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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COINED (3)

Heart (1932) - 72:
All Teachings repeat about the burden of the flesh in order to direct attention to the supremacy of spirit. The Teaching should be accepted as the inception of true privileges, which are inalienable. One should value how the Teaching deepens the consciousness and provides the true opportunities of life if these are not rejected. This simple aspect is so rarely given consideration. People prefer to send their complaints into space, evoking upon themselves a shower of stones. But We do not wish to frighten them, lest they speak of a lack of love. People ascribe to the manifestation of love such peculiar conditions that it would seem that their love was coined in a mint! But love is necessary for the path into the Infinite. A guide is so urgently needed; when in the ultimate tension upon the slippery rocks we seek the saving thread, the Guiding Hand will touch us.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 162:
162. You find it difficult to translate the phrase - "he became completely imbued with." You are right, in languages far removed from Sanskrit it is not easy to find certain definitions, particularly relating to the Higher World. One may have to express it as - "he became aflame" or even "he took fire," in order not to abase the concept of exaltation. Many misunderstandings are included among the definitives. Expressions which are striving on high suffer especially; only people who so strive themselves can use them, but there are not many of these. Therefore languages begin to rotate around petty concepts; they improve in mechanical expressions, but it is not even considered necessary to find the consonance of Higher Worlds. Turn your attention to newly coined words. Through them is it not possible to estimate the level of consciousness! But one should also honor the Higher Worlds with exquisite expressions, so that the Fiery World could also be glorified in earthly sound. Thus let us reiterate, in order that youth may find time to advance the thinking upward. From the quality of the thinking is born the word.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 388:
388. Relativity of names is understood only after a deep study of the subject. Sometimes a spatial process is called, as it were, by a personal name. But human action is comparable to fiery energy. Actually the two processes are quite indistinguishable in their essential nature. This is why ignorant deniers often charge the Teachings with overstressing sacred things, while at the same time they fill their own speech with superfluous and conventional abbreviations and coined words.


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