do not let us confuse reason and conditioned reasonings. Reason leads to wisdom, in other words, to the heart. But a worm argues, even though he crawls with difficulty across the path of men. Therefore, let us persist in the achievement of the heart. Because in it is the coffer of ecstasy, which cannot be acquired with gold. Heart (1932) - 389: 389. It is preferable to bring oneself to the conviction that the heart is not wholly one's own organ but is granted for highest communion. Perhaps if people would begin to consider the heart as a thing ordained from Above they would be more solicitous about it. Heart (1932) - 562: During hypnotism Western scientists sometimes use the energy of the heart, usually without being aware of it; then, even without inducing sleep, the hypnosis becomes especially powerful. Thus, during a spiritual battle one must add a drop of heart energy to everything. One must fulfill this consciously. One can persuade the heart to act. One should not consider these communions with the heart as something childish. Just as a prayer consciously pronounced will act, so can we force the heart to concentrate this energy - this will be the tautened bow. When the fire of the heart radiates and flames with each touch, then the call to the heart may become silent. But during the primary education of the heart we must practice the communion with our center - thus we can justly call the heart. Heart (1932) - 582: 582. The Brothers of Mercy could enter into the worst nests of pestilence without being contaminated, because they had committed their consciousness to Christ irrevocably and undividedly. Such communion of consciousness created flashes of fire for unassailable purification. Such a Western example can call to mind numerous similar undivided actions which awaken the fire of tension of the heart. Of course, you know of the ancient custom of beating one's chest in an hour when the straining of the consciousness was demanded. Not without cause, or only for the purpose of inflicting pain, did the hermits strike their Chalice with a stone. Through such a primitive method they kindled the fire of the heart. All methods of flagellation and irritating the skin with hair shirts belong to the same primitive methods of straining the heart, when the entire being, through pain, is strained toward one direction. But surely, we shall not resort to such primitive means when we know that the highest protection and ascent are comprised in the indivisibility of aspiration. Through the heart one can transport one's consciousness along the Chain of Hierarchy, thus multiplying one's strength and becoming invulnerable. This means that for such essential achievements three elements are necessary heart, Hierarchy, and the realization of non-separateness. Let us accustom ourselves to constantly feel the heart. Then let us not forget to retain the Image of the Teacher in the third eye, and let us understand the meaning of indivisibility of aspiration. The last may often be the most difficult. People are unwilling to drive away the bats of abomination from around them, and thus they split even their incipient aspiration. The result is a shaggy ball of such aspiration without progress. One should not repeat dismal roulades which contaminate space and impede the link with Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 25: 25. It is especially valuable to cognize in one's own heart communion with the fiery essence. In the Middle Ages, of course, they would have added to this the fire of the stake. But even in those times, valorous men were found who did not fear to speak about that which they perceived and sensed within themselves. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 33: 33. Let those who can hasten in thoughts act without delay. One must become accustomed to the fact that each thought is a communion with Fire. Hence, it is shameful to have an ignorant or insignificant thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 103: 103. Of course, at times we are dealing with remote recollections, but there may also be cases of fiery illumination. It was thus in the case that you recalled. The Fiery World brings us flashes of illumination, similar to lightning flashes in the coarse manifestation of a thunderstorm. Just as storms always supply Earth with a purified store of prana, so does the Fiery World constantly pour out waves of influences. It is a pity that the receivers are few, but if one were to begin to exercise the consciousness for a communion with the Fiery World, then such a receiver could become naturally affirmed. But the simplest for all worlds is to adhere firmly to Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 108: 108. Ask Urusvati to tell about the multiformity of the fires seen by her. Let all these rays, stars, fiery Lotuses, flowers, and all other manifestations of the Fiery World live and be affirmed. It is impossible in earthly words to describe all the quality of these fiery visions. Beyond certain boundaries the Fiery Realm is disclosed like a vision. It cannot be defined by time, nor can the cause of its emergence be determined, for the Fiery Element is entirely beyond earthly dimensions. But if we can see it, both in its grosser manifestations and in its subtlest, it means that even our carnate being can anticipate the higher sphere. Fiery communion is unforgettable once it has been experienced. Thus let us gather courage for the ascent. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157: 157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 240: 240. One receives communion from a Fiery Chalice; another swallows a goblet of inflaming wine. The first is enraptured in spirit, the second shudders in the flame and is destroyed. The first can receive communion endlessly; the second quickly reaches the limit of poisoning. Is not the solution in the spirit? Quality of thought employs the fire for Good. Drunkenness is deplorable, as a perversion of the sacred Fire. Least of all can Fire be coupled with egoism. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 325: 325. When we speak of the Fiery World we should not avoid earthly solutions. The fiery state so greatly surpasses the earthly that the best earthly balance is required in order to permit communion with Fire. Many earthly conditions must be reconciled in order that thought may comprehend the fiery body. Let priests become more scholarly, and scholars more spiritual. Through these attempts, even though modest, there may be erected an important abutment for the necessary bridge. This concept of a bridge has been ordained since antiquity, but now it has become imperative. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 354: 354. Very often the question has arisen as to which thought is the more effective, the uttered or unuttered one. Indeed, it may seem that the application of verbal formulas might add strength. People attracted by externals imagine that a framework of words will enhance the effectiveness of the thought. This, however, is but conventionality, and words will not help the essence. The wordless thought is far more powerful, manifesting a purer degree of Fire. One can observe that an unuttered thought remains entirely free from the condition of constraint brought by language. It approaches the fiery tongue and it multiplies its own power. We send fiery thoughts; they are fierily understood. This understanding may be called straight-knowledge, but its origin may be called the language of Fire. We receive, as it were, a radiogram from the Subtle World, but from its higher, fiery spheres. The Fiery World is primarily within us, if only we discern its abode! Thus, when one doubts whether communion with the Fiery World is possible, one should remember its presence everywhere. However, a current must be established through the heart and not the brain. One can find contact with the Subtle World continuously, but the Fiery World requires an especially good frame of mind. Verbal husks will alienate rather than bring us closer to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 525: 525. The welfare of nations is molded around a single personality. There are numerous examples of this throughout history, in the most diverse regions. Many will attribute this evident manifestation to the personality itself. But thus think the short-sighted; those who are far-sighted understand that such synthesis is nothing but the manifestation of the power of Hierarchy. Actually in all such manifestations the Hierarchy selects a focus upon which a current can be directed. Besides, a personality of this order possesses a fire, realized or unrealized, which makes the communion easy. But also indispensable is a certain quality on the part of the people themselves - trust in and recognition of the power. Therefore, in different matters I so often reiterate about authority. This quality is needed as a link of the fiery machine. You yourselves see how nations progress by affirming a leader. You yourselves see that there is no other way. Thus, the link of Hierarchy must be realized. One should not be short-sighted. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 546: 546. To give is a divine attribute. The inexhaustibility of giving is found in varying degrees in all of nature. But fire is the element in which giving is most apparent. The very principle of Fire is transmutation and constant giving. Fire cannot exist without the sacrifice of giving; likewise the fiery seed of the spirit exists through giving. But the sacrifice is a true one only when it has become the very nature of a man. A mental and compulsive sacrifice is neither natural nor divine. Only when sacrifice becomes an inalienable attribute of life does it become inseparable from the consciousness. Thus, by its qualities Fire teaches us during ascent. Let each one who wishes to attain cognizance say to himself, "I will be like Agni." One must grow to love fiery sacrifice as the closest means of communion with the Fiery World. Without this self-sacrificial striving it is not easy to rise above the claws of evil. Like Fire, which is elusive, the consciousness becomes mobile when united with Agni. One must approach sacrifice not by the path of despondency but by that of fiery splendor. One cannot define Fire by any other term than splendor. Likewise, the Fiery World cannot be thought of as other than a manifestation of grandeur. