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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COFFINS (2)

Heart (1932) - 75:
75. Love, achievement, labor, creation - these summits of ascent preserve the aspiring strivings in all permutations. What a bounty of additional concepts they encompass! What is love without self-sacrifice or achievement without valor, labor without patience, and creativeness without self-perfectment! And over this entire legion of benignant values the heart rules. Without it the most patient people, the most valiant, the most striving, will remain cold coffins! Burdened by knowledge, but unwinged, will be those who are heartless! It is sad not to come at the time of the Call! It is grievous not to follow the Hierarchy completely! Often people try to hide from themselves the rejection of the Hierarchy. Canst thou, traveler, open-heartedly be ready to follow the Hierarchy? Perhaps thy readiness is only up to the first turn, up to the first step, only where the Hierarchy can help? Wilt thou not forget at a difficult hour, or wilt thou remember Hierarchy only in abundance?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 401:
The ordinary man will say, "What have I to do with a hierarchy that I do not see? Why do I need a subtle world that cannot be applied to my own life? Of what profit or use to me are far-off worlds? Let the past die with all its coffins and bones." He does not understand that the past does not lie only in its bones. He does not understand that the far-off worlds are the equilibrium of Cosmos. He cannot recognize the Subtle World because he does not hear the Voice of Silence. What is Hierarchy to him who imagines himself the King of the Universe?


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