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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CL > CLUSTER (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.6:
What do I see? The first has lost the money. The second has exchanged it for intoxicant wine. The third has hidden it. The fourth did not notice that the grapes were unripe. The fifth, testing their ripeness, crushed the entire cluster. The sixth chose wisely, but brushed them loose and scattered them through carelessness. The seventh brought a ripe branch and even found leaves to adorn it.

Hierarchy (1931) - 231:
231. When space is saturated with fires, each cluster scintillates in the centers; therefore, a sensitive organism feels all approaches, and each change of cosmic currents is reflected upon the centers. The affirmation of consonance acts upon the centers, and each vibration reflects on a particular center. Likewise, each planetary event is reflected; and during revolutions and shiftings a sensitive organism resounds to each affirmation. Science will take up the question of consonance, and it will be possible to determine exactly the action of intuition in accordance with the sensations of the centers. Only by such investigation of consonances will it be possible to determine the cause and cooperation. Hence, the study of consonances is the science of the future.


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