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 638: 638. It is said, "Do not enter Fire in inflammable garments, but bring a fiery joy." In this indication lies the entire prerequisite for communion with the Fiery World. Verily, even the garments of the Subtle World are not always suitable for the Fiery World. So, too, the joy of ascent must transcend any earthly joy. It must shine, and by its Light be a beacon to the many. Who, then, can deride joy and Light? The mole does not know the attraction of light; and only an evil spirit does not understand what joy is! When you rejoice at flowers, when you seek in thought to penetrate into their wondrous structure, into the creation of a small seed, when you value the fresh fragrance, you already have contacted the Subtle World. Even in the flowers of Earth, in the plumage of birds, and in the wonders of the heavens, one can find that very joy which prepares one for the gates of the Fiery World. Chiefly, one must not be dead to beauty. Where can one find a better setting than beauty for devotion, for aspiration, for indefatigability. Amidst earthly conditions one must learn to find that which is applicable to all worlds. There will be no time for deliberation at the moment of crossing into the Subtle World; the illumination by joy can and must be instantaneous. Thus, consciousness is actually preserved by joy. But one must not lose even an hour here on Earth in learning to rejoice at each flower. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 48: Many have read how David interrogated the Highest Powers. He took recourse in this Source in order to avoid unnecessary errors. There are many such instances in the history of different nations. Everyone knows about them. It is not necessary to delve into the ancient times; these signs of Communion and Great Service are apparent in recent events. But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 53: 53. An invulnerable armor may be of metal or of silk, but the best armor is the fiery one. Can the Leader proceed by the ordained path without the fiery armor? With what other means may one deflect all arrows of malice and swords of hatred? But many Leaders even in their earthly consciousness have felt that they were protected by the fiery armor. Whole books can be written about the magnetism of the destined Leader. It may be observed that neither the outer appearance, nor the voice, nor riches, but something else convinces people. More than once have I spoken about the Fire of the heart. Precisely this armor is a magnet which attracts and protects. As it has been said, "I will receive all arrows in my shield." But this shield must be forged. This shield can be manifested only from Above. But how many thoughts and discourses must be sent in advance, in order that this Communion be established and the fiery armor forged! One should lose not a day nor an hour, to make the Communion living and ever-present. In error people think that science precludes the Higher World; it can alter earthly nomenclature, but the triune essence remains the basis. The more so does the Leader know wherein is the substance. Perhaps he will not express the Unutterable Word, but he will feel it in his heart. That Word will help the Leader not to lose the universal concept, only this will bring readily the wondrous armor. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61: 61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 89: 89. The Leader must always be alert, in order that no one receive from him emanations of depression. But such alertness may be established only when devotion to Hierarchy is present, when the communion has entered the heart. From such Source proceeds magnanimity, which opens the most difficult gates. One must have before oneself the Image of the Hierarch, in order to find in all cases a basis of friendliness. One must know the Fiery Sword of the Archangel, in order to know the boundary of justice. Who can say when all measures of magnanimity are exhausted? The Hierarch alone can take upon himself such a decision. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94: 94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 96: 96. The realization of Higher Forces is not taught in schools, nor given from outside, but it lives precisely in the heart, being the very cornerstone of the remembrance of life in the Subtle World. One may say - be blessed, you who have preserved in your heart the most Beautiful. The clouding of humanity comes from forgetting that which is most needed. Night is given for the upliftment of the spirit, but man has said in his ignorance that sleep is like death. It is absurd to compare a wondrous mystery with dissolution. One must reiterate from childhood on that sleep is communion with Angels. When words are unnecessary, then begins the realization through the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 100: 100. When you observe nagging thoughts, you may notice that usually they are of the most everyday nature. They may be called a product of the Earth, but in spite of their small significance, they attempt to contend with the greatest ideas. One should carefully cleanse the brain of these unbidden guests. Indeed, there is a time for everything. One may be making all progress, but it should be remembered that small worms may succeed in boring through a very strong tree. Particularly do they love to undermine the anchor of confidence. Beside mistrust, one may also admit obscuring thoughts. It is terrible to lose confidence - it is almost like the loss of communion. When suddenly, instead of communion, a mute emptiness breaks in, this is surely an abyss! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 111: 111. One can draw slight comparison between the Fiery World and the earthly. During the rare manifestations of the Beings of the Fiery World, they take all measures not to violate earthly equilibrium, and the earthly people, for their part, at the approach of such Beings take measures to protect the heart. But with all protective measures, the heart often cannot endure the fiery tension - thus the higher measures from above and below cannot join these Worlds. The rarest cases of communion can be attributed to old karma, when during earthly lives lengthy cooperations for good took place. Such cooperations are useful for eternity. The establishing of an association consolidates collaboration. When our gaze is directed into the future, each benevolent cooperation constitutes a wise action. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 112: 112. One can intensify one's will by the most mechanical expedients. Many examples and prescriptions can testify to this, but We advise to gather the strengthening of the will from Communion with Hierarchy. It may even be said that in general this is the sole means of the ascent of the spirit. Even the path of mechanics leads to the same thing, but through useless expenditures of time and effort. The communion with Hierarchy through the heart releases one from tantras and magic. Naturally, small alien hindrances can harm the communion, but let us not forget to what dangers the magician or the tantrik are exposed. But, in any case, he is not wise who dreams about his own separate will; it grows and vibrates in the Higher Treasuries. And he who is concerned as about his individual will, without the communion with the Higher Worlds, is not on the true path. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 114: 114. It has been correctly observed about the final test through fear; after irritation, doubt, temptations have been passed, there remain the horrors of the lower strata. But after the strengthening of the communion with Hierarchy these disgusting spectacles do not any more affect the hearts. One can even rejoice at the attempts to dismay one, since these are already at the final boundary. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 118: 118. Labor may be of four kinds - toil with repulsion, which leads to decomposition; unconscious toil, which does not strengthen the spirit; toil devoted and loving, which yields a good harvest; and finally, toil which is not only conscious but also consecrated under the Light of Hierarchy. The ignorant may suppose that uninterrupted communion with Hierarchy can distract one from striving for the work itself, but, on the contrary, constant communion with Hierarchy lends a higher quality to one's labor. Only the eternal Source deepens the significance of perfectionment. This flaming measure of labor must be established. The very approach to the Fiery World demands realization of earthly labor as the most proximate step. Few of the workers can discern the quality of their own work, but if the worker were to strive to Hierarchy, he would immediately advance to a higher step. The ability to establish the sacred Hierarchy in one's heart is also an inner concentration, but such action comes through toil. By not wasting time upon oneself, it is possible in the midst of labor to become linked to Hierarchy. Let the Lord live in the heart. Let Him become as inalienable as the heart itself. Let the Name of the Lord be inhaled and exhaled with each breath. Let each rhythm of labor resound with the Name of the Lord. Thus should each one who thinks about the Fiery World know how to conduct himself. Can I lie before the Lord? Can I conceal anything from the Lord? Can I contemplate treason in the presence of the Lord Himself? Thus let each reflection only strengthen and restrain one from the evil of faint-heartedness and dark thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 125: 125. Many precious concepts have been perverted. When I say, "Be not too much concerned about tomorrow," this does not mean that I am advising you to be a sluggard. All thinking must be directed into the future; one should labor for the future, but one's care about the sacred future ought to be directed through Hierarchy. Then one's thought about tomorrow will assume proper consideration. Fear of the morrow is like amputation of hands and feet. Instead of flight into the future, people bind themselves with fear and stop their own movement. But without Hierarchy one can actually plunge into terror, as if sinking into a stormy ocean. Thus, the care, purified by Hierarchy, will not be an earthly one, though it will preserve action and usefulness. Besides, such consecrated usefulness is freed from any egoism. The care for the Common Welfare leads to communion with Hierarchy. Again, this judgment is not abstract ethics, but the path to the Fiery World. People in the earthly state also should select each seed which will grow into a plant for the thread of communion. It is not easy for Fiery Beings to penetrate into the earthly strata. Ought we not, while here, pierce through the carnate garments with our consciousness? There are many striving ones, but few are strengthened by the straight-knowledge drawn from Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 133: 133. Certain metals are easily combined, but others repel each other. One should observe these lines of good and evil. both sides create complete connected chains. But the chief impediment of government lies in the mechanical mixing of opposite principles; hence comes premature dissolution. Heart and Communion with Hierarchy will tell where would be the combinable parts. Man is in need of equilibrium of mind and heart. Cooperation is confirmation of equilibrium. The sacred number of Pythagoras is the equilibrium of Beauty. Much of this axiom has become inapplicable at the present time. It is a weighty task to speak to people about equilibrium. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 154: 154. You have read that for communion with Higher Forces the ancients covered the head with a mantle, and, as told, this fabric was of wool and red in color. Also you may have heard about the stopping of the ears with red cotton. All such mechanical means had their significance, they served as a guard for radiations, and they condensed energy. But let us not resort to the expedient of mechanistic methods where there lies the utmost significance for the future, in the direct union with Hierarchy. Only the heart, covered with nothing but life, links us with the Higher Forces. The fabric of love is a most sacred one. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 163: 163. One should not be distressed in carrying out the Indications of Hierarchy. Many fruits become bitter from vexation. In many things it is necessary to draw close to higher understanding. For example, one should conquer the feeling of distance. Certainly it does not exist for the spirit, and if we shift our consciousness into the spiritual sphere then our feeling also will shift correspondingly. In other words, it will become broadened. And in addition, communion with Hierarchy gives, as it were, a new musical key to all our actions. Thus let us be closer, still closer, so that no viper may creep in. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166: 166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180: 180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 186: 186. Fiery sparks also illumine animals. In this, one may observe a remarkable law. Animals revive fiery sparks particularly through contact with man. Likewise does man nourish his own fiery body through communion with Hierarchy. One's consciousness must accept the realization of the logic of Jacob's latter; all creatures can find access to it when they are imbued with right striving. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 194: 194. You will have to repeat to many that Our remedies are good, as a supplement to psychic energy. Some physical remedies cannot produce the desired result, but psychic energy is reinforced by communion with Hierarchy. Thus, the wise physician first of all will take care to know the condition of his psychic energy and to see that it is in concordance with the Higher forces. Paying attention only to physical qualities has no significance for the future. When We speak about the Fiery World, it means that it is time to be moving forward. It is impossible to remain on the level of the transitory period, when all the foundations of Existence have been forgotten. I affirm that each physician must pay attention to himself in order to feel to what an extent he himself is ready to renew his consciousness, otherwise he will not find fitting words for those who come to him. He will be unable to inquire into the actual causes of ailments. He will not maintain a self-affirmed influence. I do not insist that each physician be a hypnotist, but he must understand the spiritual world of the patient in order to be able to speak about the main thing in the case. The Teaching must disclose paths, but not be merely a pharmacy. Let people have an opportunity to observe and discover, otherwise there will be reactions upon Karma. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 203: 203. The three Worlds are far closer to each other than one may think. One can see how corresponding vibrations create cooperation. You know how certain individuals from the Subtle World who are close to us act to assist a common task. Even not so long ago they were unable to serve the common purpose because of differences of vibrations, but now your vibrations and their endeavors for communion make them useful co-workers. Thus is created useful labor in common. It is the more useful because the adversaries have similar co-workers. Certainly, it is joyous to watch each cumulation of consciousness. Ur. has seen how in the beginning the atmosphere is dim and in the course of successive meetings it becomes lighter, and a day ago Ur. saw completely conscious cooperation. Such an enlightenment is very rapid, yet for this the Ashram is of significance. Verily, Ashrams have a great importance for the earthly and for the Subtle World. Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonatoars. Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere, I have in mind a very important consequence. Without spiritual accumulations, the command to take everything upon oneself has no meaning. This command can be given only where there is a heart bond with the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Only such a bond, during the present earthly conflict, can strengthen those to whom the order has been given. The currents are too complicated to be opposed by earthly forces. But you know about the bond with the two Worlds. Precisely in this communion are found forces for the passing by the most unexpected path. In this, do not hesitate to take care of yourself, in order not to expend energy superfluously. One should not in any manner be diverted from inner concentration. The affairs of the whole world are in a grave state. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219: 219. Very often misunderstandings have occurred as a result of relativity of definitions, which have undergone changes through passing centuries. The most ancient writings have undergone many alterations, passing through the hands of foreign translators. It is a well known fact, but for all that it is not taken enough into consideration. To obtain the full meaning one must turn to the same source, Hierarchy. If the translator and interpreter is in communion with Hierarchy, then his relative understanding will be set right in due time. It is unfitting to touch the Sacred Covenants with dirty hands. All forms of blasphemy are condemned, but it is especially abominable when a servant of religion blasphemes. Unfortunately such cases have become frequent. There are not a few actual atheists among the servants of religion. Is it possible for them to speak about the Living Ethics? The madmen do not wish even to think about the future life. One can imagine all the horrors of an assembly where blasphemers are gathered! The Fiery World is just a farce for them. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 230: 230. Striving is regarded as of true value. No one of those who strive with the heart will be forgotten. Of chief importance is one's own consciousness of purity of aspiration, but there are not many who can confirm a purified striving. Thus it is possible to single out people according to their striving. The energy of pure striving is highly homogeneous, and the bearers of this energy actually constitute a universal body. They may be working in the most diverse fields, and nonetheless the essence of the kindled energy will be one. Therefore people are divided not according to physical specializations, but according to tension of striving. Know that difference in nationality has no significance; to the fiery substance neither race nor age can mean anything. Where the heart is aflame people seek communion and exchange, but they do not know on what basis to form contacts. Sometimes they are afraid of scorching one another, forgetting that identical energies are not mutually dangerous. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236: 236. Let us affirm the enthusiasm of the spirit. To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. All kinds of magical methods, even inner concentration, are used in attempts to achieve Higher Communion. But the new approach to the Highest directs one to the example of ascetics who above all approach direct Communion through the heart. We learn of prophets, saints, who never fell into a frenzy, yet whose every word was a word of the Covenant. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236: If you ask Me what methods are befitting our times, I say - you must prepare yourselves for direct Communion. All conventional measures are already mediocre in themselves. In these days, when fiery energies have been so intensified, precisely this fire helps the heart to understand the Higher Command. This Command is propounded in the very midst of life. Then We say - harken and obey! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236: Each epoch has its expressions. One should not cling to old methods when it is possible to apply new understanding. Even in the Ancient Covenants we see prophets who were always saturated with spirit. And much later, formulas, numbers, and rhythms were studied. But some have considered such methods too near to invocations, and thus belittling to the Higher Principle. Especially at present, during the epidemic of obsession, people must seek heart communion. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 245: 245. Our assistance is extended in the essential directions. It would be erroneous to think that the most petty details could attract Our energy. True, We always safeguard, but it would be absurd to think that every sneeze occurs by Our Command. One must distinguish where are the most essential currents of life; only thus is it possible to learn to respect the fundamentals of Communion. Precisely likewise do We regard the Highest Ones. Evaluation of and respect for the energy will be a sign of understanding of Infinity. Reflect upon this deeply, as precisely at present fiery labor requires understanding of Our fundamentals. Is it sensible to turn away one's weapon before the blow is struck? Is it possible to turn aside the directed telescope without spoiling the observation? So too, when We bring cooperation near, especial solicitude is needed. Observe how I gradually deepen the conditions of Our joint labor. No repetition is ill-advised. We require what is reasonable to be required. Gradually We enter into dangerous spheres, and only thus may one expect victory. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 247: 247. Those uninformed in Great Service may even complain of the difficulty of such an achievement. But those in contact with it already cannot conceive of existence without it. A frightful emptiness appears, it seems, when there is no application of one's forces for Common Good. Without communion with Hierarchy a terrible darkness closes in from all sides. Without Great Service, life itself, like a wilting blossom, loses its meaning. The Fiery World is intangible, and the very concept of it, instead of being attractive, appears menacing. Equilibrium is established by great measures, but affirmation of the Shield of Hierarchy comes after the dedication of oneself to Great Service. The spirit decides its own fate. Without any stipulations the spirit itself determines its sacrifice. The dimension of the sacrifice is decided in the heart. No one can force an enlargement of the offering, but much joy is felt from a sacrifice which is not diminished. The Teacher advises to recognize one's potentialities according to the sacrifice voluntarily accepted by the heart. How great is the law of such good-will! It determines the future, from small to big, and up to great events! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 249: 249. Not magic but God-inspiredness was ordained in the ancient Covenants. When Higher Communion began to be interrupted, people themselves compiled magic from the earthly world, as a means of forced communion. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. Therefore, on the path to the future one should eschew all magic. It must not be forgotten that the old methods of magic were connected with other forms of life. Of course, magic is based on precise fulfillment of technical conditions, but if all the formulas of life have been altered, then too all magical effects must be correspondingly changed. This is why contemporary magic has sunk into necromancy and the other low manifestations. All those who study the mechanics of formulas fail to take into account the fact that they were written down for a completely different application. In addition, they completely forget that the higher formulas, and all the conditions, have not been written down altogether; and if they have been noted at all it is in such symbols that now their meaning is quite obscured. Thus, contemporary studies of magic either amount to senseless scholastics, or else, flowing down, they lapse into the black mass. Therefore We speak much-needed words, in advising the abolition of magic. Let it be left to the dark necromancers. There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. Violence must not stain this fiery path. Can people possibly think that the invocation of lower entities can go unpunished! And what sort of improvement of life could result from such evocation? No one can point to a benefit resulting from necromancy, nor to a heart which has been uplifted through necromancy. One must turn to the short and higher Path, which will bestow health of spirit; and thence comes the bodily health. The abolition of magic will be a white stone on the path of the World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269: 269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 272: 272. You have seen rings which changed their color, depending upon the condition of the wearer and upon surrounding circumstances. One could see that this changing coloration did not depend upon the quality of the metal itself. This means that an external chemism was precipitated upon the ring; but even so, such a phenomenon could not have been produced without fiery energy. Naturally, when it became possible to transfer this external reaction to the heart, the ancient phenomenon became unnecessary. It could be demonstrated, as mentioned in the most ancient literature, but energy need not be expended where the heart has already entered upon the fiery path of Hiero-inspiration. So too, in all the other manifestations of energy, one must immediately turn to Higher Communion as soon as the conditions of the organism permit. The task of the Teacher consists first of all in the speediest elevation to the degree of Hiero-inspiration. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 276: 276. The very highest is Hiero-inspiration; it accompanies throughout life. No rituals are needed where there is the flame of Communion. One should guard the hearth of Fire. Even the ancients understood the symbol of the incessancy of Fire. Life must be filled with burning. At first man thought about himself, then about others, but afterwards his actions became useful for all that exists. He does not think any more about the usefulness, but he breathes it and gives life in Boundless Space. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 296: 296. Hiero-inspiration descends through a single basic condition. Neither concentration, nor command of the will, but love for Hierarchy produces direct Communion. We do not know how better or more precisely to express the guiding law than as a flow of love. Therefore it is so opportune to put aside compulsive magic, in order to become imbued with love in one's entire being. As a result, one can easily approach the principle of Existence by a sense of beauty. Precisely, amidst the dissolution of the planet, one must turn to the most health-giving principle. And what can more strongly unify than the mantram - "I love Thee, O Lord!" In such a call it is easy to receive a ray of cognition. Observe this. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 328: 328. A man cannot step forward with both legs at the same time. Such a change of leverage may serve to illustrate the necessity of change of energies. One must become quite accustomed to change of activities of centers. All the centers cannot resound together; in fact, their progress depends upon change of activity. But silence of a center does not signify its death. On the contrary, like a sleeping man it is being renewed in communion with the Higher World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 338: 338. We particularly rejoice when one has recognized the path traversed with Our assistance. This is one of the sensations closest to Hierarchy. Many signs of Our Communion can be discerned. Each such observation will be a strengthening of the bridge into the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351: 351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 396: 396. Sleep affords communion with the Higher Spheres. Sleep proves that without such communion people are unable to exist. The explanation of sleep as bodily repose is a most primitive one. Without sleep people can usually go on but a very short time before their thinking falls into a most ailing state; hallucinations and torpor, and other signs of an unnatural existence appear. The organism strives for the life-giving exchange, and does not find the ordained way. As We said, sleep can be brief on the heights, where the currents of communion can be especially nourishing. People may remember about meetings in the higher Spheres or in the lower. The dense body can impede such essential communions, but sleep as such will be the gift of the eternal life. And such meditation will help on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 403: 403. Some people walk into the future with full trust. Whence can be drawn such invincible confidence? First of all, from communion with Hierarchy. But understanding of the Luminaries also strengthens the consciousness. Moreover, there is still a third circumstance which has no small significance. Actually the three Worlds exist in full cooperation. The affirmation of many earthly beginnings takes place in the Higher Worlds. You know about earthly teraphim; there can be likewise teraphim of the Subtle and of the Fiery World. Not infrequently entire structures, prior to their earthly realization, have been created in the Higher Worlds. One may read in the ancient Covenants about Heavenly Cities; in fact, they are being constructed in reality upon different spheres, and thus a magnetic attraction is created. Often people do not suspect that their teraphim already exist in various forms. At times the clairvoyants perceive such actual images, and erroneously carry over what they see to the earthly plane, whereas the earthly reflection is formed later. But one fact is unquestionable - precisely, the existence of such teraphim - it strengthens the consciousness of man. Can it not be that certain cities already do exist, and named people live in them? One may walk into the future as assuredly as if the delineations of the city were before the earthly eyesight. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 62: 62. How can the imagination be properly defined? Usually people take the imagination to be their own invention of forms, but the imagination itself has its roots and distinctions. One may find the core of the imagination in the "chalice," as the precipitation of many lives. However, the imagination is nourished not only by the remembrances of past lives, but also by the action of the present. When the spirit participates in the life of the far-off Worlds, or in the Subtle World, or in the Astral World, then frequently the memories of these experiences are reflected as imagination. Often scholars obtain formulas, or direction, precisely through a communion with the Subtle World. Thought and striving are also kindled by the Subtle Spheres. But a spirit possessing the synthesis not only takes from the treasury of the "chalice," but also is a true co-worker of Cosmic Forces. How many inexplicable causes of unquenchable imagination there are, and how many unexplainable manifestations of heart anguish! Usually, when strength is being spent for a structure, and the divisibility of the spirit is active, heart anguish is inevitable. Furthermore, the heart is a most powerful reservoir for assisting others. There are strong examples of great saints who nourished the far and near with a wealth of currents. The Agni Yogi is such a nutritive agent. On the path to the Fiery World let us sensitively and cautiously refer to the heart which knows fiery anguish. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 63: 63. Verily, Divine force descends upon the Earth at large and is divinely directed upward in the individual human spirit. This Divine Communion is a manifestation of the union of Worlds, union of Spirit, union of Karma. Many communions can be discerned on the earthly plane. Many Divine Sparks have been scattered, but a Divine Communion is eternal. The source of Eternal Communion is spirit and actions, bound by the powerfully manifest Cosmic Law. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 91: 91. Daring is the achievement of Beauty which crowns Service. The crown is the revelation of Cosmic Communion. The basis of Cosmic rapprochement can be affirmed as a conjunction of Higher Forces. A great Crown is ordained for the brow which has been shaped by millenniums of achievements of self-sacrifice. The crown of achievement is molded by the heart, and the winged spirit creates its own ascending Karma. With difficulty do the sparks of creativeness seep through on the path of Karma; and still less is understood the Truth of Karmic action. Not from without comes the proper estimation of Karma. Karma is contained in each cell, and the spirit carries its own attainment and its own armor. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 128: 128. One can imagine the joy of the spirit which has realized the construction of a New World. If the striving is great, then each form will produce a deepening in perfectionment. The unification of Worlds can advance conscious striving. Let us take the forms of the Subtle World and apply them to the earthly plane. The comparison between psychic energy and mechanical receptions has been rightly applied. Indeed, creativeness can be manifested precisely by the higher energies, but for such subtle perception it is necessary to manifest transmutation of the centers. Only when the spirit feels communion with the Invisible World is it possible to affirm the spatial current. Even simple experiments require complete confidence. How much more strongly affirmed then must be the spirit in full communion with the Invisible World! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 187: 187. Resounding on the cosmic note can be transmitted spatially to the spirit which perceives the subtle currents. Among the subtle manifestations of such reverberations of the spirit must be especially noticed those which are audible to the fiery spirit. How vital it is to harken to that apparently inaudible tone which can transmit to the spirit spatial joy or anguish. The manifestation of inexplicable anguish can derive from the sounding of a spatial tone. The subtle organism of this bearer of Fires shudders from these notes of space. The physical ear cannot hear it, but the subtle hearing detects that which is inaudible to the ear and receives it in the heart. Therefore, the striving spirit is a creator in unison with the Cosmos, and knows the cosmic soundings which intensify space. In them is contained summons or call; in them is victory or battle; in them is sorrow or joy. Verily, he who knows these soundings and experiences the joy and anguish of communion with space, may be called a great fire-bearer. To this the fiery heart of the Mother of Agni Yoga bears witness. Thus let us remember the great unified Heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 248: 248. The law of conformity must attract the spirit toward fiery realization. The creativeness of the spirit reveals all the possibilities for communion with the Subtle Worlds. Overcoming coagulated thought will give the tension which will correspond to the formula of the Subtle World. Just as the spirit can refine a condensed thought-form, so can it condense subtle forms. Each concept will actually sound conformably to these refinements or condensations. The spirit can rule its refined aspirations. At first it is necessary to become accustomed to the refinement of one's feelings, in order to saturate the spirit with necessary attraction to the World of Beauty. Thus the conception of conventional standards will be replaced by the true concept of Beauty. The revelation of refinement of feelings must certainly be introduced into life. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 252: 252. The realization that the spirit contains in its seed that quality of the Light which can become aflame in striving, can verily serve as the eternal motive for ascent. Each spirit must sense this unity with the Light, which lives fierily in the seed. Why, then, not strive for that force which can awaken the best impulses in the spirit! Each spirit manifests its possibilities by communion with the Fiery Source. Only separation from the Light leads the spirit away from the fiery path. Only when this higher concept is awakened will the spirit be directed to the fiery quest. Spatial Fire summons man to the attainment of higher energies. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize with the heart the power of the seed of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 268: 268. Fohat, as actually omnipresent Fire, is hardly understood. Equally little understood is the Laboratory of the Universe. The great Inhaling and Exhaling of the Cosmos must be applied to all manifestations. In fact, hardly pondered over is the exchange of forces being projected and returned into the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, the role of humanity does not consist in borrowing only; there must be included a process of returning the forces with which it has been saturated during communion with the Fire of space. Thus, taking this communion as the Truth, it is possible to reveal why, in fact, there is such a difference between the giving and the returning. The extent of this difference is just the measure of that which on the Cosmic Scales represents the Karma of humanity. The ignorant are astonished that the Subtle World can be chaotic; but one should ponder as to how sparks of Fohat remain not fecundated, and how many forces remain either unapplied or distorted. On the path to the Fiery World one must deeply absorb the understanding of the chaos of humanity's consciousness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 478: 478. One who has been chilled by frost brings cold with him. Mothers caution their children - don't go near the cold man. One has been warmed by the sun carries warmth with him. People wish to warm themselves in proximity to him. Is it not the same with the flaming heart which is in communion with the Fiery World? People hasten to the glowing heart to warm themselves, and avoid the deadly cold - thus it is in all Existence. Simple and close is the presence of the Higher World, but earthly consciousnesses drive away the ethereal flame with stone blocks. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 604: 604. People are inquisitive as to why fiery manifestations are so rare. Let us reply that it is because the heart of the dense world cannot endure such fiery vortexes. Ask those very rare individuals who have had such manifestations. They will tell you that they were almost dead after the fiery Visitations. Through the training of right thinking one can accustom oneself to the possibility of such Communion. But it is a long way from the flesh to fiery vision. Only most uncommon hearts can undergo them. AUM (1936) - 41: 41. A hermit was once asked how he could dwell in continuous silence. He was much surprised and said, "On the contrary, I am never silent, but converse constantly - so many companions visit me." The hermit had drawn so near to the invisible world that it had become entirely perceptible to him. Prayer became communion, and that world was affirmed in all its magnitude. To such a spirit his own transition into the Subtle World is altogether imperceptible. AUM (1936) - 41: Amidst discourses about the Good one may ascend any and all steps. At first, prayer is external, then it issues from the heart, and after that it becomes a communion with Good. AUM (1936) - 44: Therefore, let us find in everything we do a place for communion with the Higher World. AUM (1936) - 50: One should not be surprised if, in speaking of prayer, emphasis is put on the need of mindfulness of the vibratory conditions. Such investigation of all the attributes of communion with the Higher World will be the true path. The heart should not be forgotten amidst observations, for all the other aspects must be subordinated to the heart. AUM (1936) - 60: The manifestation of prayer is communion with the most Beautiful. AUM (1936) - 61: 61. Prayer is an inspirer to knowledge. Each one who realizes the sublimity of communion will inevitably begin to strive toward knowledge. The growth of such consciousness requires the accumulation of knowledge in various fields of science. Philosophy discloses the same paths to the Higher World as are disclosed by the natural sciences. Ignorant persons prattle about materialistic sciences which deny everything not visible to the naked eye. Yet they already know about the subtlety of atoms, and they understand the need for microscope and telescope. In truth, they make of science an empty shell. When signs of the Higher World are manifested in the consciousness, then every science becomes transfigured. No knowledge exists which, if truly known, would not confirm the great bond between the worlds. No paths exist which, if truly followed, would not lead to the Higher World. He who does not feel the greatness of Unity and Infinity has not grown in his consciousness. Prayer is not a deathly cry of terror but a communion full of love and devotion. AUM (1936) - 68: When I speak about the highest communion, I first of all propose that you understand reality in all its infinitude. AUM (1936) - 89: 89. It is useful to consider communion with the Higher World to be as necessary as pure air. One need not sit in a fetid, poisonous atmosphere. Even the most ignorant people understand that poison is harmful. AUM (1936) - 101: 101. All comparisons are applicable in encounters with ignorance. Deniers like to refute, but they will offer no issue or solution. They ridicule the very best communion, but are unable to connect even three letters. AUM (1936) - 103: 103. People, even those who know about the Subtle World, deem it possible to delay the approach to it through perfecting their thinking. They are wrong, it is precisely here that the direction of thought must be established. It can be developed once a definite impulse has been given. The test of thinking must be affirmed by earthly thinking. It is deplorable to enter the Subtle World in a confused and distracted state. When the consciousness is clear it leads upward just as gas lifts a balloon. No one and nothing can detain in the lower strata a steadfast consciousness which strives toward Good; therefore let us not defer affirmation of thinking. There is no more direct communion with the Higher World than by this path. AUM (1936) - 105: When man takes upon himself communion with the Higher World, he is truly daring, but this daring is sacred. The Subtle World listens to these calls and understands their significance. Such communion attracts a multitude of listeners - co-workers, as it were - therefore egoism must be excluded from prayer; for the best prayer will be renunciation and desire for the Good. AUM (1936) - 113: 113. Prayer must be joyful, for communion with the Higher World will actually be full of ecstasy and solemnity. But such joy will be a special wisdom. It is possible only through