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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMMUNICATIONS (45)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 5:
5. Direct your friends towards righteousness. Do not conceal Our Communications. Follow Our Teachings with your heart. Strive and you will perceive the light. I will point out the way - the heart will understand Our Token. Behold! The Teachers will reveal a lyre, and miraculously its power will endow you with the gift of enchantment. Behold the bliss sent unto you. Dedication is the requisite of those who strive on the path of ascent. Those who with a full heart fulfill Our requests will attune their ears to the harmony of the Universe. By bringing happiness unto you We show Our Trust in your striving towards Good. Truth is with you - be ready to receive it. As the heavens are fathomless, so great is your strength.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 417:
Karmic communications are sent because of care and love for you. We issue warnings, and We enable you to meet the wave of karma with knowledge. Be not surprised if signs about karma are not always clear to you. The indications are always understandable, And they must be carried out without delay.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
It is easy to attune the apparatus of visible science with the conduits of the Higher World. For instance, clairaudience will be easily understood as the wireless telephone, which will be very soon established. But just then attention will be paid to the differences in the quality of communications, and in comparing the peculiarities of the mediators the practicability of spirituality will be understood.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
Is it difficult to accept the fact that a group that has acquired knowledge by the path of tenacious labor can be united in the name of the Common Good? Empirical knowledge has led to the finding of a favorable place, where the currents permit easier communications in diverse directions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 118:
It is wrong to think that Our Communications are without effect. On the contrary, each Decree bears with it, as a whirlwind, Our protection or criticism. Can it be otherwise when each manifestation of smugness carries its own harmful contagion, when each act of narrow-mindedness is at another's expense? Each Command inattentively heard is like an arrow in the heart, each sneaking away like a chain that strangles. You know that all is suspended in space. Who would be willing to drive in the nail of his own condemnation? We hasten to help you to complete your karmas in order to rid the speeding ship of unnecessary loads. At the destined date strain your ear to grasp every word of the Teacher.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
500. You may have noticed that often telepathic transmissions are quickly forgotten. This is because of the method of transmission, which touches special centers not involved in the usual processes of hearing. One can train oneself to retain these communications in the memory, but the ability to transmit in this way is not so easily acquired. The sending of communications does not depend on a forced tension of the will but on clarity of consciousness in combination with the light of Abhidharma. Thus, the quality of transmission depends on the purity of the consciousness and on the presence of oxygen attracted by the Fire of Space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
During sendings to a distance one should adjust one's communications to the psychic condition of the receiving one. It is better to employ expressions customary for him, in order not to fatigue him. Notice how much one's psychic energy is affected by one's physical habits.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 506:
506. Besides cosmic conditions, emotional disturbances also influence telepathic communications. This instability, fully understandable because of personal and surrounding concerns, intrudes itself into the line of communication. Likewise, an eagerness to anticipate the communication causes tremors in the fiery conduit. But still, no physical apparatus compares to psychic energy. The waves produced by a physical apparatus can overburden certain layers of the atmosphere and cause new calamities, if psychic energy is not used.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 529:
529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 529:
I advise you to pay attention to all the telepathic communications that you receive. Note the immediate, first sensations without undue analysis.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 556:
556. In Agni Yoga, even the most abstract concepts become tangible and real. Sincerity, usually called honesty, becomes irreplaceable. Test the quality of sincerity in communications to far distances; and then observe the difference when personal feelings of impatience or irritation are allowed to intrude, or, worse, preconceived ideas or deliberate distortions. These deprive the result of its value, and can cause irreparable harm. But true sincerity is a purifier, bringing about a crystal clarity, which enlightens the consciousness just as fuel gives flame. Thus, one can contribute to success by applying what is called honesty.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 578:
578. The process of deepening and refining one's thinking enables one to conduct remarkable observations of distant communication. You know that a communication enters the consciousness as something separate, and therefore is easily forgotten. You also know that neither tempest nor hurricane can hinder psychic energy, though they can affect the centers, especially the Chalice. It is possible to observe how communications relate to the particular centers, and how the quality of the communications is affected by them. Briefly, the manifold ways of thinking and the varied properties of psychic energy will provide new opportunities for the individuality. Observations conducted under various conditions of locality, temperature, and weather will provide an inexhaustible source for new achievements.

