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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMMANDING (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.11.4:
1.11.4. Knowledge comes only with the readiness of the spirit. Commanding and terrorizing are only for the enemies.

Heart (1932) - 93:
93. In all scriptures are presented symbolic narratives of how hermits and saints compelled demons to serve and labor for something useful. Truly, this is quite possible in case of a disinterested impulse. I attest to what an extent all the dark ones serve the structure when the power of self-sacrificing demand protects the commanding heart. But one circumstance can be dangerous and harmful-irritation full of imperil opens the entrance for the dark ones. Where there is irritation various newcomers set themselves to profit by it and increase the action of the poison. How much of the texture is torn, how many tests and experiments are impeded, to the joy of the malevolent ones! Advise to accept this not as a fairy tale but as a dangerous reality. The source of good and evil does not disappear.

Heart (1932) - 409:
409. Even a minor lama understands that one can kill a mad dog with the gaze. But in the West the deadly eye cannot be permitted, because an inadmissible fray would begin. Thus, the heart can determine the boundaries of the admissible. However, one can harmlessly exercise not only with plants but also with insects and animals, commanding them with the eye.


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