realization of goal-fitness. It will be salutary through fullness of trust. It resounds with courage when the path is one. AUM (1936) - 121: Strengthening of the aura occurs through communion with the Higher World, as egoism falls away and selflessness is kindled. Thus, each communion with the Higher World will induce a strengthening of radiations. This subject invites scientific observation. AUM (1936) - 122: 122. During communion with the Higher World it is actually possible to observe that bent or crossed legs have a deep significance. Let physicians examine what influence such a position of the extremities has upon the blood circulation and the nerve centers. Let them pay attention also to the respiratory channels. Whoever has understood the lubrication of thepassages of the respiratory organs has already discerned the significance of these conduits. AUM (1936) - 134: Realization of the great world of Beauty will result in a current of true thinking. Not a slayer but a wise creator is he who cognizes the Higher World. In the spirit, upon the summit, man can partake of communion with the Higher Power. AUM (1936) - 158: It is necessary to understand to what an extent such natural observations can broaden the human concept of life. Prayer is transformed into spiritual communion, and reverence will not be dogmatic but vital and filled with love. AUM (1936) - 171: 171. Observe what takes place in your sensations during lofty communion. It can be noticed that feeling in the extremities is gradually lost, and finally the heart alone is sensed. This is not pain, but a sort of tension and imbuing. The communion can take place under any position of the body - standing, seated, or recumbent. The manifestation of the heart feeling referred to is called "the silver thread." It can wind and attract, as it were, and such a bond is a sign of nearness. AUM (1936) - 185: He who loves has access to a higher communion. AUM (1936) - 195: I affirm that it is possible to accomplish a great number of useful actions when energy is not dissipated upon idle disputes and quarrels. How can there be higher communion, if brain and heart turn into a crimson flame? Even the very Battle for the Higher World will not generate crimson flame. The light of courage may glow ruby red, but every irritation will already be a weakening. AUM (1936) - 209: Indeed, through deep study far more applicable names will be found. Even for the loftiest concepts it is possible to find comparisons in physical usage. People do not tightly cover an ailing tooth nor an open wound. They understand the need of admitting air in order not to deprive the affected part of a useful substance; likewise, the spiritual perception must not be deprived of communion with the Higher World. Just as bodily hygiene is indispensable for earthly life, so also is prophylaxis of the spirit needed. Do not be surprised that We apply medical terminology to the spirit; through this the physician may feel that his sphere is close to the Higher World. Let each one find the One Path in his own way, even through it be the way of mechanical terms. AUM (1936) - 214: 214. There are people who refuse to understand what arrogance is. Let us help them understand by saying, "Do not belittle, and rid yourselves of the disgusting worm of disparagement." He who belittles is almost the equal of a traitor. In the presence of such vipers there can be no talk of communion with the Higher World. To reduce something to worthlessness is an unworthy transformation! He who dwells on the negligible will find himself on the path to nothingness. The higher communion is impossible with thoughts about the insignificant. It is possible to converse in the simplest expressions, but their meaning need not be insignificant. Whoever is preoccupied with representing his neighbor as a nonentity is measuring by his own insignificant standard. AUM (1936) - 267: 267. Each prayer is a beginning and not a conclusion. Ordinarily prayer is understood as something final, whereas there can be no communion with the Higher World without consequences. Each slight opening of the sacred Gates already renews the chords of the consciousness. This renewal does not bespeak the past but is directed into the future. Thus, prayer is the gateway to the future. This creative force should be kept in mind. It is inadmissible to limit oneself to the gesture of outward prayer; such hypocrisy is the most dangerous blasphemy. Yet it is impossible to affirm the power of communion with the Higher World so long as the basic energy remains unrealized. Therefore, knowledge of the Subtle World helps to construct the step to the Higher World. The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept. Though the names be diverse, the goal of the quest is one. Let us not disturb the scholars who draw close to the Great Unknown. We are indifferent as to how they name the sparks of the One Light. In approaching, they will suspect that there are a great number of subdivisions. They will be right from their point of view, because psychic energy reveals its face according to the quality of energy of the investigator. AUM (1936) - 318: 318. Sometimes people reach such a limited state that they manage to reduce everything to insignificance. The very loftiest communion is for them grist to the mill! Striving becomes weakened by all kinds of superstitions. Such infection makes its nest in the most diverse people. AUM (1936) - 319: 319. Many dragons stand guard to impede each advance. Multicolored are these monsters! Among the most repulsive is the drab dragon of everyday routine. It would make an empty grey cobweb of even the most lofty communion. Yet even in everyday life people know how to preserve the freshness of renewal. People wash themselves daily and find themselves refreshed before the next task. Likewise, spiritual ablutions should not become dusty drudgery. Few know how to overcome the dragon of everyday routine. But such heroes multiply their forces tenfold, and each day they raise their eyes anew unto the heavens. AUM (1936) - 319: Since Infinity is, the spirit of man has no single commonplace instant. Joy can be born of a uniqueness of sensation. But lofty communion cannot become something ordinary. Boredom is not in Infinity, but in human limitations. AUM (1936) - 362: 362. The significance of certain moral concepts must be examined not only from the spiritual standpoint but also from the scientific. I take for examination the concept of trust - even among primitive peoples the concept of trust was regarded as the basis of communion. In antiquity people already understood that such a concept had a special significance. Only later, through development of hypocrisy, did people begin to assume a false mask, thinking that it is possible to deceive the inner consciousness. But through the development of scientific methods it is possible to verify the value of true trust. AUM (1936) - 363: 363. The manifestation of trust is indispensable for higher communion. Without trust it is better not even to touch upon such subjects, because obscenity will then result instead of inspiration. Lack of trust in actions themselves is like a pestilent ulcer, which is not manifested at once upon the body. Thus, let us be careful with great concepts. AUM (1936) - 372: 372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity! AUM (1936) - 387: 387. One should see no contradiction in the fact that experiments with psychic energy will bring on fatigue. The ignorant may say, "If this is the basic energy they why should communion with it cause fatigue?" Such objectors do not wish to understand that during experiments the energy is, as it were, condensed, and furthermore, the surrounding conditions are the principal cause of the possibility of fatigue. Abnormality of surrounding conditions spoils many already possible attainments. Therefore I advise to carry on experiments outside of cities, such a condition will help not a little. AUM (1936) - 397: It is understood that human communion is possible only under conditions of complete good will. Again a moral concept becomes an actual motive force. Thus, psychology is made a most effective science. It is highly indicative of the epoch that even so-called abstract concepts become the motive forces of life. AUM (1936) - 449: People assume that evolution results, or rather should result, over long periods, but this progress can be accelerated in accordance with human desire for it. If people so will, they can advance by the speediest means. All other elements are ready for such development, but people must have the desire for it. They must not kill each inspiration. They must grow to love it as the higher communion. AUM (1936) - 517: 517. It should not be thought that in comparing feelings with energy a debasement of feelings is implied. Some imagine that it is out of place to mention higher communion together with energy. To some, energy is something contained in a machine, but such earthly interpretations are mediocre. One should also come to love the entrusted manifested energy. The entrusted energy is a drop from the Highest Chalice. Thus, without love there is no advancement. AUM (1936) - 588: 588. Even in the most primitive form of shamanism, during prayers, conjurations and ceremonials, the closed hands at the mouth, trumpets and various tubes were used to strengthen and condense sound. Such symbols of tension and concentration may be observedin all ages, in both little things and great, even to the very loftiest prayers. A trumpet sound, in a way, intensifies space, and percussion rhythms facilitate concentration. Indeed, such primitive efforts are not needed where a higher communion is established. AUM (1936) - 593: He cannot be called a man who does not know how to think about collaborating with the higher energies. How is lofty Communion possible for him if his heart is closed to inspiration! AUM (1936) - 595: 595. Aum, unharmonized, turns into an instrument of destruction. The Highest Communion turns into blasphemy if it be not purified by fire of the heart. Often the concept of the fire of the heart will be called superstition, but let us ask scientists and we shall see that the best of them agree about radiant energies. By no sort of forbiddance can any one interrupt the path of evolution. The ignorant can create convulsions in cognition, rebellions, and destructions. Precisely by forbiddance the ignorant evoke waves of chaos, but the universal law will overcome all the dark stratagems. Ignorance must be eradicated. Brotherhood (1937) - 38: Besides experiments with psychic energy, it is necessary to accustom oneself to communion with the Subtle World - and without resorting to magic. Everything natural is to be attained