Heart (1932) - 108:
108. It is necessary to learn to contain forty ways of alien expression. Each expression of ours puzzles the antagonist, but his own habitual expression enters at once into his consciousness as his own thinking. Thus, one can accustom one's consciousness to flexibility of expression. We call that the translator of the heart. And in other communications of the heart it is necessary chiefly to avoid egoism, which may be termed a dark eye. It is necessary that the foundations of the Teachings be applied in life not as the caprice of one day, but as a continued exercise, without any irritation and vexation.

Heart (1932) - 275:
275. The Teacher needs an especially clear consciousness in the disciples. But night, which obscures the consciousness, does not permit the propelling of the entire might preserved in its depths. Among the reasons for success or failure in the tasks, the condition of the consciousness occupies no small place. Even a slight perplexity or uncertainty in striving alters the result. For instance, someone may come to you anxious to help and awaiting from you only the impetus to do so. But you may be absorbed in some outside conversation, and the desire to help evaporates in a cup of tea. Besides, the custom of the country demands that time be filled with the most insignificant communications, and in this rubbish the most precious seeds are lost. But if humanity would only value time, at least much that is vital could come about. True, this can be ruled by the heart in order to correlate the highest measures.

Heart (1932) - 283:
283. Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is time to accept thinking as having a chemical reaction. So, too, the manifestation of Armageddon should be understood not only as the usually accepted war but also in accordance with the events of the entire life. The obsession that was mentioned is a significant evidence of the Great Battle. True, suicides and also physical and spiritual calamities permeate the convulsed planet. Special types of diseases of the brain and nerves and also many perversions are to be found among men. One is astonished at the waverings of the spirit. One becomes indignant at the way in which the best are met with threats and hatred, as though Earth itself strove to disintegration! Of course the mad ones do not behold all the luminous warriors and let the dark ones drag them down into the abyss. Thus, one must fortify oneself with all strength through the Hierarchy. Even upon an ordinary battlefield, one should not cut oneself off from communications. Thus, by the simplest examples one must cognize the Great.

Heart (1932) - 431:
431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 164:
164. So, too, one should not think that in the Fiery World its beings are constantly surrounded by tongues of flame. Fire can be crystallized, but its habitual state may be characterized as light. These communications are simple, but it is better to mention them in order to avoid the usual misunderstandings.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 211:
211. I approve of your gathering the evidences of psychic energy and of the corresponding glands. For this it is necessary to observe the time sequence of the communications. In this sequence a deliberate rhythm can be perceived. It is not by accident that hints are given to various people in different countries. The alternation of the waves of East and West is also not accidental. The forgotten domain is gradually being conquered anew. Once again we approach the fundamentals of Existence. Precisely in this way shall we again understand life as a process of self-perfectment, and thus solve the ethical as well as the economic postulates. Hence it is so important to gather with great care all data about psychic energy, from various sources, not being constrained by their seeming contradictions. Nothing else has stirred up as much controversy as psychic energy. These flowers of Existence can be gathered only by a trained hand, otherwise the hand may be unsteady in the midst of the signs of all ages and peoples. There has never been a nation which did not dream about Agni, gathering for it the best consonances. A one-sided consciousness inevitably stumbles over dogmas and is frightened by sophistry. Yet Sophia is not sophistry, and experimentation is not prejudice - thus one may gather a useful collection.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 436:
436. Whence come the waves of sudden joy or anguish? They are regarded as unfounded, whereas causes underlie everything. I advise you to record such waves, which otherwise might be forgotten. With each move every man produces a significant experiment, yet he lightly rejects these flashes of cognition. Joy and anguish are not without cause, and records of these moods will remind one when earthly communications bring confirmation of them. The fiery mail is confirmed by earthly messages. Of course, many causes, not only earthly but also from the Subtle World, may not reach us, but still one can perceive significant coordination between events and feelings. Thus, experiences are accumulated which constitute a convincing whole. Verily, man's greatest experiments were performed in the laboratories of life!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 449:
449. I affirm the futility of communications with the middle spheres of the Subtle World. They only irritate the entities there by various reminiscences, and the earthly fluids disturb them. Moreover, people learn nothing from them. The rhythm of space is expressed in the higher spheres.

