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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CL > CLUMSY (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 310:
Do not pluck flowers needlessly; every flower should be allowed to grow. Consider that even the most clumsy co-worker can contribute a useful stone for building. It is not proper to reject anyone unless the line of treason has been crossed. Judge by this black sign.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 452:
Fire requires caution. One should develop this, and service is the measure of one's solicitous vigilance. Just as the petals of a flower curl and droop from a clumsy touch, so does the protective lotus close itself when a violent threat pierces one's space. As a solicitous worker I commission the co-workers to carry the treasure.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 57:
How is it possible to annihilate the power of motion, and how can one not acknowledge this wise and eternal cause of the entire Cosmic Fire! The evidence of the Cosmic Fire permeates every corner of the human dwelling, but as an extraneous manifestation. Man has detached himself from the best part of the creative impulse. The finding of Materia Lucida on the earthly sphere is possible only in spiritual consciousness. Clumsy hands may not touch the veil of the Mother of the World. A crude consciousness may not formulate the manifestation of cosmic energy. Only the yearning to perceive provides the access to higher matter.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 153:
153. It is possible to note only a temporary absentation but also other related manifestations. For example, a man goes to sleep with a definite thought and awakens with its continuation on the next word. This means that his spirit has been absent on a completely different plane, and then again has joined his earthly consciousness to the definite word. This means that in the Subtle World a completely different plane of consciousness is used. Thus it must be. But when people preserve also there the earthly consciousness, then such clumsy thinking will be even harmful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146:
It does not matter that people misrepresented the Beautiful Image in their clumsy efforts to depict Him. The Images familiar to us do not resemble the Great Pilgrim. Some may ask why His true Image has not been restored. But portraits seldom bear a true resemblance, because people usually prefer the Image that most pleases them. The most accurate depictions are not generally known.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
We experience similar conditions during distant flights. The important thing is that one must not overlook the first impression at the time of awakening. Under ordinary conditions it is difficult to be constantly vigilant, and the significant signs can be missed. Later, one may forget everything, and if pressed by clumsy questioning, will insist that he remembers nothing. We have mentioned this before, but such experiences are rare in Our Abode. Only at times when a general concentration is needed can We allow such methods; We do not want to miss any manifestation, and everyone's will is focused.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 341:
People do not understand that the way to harmony is in the art of thinking. Deep contemplation is needed for the realization of harmony. Truly, only the art of thinking can refine one's feelings. But how does one acquire this art, which can sometimes be possessed by an illiterate person, yet elude the most learned? How can We teach man the art of thinking? Many will take this to be a clumsy aphorism. How can We explain to people that Our philosophy is based upon thinking about Infinity? With such ideals, earthly tribulations become bearable and manageable. Do not fear the lofty concept of harmony. It can be applied in all aspects of life, and every human being can develop a sense of it within himself. This state can be called by different names, yet it is the property of all. Everyone sooner or later will achieve harmony if the art of thinking is cultivated.


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