by natural methods. Only by the way of experiment do people accustom themselves to tensions of various degrees. It may be understood that expectation itself will be a natural preparation, or discipline, as it is customary to say. Brotherhood (1937) - 41: 41. What is the natural path? The most unrestricted way of learning, with tolerance and patience, without any sectarianism. Unrestricted cognition is not easily adopted. Everything connected with human labors is limited. Every occupation cuts short, as it were, many ways of communion. Even excellent minds have been driven into a narrow channel. The disease of self-limitation bears no resemblance to self-sacrifice. Man limits himself for his own comfort. Indeed, bold actions for the sake of unrestricted knowledge will be the exception. Malice and hatred carry out their actions in straitness of mind. For unconfined action it is necessary for one to be filled with magnanimity and to discover causes and effects with a benevolent eye. Austerity of labor has nothing in common with a censorious attitude. Only limited people condemn. Not out of condemnation is perfectment born. Brotherhood (1937) - 85: 85. The bliss of the thinker or the torment of the thinker? It is customary to represent a thinker as in torment, but if you ask him whether he wishes to be freed from such pangs, any thinker will reply in the negative. In the depth of his consciousness he experiences great bliss, for the process of thinking is a higher enjoyment. People have only two real joys - thinking and the ecstasy over beauty. The path to the Fiery World has been affirmed by these two manifestations. Only through them can man advance to the lofty spheres. Every higher communion will contain these two fundamentals. Therefore, it is absurd to talk about the torments of the thinker or the creator. They are not suffering but rejoicing. However, people understand joy in such a singular fashion! For some people joy is in thinking nothing and doing nothing. Brotherhood (1937) - 290: 290. If the psychic energy of even one individual is a prophylaxis for physical health, then how much more powerful will be the influence of unified energy. The meaning of Brotherhood is contained in the unification of the primary energy. Only broadening of consciousness helps to realize the significance of harmony of energy. On all the planes of life it manifests its beneficent force. No doubt you have been asked many times how to develop psychic energy and how to realize its usefulness. But it has been said enough that the heart that aspires to higher quality of all life will be the conductor of psychic energy. No forcible, conventionally accelerated movement toward a display of the heart's action will be useful. The heart is a most independent organ; it may be set free toward good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Likewise, only in friendly communion is it possible to secure the fruits of unified energy. However, for this it is indispensable to understand what harmonious agreement is. Brotherhood (1937) - 555: 555. Let us not be in doubt as to what to do in moments between labors. Let us not forget that each particle of time can be used for higher communion. There is joy in that the thread of the heart can be in constant communion with the most Beloved. I affirm that the voice of love requires no length of time. As a field of grass is filled with different flowers, so, too, the calls of the heart are radiant amid labors; they signify approach to Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 556: 556. Communion, like fragrance, spreads far. If it is beautiful, the quality of broad dispersion is a blessed one. Let space be saturated with the best thoughts; many of them will join harmonious radiations. Though not all can absorb the full expression of thoughts, yet the beneficent substance formed by them will be a healing one. One should offer gratitude to the unknown Senders, who impregnate space with beneficial substance. Thoughts manifested in lofty communion are as a spring in the midst of a desert. Pursuing the direction of such springs one may find the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 596: 596. A city of science will always be the dream of enlightened people. Not one would presume to raise objections to an abode of scientists, where in peace and wise communion truths would be brought to light. Each learned worker would have the best equipment at his disposal. One can picture what discoveries would issue from general concordance and cooperation of all the branches of science! No one would consider the idea of such a city utopian. If only the means and good will could be found! But if one were to say that a certain Abode of Knowledge does exist, a multitude of doubts and denials would come tumbling out. And if to the word science one were to add the word Brotherhood , it will certainly be said that such a chemical combination is impossible. But who has said that science and Brotherhood are incompatible? Brotherhood (1937) - 597: 597. Precisely, Brotherhood is founded on knowledge. True science lives through brotherly communion - such is the Covenant of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 602: 602. Preserve solemnity. Surround yourself with solemnity when you think and speak about the Brotherhood. Thought about Brotherhood is in itself a great communion. Thought that is pure and clear will reach its destination. But where words about the Brotherhood are dragged in the dust of the bazaar, do not expect a harvest. The whirl of curses will not be stilled; cognition of the forces of nature is not obtained amidst revilements. Long since did We discourse about co-measurement. Each concept requires its proper environment. Because of this, seek for the reason why sometimes a concept is exalted, while at other times it grows faded, becoming frippery. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18: Do not lose direct communion with Us. Let it be the highest expression of your being. Do not permit such communion to become a formal performance of duty. Forced effort will never produce a firm step, for the work in the Subtle World must be a natural expression of free will. Do not try to force anyone to such labor, for desire must first be generated in the consciousness. It is difficult to judge when the desire to work for humanity will be ignited. Each one can find his path, and We will help those on that path. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 44: 44. Urusvati embodies fieriness. Of what, then, does this precious quality consist? Some fieriness exists in everyone, but there are particularly fiery natures that can communicate easily with the far-off worlds. People usually understand fieriness as anger, irritability, and bursts of hot temper, but these are merely earthly qualities, and we should not look for true fieriness in them. True fieriness is demonstrated in communion with the Invisible World and in participation in Our Missions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 47: 47. Urusvati guards co-measurement. From this quality are born discrimination and a reverence of Hierarchy. We guard co-measurement. An ancient proverb says, "An elephant's load will crush an ass." There have been instances when egoism hindered the understanding of co-measurement; yet there can be no justice without comparison. We have pointed out many times how novices in thinking sever the thread of communion because of conceit. Yet everyone should remember that even great leaders had to learn discrimination and co-measurement. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55: It should be understood that We wish to explain joy as something creative and inspired. Joy is a reliable magnet. We want people to know where their panacea is. They can conduct a better and higher communion in joy. They will find a firm co-worker in joy. They will wish that the world might live in joy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60: 60. Urusvati can attest to how empty life is without communion with Us, if one has been previously connected with the Brotherhood. It is often necessary to feel support and to compare one's decisions with Principles already verified by long experience. The Teaching itself comes to life when it is linked with its Source. It is cold and gloomy to walk alone between hostile camps. Of course, the Subtle World dispels loneliness, but it is immeasurably more encouraging and helpful when one is aware of Our Abode. Not in Infinity is the Stronghold revealed, but here. Even those who do not know the exact location of the Abode can turn in its direction, and this direction is given by the striving thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71: 71. Urusvati notices the change in currents during communion with Us. It should be explained that these changes take place, not because of Our influence, but because the spatial currents fluctuate when they come into contact with Our currents. This should be noted, otherwise one might attribute to Our current qualities not properly pertaining to it. The Teacher always takes precautions so that communion with Him will not be burdensome. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 89: 89. Urusvati understands the significance of silence. But what kind of silence must this be? People think that silence is simply not uttering any sound, but true power comes when the whole being is overwhelmed by silence and an energy is generated that permits communion with the Higher World. We know these hours of surging energy, and can affirm that this kind of silence is the highest tension. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 89: When silence reigns in Our Tower it means that We are experiencing this powerful tension, and communion with the Higher World will result in a renewal of forces. We need such an accumulation of new forces, just as all of life needs it. It would be a mistake to suppose that We do not need replenishment of energy. In revealing Our human side to you, I am strengthening Our bond with humanity. We certainly do not want to appear as "Beings beyond the clouds"! On the contrary, We want to be close co-workers with humanity. Therefore, let a closeness be created that will be the threshold of cooperation. It is especially needed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 90: Most of the time people rebuke Us before the completion of their deeds, or think of Us only after their actions have already taken place. We wish to establish as many conditions as possible that will facilitate normal contact with Us. There was a time when We preferred not to tell people how to communicate with Us, but now We find it necessary to remind people that We are ready to help them when conditions are appropriate. In the previous books many conditions were mentioned that promote the harmonizing of human consciousness. Those who study the Teaching attentively can easily understand the way of communion with Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: Examples of communion with the Brotherhood can be given. A great measure of inspiration can be seen throughout the centuries. When the Brotherhood commissions someone for great sacrifice, could that person remain without inspiration? The degree of striving is determined by inspiration. We help such lofty achievements. Let waste and dust not obstruct the beautiful path, and doubt not obscure the details of the path, for even rapids can be crossed on a rainbow of Light. But the rainbow comes only after the storm. Thus let us understand the highest degrees of striving. