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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COLLECTOR (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 24:
Our earthly firmament requires a great deal for the healing of the breaches. Many fountains of formulae of the Lords have been poured out. The help, through the Shield of the Teaching, was sent, but the priceless treasures of spirit were scattered as chips into space. However, space is a great collector and accumulator of all treasures unapplied by you. Nothing is wasted by Cosmos, and there serve is guarded. When you realize this, the sparks of knowledge will reveal to you all mysteries of Existence. The element of Fire is dreaded by him who knows only the decay of contemporary life. But he who sees and welcomes causativeness and the affirmation of results is the evident votary of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 25:
Verily, man is the highest manifestation of Cosmos. Verily, he is chosen as the predestined builder and collector of all treasures of the Universe. Verily, the term "man" means the affirmation of creativeness. Long ago was the key entrusted to man, but when revelation illumined him there appeared the extinguishers of the fires.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 306:
306. A prevalence of subtle and creative energies affords possibility to the entire Cosmic Fire to manifest itself as a life-generating force. A prevalence of all positive substances provides the life-generating force for all inceptions. Thus, the Cosmic Fire exists as the great collector of energies. The affirmation of a consciously manifested substance strains all threads. How is it possible then not to admit that the law of balance is not a law which confirms equally evil and good? And the unbalance between light and darkness gives to humanity the sought formula of life. Of course, life is unbalanced to a great degree, the evidence of which is established in a variety of ways. But one must be imbued with the mystery of life to understand that amidst the suffocating emanations of the planet there is nevertheless a power maintaining the predominance of the currents of the subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
The concept of creative thought is profound and such thought permeates a work of art, which then becomes a strong magnet and a collector of energy. Thus, each artistic creation lives and assists in the exchange and accumulation of energy.


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