AUM (1936) - 520:
520. Between radio waves it is sometimes possible to distinguish intruding voices. Of course, those are the voices of some people accidentally caught by the apparatus. So, too, among voices from the Subtle World are heard more and more often the voices of the living. Hostile ignoramuses wish to take advantage of this circumstance in order to deny communications from the Subtle World. But they forget that psychic energy is one and the same everywhere. It cannot be either dead or living, because it is fundamental. Thought is invincible, and it vibrates in space.

AUM (1936) - 596:
596. The very same energy participates in the transmission of both earthly thoughts and those from the Subtle World. Coincidence of earthly and subtle communications has disturbed investigators exceedingly; they believed such a relation to be impossible. The principle reason for the misunderstandings is that no one has paid attention to the fact that both kinds of communication have been received under identical conditions and by means of the same energy. Such experimentation must be especially observed, it means the erasure of the boundary line between the worlds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 53:
53. Can Communications scientifically based by altered and become contradictory? Indeed, the fundamentals are steadfast, but there can be fluctuations in the receivers. Such manifestations of non-conformity should not be referred to the fundamentals. Is it not better to seek the cause in one's own lack of understanding? Only a broadened consciousness will help to establish a clear understanding, otherwise the most lucid letter can be misinterpreted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
We have already said that all questions concerning the inner consciousness must be severely tested, and if, out of a hundred dubious and obscure communications, one will prove to be authentic, this will already be a success. Thus, let us seek Truth.