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: The Thinker said, "Each man has within himself a potential force that can bring him into direct contact with the Highest World. This force builds the essence of his consciousness and enables Us to transmit information into its core. He who can establish constant contact with the Highest World is able to help build the future, but if this communion is lost, man is limited to the life of a beast. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: "Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies. But does not each one of us soar? It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or the dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods, and opens the entrance into the Supermundane. Insomnia was always regarded as a punishment, because it deprived man of a natural communion. Friends, we must be grateful to the Higher Spirits, who allow us to have communion with Them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254: 254. Urusvati knows how much people confuse peace of mind with the inner peace that is the source of peace for all else. Seeking for inner peace should be encouraged, for only this equilibrium makes higher communion possible and opens the doors for the best decisions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 281: 281. Urusvati knows how essential is the joy of life. It is not only a healing remedy but also the best helper for communion with Us. Where does this stimulating feeling, called the joy of life, arise? It does not come from wealth or self-satisfaction, but is often experienced amidst the most grievous difficulties and persecutions. In times of stress, joy is especially valuable and healing. We call it the joy of Be-ness, for it does not depend on personal circumstances, success, or profit. This joy has no earthly reasons; it comes as a forerunner of the highest currents, which spiritualize the entire surrounding atmosphere. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337: 337. Urusvati loves communion with Us. It cannot be ordered, it cannot be intellectually evoked, only the power of love can bring it into life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337: Mark what I tell you. Often people come together for the purpose of united concentration of thought. Such an exercise is praiseworthy. Similarly, people gather together and send forth collective thoughts for the salvation of the world and the curing of illnesses. This too is praiseworthy. In these times there are many gatherings dedicated to the transmission of such benevolent thoughts. However, communion with Us is overlooked, even though it would help them in their good intentions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337: We do not criticize those who attempt to unify and intensify their thinking, for in their own way they act worthily. But how much more intense would be their transmissions if each of them learned to love communion with Us! Everyone should dedicate at least a little time to mental unification with Us, but only love can be the bridge. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 352: The Thinker used to say, "Friend, are you ready for an unexpected communion with the luminous sphere?" Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358: When We speak about Our Inner Life We primarily want to impress upon you the diversity of conditions that surround you and Us. It is an annoying fact that people fail to understand that we are all surrounded by the same currents of energy. Only when you realize this will you come close to Us. This closeness will evoke reverence, or in other words, acceptance of the Teacher. Alas, it is seldom that the Teacher is accepted. At times people may feel sparks of devotion, but such flickering will only irritate the atmosphere. We do not speak about Our authority, but about the principle on which harmonious communion can be built. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: 363. Urusvati knows that labor engenders one of the most sublime joys. One would expect this truth to be accepted by all, but alas, labor is usually considered a burden and people dream only about holidays. However, We shall share with you Our concept of labor. We work always amidst the most tiring conditions and also have holidays, but Our holidays are periods of communion with the Highest Spheres. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: There are some who would consider that such communion is labor also, and they would be right, for the exploration of the higher spheres requires much energy. Absolute concentration is required and the apparatuses must be controlled with skill. Recently, Urusvati experienced a powerful shock when one of the levers broke in My hand. Such unpredicted complications often occur, but there is a great difference between the breaking of a lever during routine work and a complication in the apparatuses used for communication. Yet, despite inevitable complications, the labor of striving toward the higher spheres is a true festival. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366: Therefore, the first task of humanity is the building of the bridge of the Temple. The second task of learning communion with the far-off worlds will be easier. What some people now perceive vaguely will become a normal condition of planetary life. Do you not think that for such tasks it is worthwhile to preserve Earth? But as yet only a small minority thinks in this way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382: Another factor should be kept in mind, that psychic energy is developed especially during conscious communion with Hierarchy. This communication should be practiced throughout one's entire life, and will then become firmly established. The Image of the Teacher will become ever-present, and the flow of the new, vital currents will be manifested in all endeavors. This will become the foundation of the feeling that people call optimism. Such straight-knowledge helps even machines to do their best work! All Our apparatuses are designed to respond to psychic energy. Not everyone is able to make use of Our methods, but every thinking person can progress on the same path. The difference between Us and others is that, due to lengthy experience, We know how to focus Our psychic energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431: 431. Urusvati knows that there can be a beneficial exchange of one's earthly ectoplasm for the higher energies. The Beings of the Higher Spheres can use these particles of ectoplasm, and in return They send active inspiration and strengthen the vital substance. In this way We can make sure that during communion of a natural, high degree, when saturation with a high substance occurs, no harm is done. However, for such communion one must be able to strive toward the Highest. All unhealthy contrivances will only lead to a loss of strength and evoke the ugliest companions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431: Likewise, anyone who knows about the Great Service will remember that any unworthy action will cause pain to someone. Old governesses used to say to children who had done something wrong, "Your angel will weep," and this warning reached to the very depths of the children's hearts. Truly, each unkind action causes someone to suffer. What Higher Communion can there be when natural laws are violated? People may think that everything is admissible, even robbery and murder! But who are They who will approach the place of crime? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 439: Some people express communion only by asking for help. Perhaps traditional prayers have accustomed people to demand earthly blessings from Deity. This error is common in all teachings - people stop striving toward illumination and restrict their communion with the Highest to requests for an increase in earthly benefits. Thus, it is necessary to explain that the Teaching of Life cannot contain contradictions. Let those who fail to understand ask, and they will learn that the Teaching knows life in all its aspects. Let them remember that a devoted pupil communes with the Teacher in one unified current of energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: 440. Urusvati knows how people attempt to excuse themselves, claiming that because of their earthly duties they can find no time for higher communion. But let us compare their most important earthly duties with the sparks of even the least enlightenment. Let us examine them from a distance of several decades, and we will find that while the earthly affairs have faded, the enlightenment has remained clear and even grown more vivid into a beautiful affirmation. Such a comparison between earthly affairs and illumination can reveal the true values. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that people will easily understand such values, although everyone preserves in his heart the beauty of higher communion. And how much stronger this grows when one has friends to whom one's highest feelings can be confided! This sharing becomes a kind of amplifier, and with united striving the surrounding atmosphere will be purified. Thus will people understand which deeds are the best. Let them also find the balance between earthly labor and glimmers of illumination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: We have often spoken about straight-knowledge; let communion with Us help this natural development. In this growth it should be understood that some common, everyday occurrences are far more significant than so-called world events. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447: 447. Urusvati knows that calmness is required for higher communion. The stirring of water may be necessary for some experiments, but should you wish to study the depths of a well, you must have a calm surface and clear water.