Brotherhood (1937) - 285:
285. Dispassionateness is not heartlessness or indifference. When people read historical chronicles, they are not irritated, because these writings belong to the distant past; and the experience of life teaches that almost all received communications also refer to the past. Likewise, experience whispers that the future can direct thoughts above and beyond irritation and disturbance. Thus, only the future is liberated from passion. From it is born active dispassionateness. Usually people upbraid one for this concept, confusing it with selfhood; but it is better to attribute it to justice. Only the future, not littered by the confusion of the recent past, can enable one to think rationally. Thus let us carefully analyze the significance of many concepts that have been undeservedly abased or exalted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 375:
375. People will wonder why at times a very important thought reaches one fleetingly, whereas ordinary communications arrive clearly. One should decide with caution whether something is important, which appears to be ordinary. Sometimes the most ordinary circumstance contains the solution of something important. Often a single word forewarns about something essential. Often man is cautioned against danger by a single exclamation. It is well if in this hasty word he hears the warning. There are many examples of people having remained deaf to the must urgent Indications. At the moment when misfortune is taking place they recall in a flash how help was offered them, but it is already too late. People usually think that equal help can be extended in all the stages of circumstances. But can a cure be expected when the organism is already disintegrating? It is impossible to grow a non-existent hand, it is impossible to reanimate an already dying brain. Many examples can be cited when people beseeched resuscitation of the dying. Such an attitude merely shows complete lack of understanding of how to deal with energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45:
One should ponder the ceaseless Battle We lead against the dark forces. People do not stop to realize that they are surrounded by experienced destroyers. No one repeats the need to turn to the Stronghold of Good. We may receive communications that a conspiracy against constructiveness has developed and We hasten to prevent it, but you yourself know how few listen to Us. Which means that once again Tactica Adversa must be applied.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 87:
We are occupied a great deal with the study of psycho-chemistry. The Subtle World helps in this research because it is replete with the subtlest chemical activities, which facilitate distant communications and create the circumstances for sensitive discrimination. Everyone can begin such experiments by observing why he feels attracted to or repelled by certain objects. In time, this type of experiment will be taken up by chemical laboratories, but even now careful observation will help to analyze such phenomena, and the effect of psycho-chemical reactions on the most elementary substances will be discovered.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117:
Urusvati knows well the communications link with the Brotherhood; only by means of this link can one know the varied states of existence. Our Brotherhood is like a laboratory of all branches of life. The new Teaching is now being spread throughout the whole world, introducing a new knowledge of the subtle energies. Our victory too, is subject to subtle conditions. Sometimes years are required to make the right path, already outlined by Us, visible to earthly eyes. Later, people will remark on how specifically events were foreseen, and some will then appreciate Our sense of co-measurement in revealing the truth. Thus, learn from Our patience. May the adamant aspiration of the Brotherhood be an example for you in all your actions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
The Stone from the far-off worlds is a significant teraph of the Brotherhood. Much has been written about this Stone. A part of it performs the duty of a messenger throughout the world, carried by the hands of the chosen. People call the Stone "Grail," but it has also been called by many other names. Legends of all times reveal some of the truth regarding this Stone, but its most significant aspect is not mentioned - the Stone is permeated with a substance that helps to preserve the vibrational communications with the far-off worlds. Likewise, a small particle of the Stone serves as a link with the Brotherhood. Thus again there is a scientific basis for a legend which has become a part of human history. We purposely emphasize the scientific aspect of this legend because the ignorant ones are ever ready to attribute everything to the darkness of superstition. Urusvati knows this Stone of Our Abode. We preserve it in a special place so that the vibrations may retain their original power.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 145:
145. Urusvati knows that unknown names, unknown places and unfamiliar words often come to the surface from the depths of consciousness. Scientists call this the subconscious, but they are unaware that communications from space accumulate in man's Chalice, and when given an impulse, are transferred to the brain.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
Verily, the Teacher had the right to call the animals His smaller brothers. There was nothing contrived or forced in these communications. Nor was it a relationship of master and slave, but simply cooperation between man and animal.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
The actual withdrawal from this world to the far-off worlds, in itself was not new, but His conscious attitude toward the responsibility He assumed, was. The far-off world, even in its purely physical condition, cannot be easy for the Teacher, and is especially difficult because of His continued collaboration with the Brotherhood. Earthly rays, in their present condition, cannot be considered beneficial, because the planet is sick and its balance is lost. In ordinary earthly communications, atmospheric conditions may vary greatly, but how much more varied and powerful are the emanations of the far-off worlds!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
I mention this episode to remind you about the caution that must be exercised in dealing with the filling of space. Even in earthly life people seek the opinions of experts in order to learn the meaning of events. It is the same when certain entities try to intercept Our communications in order to use the information for their own purposes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
358. Urusvati knows how varied are the rhythms of Our communications. At times they flow slowly and distinctly, but at other times so rapidly that it is almost impossible to hear them. They may be shockingly loud, or may become almost inaudible, like the softest whisper. Sometimes they strain the centers, but usually they are beneficent. Do not suppose that these variations are the result of Our unbalanced minds! You should seek the cause in the spatial currents. The example of Our communication is of use to anyone who studies the energy of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
People are impatient in everything. To explain each phenomenon they hasten to create their own rules, and through such arbitrary, willful interference, they interrupt the most valuable manifestations. This is why it is so important that you be reminded about the variety of Our communications. One should bear in mind that if Our force can be affected by cosmic currents, it is even more difficult for the efforts of beginners.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When We speak about purification of thinking We have in mind primarily liberation from preconceived notions. Imagine someone experimenting with the receiving of direct communications who then tries to introduce his own thoughts. Such a student will only mix up the messages. There have been many such cases.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When receiving communications from a great distance one should be particularly careful not to allow interruptions. Through carelessness in receiving, many words can be lost. Much experience is necessary for one to be able to perceive the various changes of rhythm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
398. Urusvati knows that in addition to verbal intercourse and instruction there are mental communications of equally deep meaning. Such transmissions of thought require at least as much concentration as is needed for verbal exchange with Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
Much has been said about contemplation and concentration in the transmission of verbal messages. But now We speak about an act of mental transmission that is like a lightning bolt, so intense that it is beyond describing in words, when only the most penetrating straight-knowledge is acting. Such straight-knowledge derives its power from the accumulation of consciousness. No time is needed for such communications. They are at the threshold of ecstasy, and an active love is expressed in them. One can understand that words are inappropriate when the essence of thought is aflame. But one must be trained to master these lightning flashes of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427:
In Our normal work We must set aside time for the reception of communications from a distance. But this is not easy, since an organism that is tensed and refined cannot help resounding to calls from everywhere. Remember that, in addition to any direct appeals to Us, space thunders with world events. And now this cacophony has reached such a degree that it can endanger the human organism. Thought-waves, like arrows, pierce the mucous membranes; the throat, the ears, the eyes, and all other mucous tissues can be affected. There are times when thought-waves are even strengthened by the mutual opposition. One cannot always see the explosions of black projectiles. Unearthly Forces are active in them, but earthly thoughts treble their effect.


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