New Era Community (1926) - 198: 198. In the recent past, in accordance with the plan of My Friend, We often visited Western cities. At that time We encountered casual individuals who suspected something about Us. The most persistent inquiries were addressed to Us - about the methods of psycho-mechanics and demands for the most precise biochemical formulas. Besides, with the conceitedness of the West, these people were never concerned about their own consciousness and did not attempt to learn whether they possessed the corresponding physical qualities. It is sad to contemplate that this opportunity was unaccompanied by any aspirations for social welfare. As the caveman with his club hastened to gather colored sea-shells as his exclusive property, so did these dwellers of stone places try to appropriate for themselves qualities foreign to them. Moreover, the caveman adorned himself with the shells, but the contemporary wiseacres degraded knowledge into after-dinner coffee talk - it was a spectacle of shameful lightmindedness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 126: 126. In place of the Diplodocus, kangaroos leap; in place of the Pterodactyl, bats fly; in place of the dragon, lizards. What is the meaning of this? Can it be degeneration? Actually, it is only adaptation. Similarly, the club of Hercules would be only a museum rarity nowadays. Thus, also in life, evolution should be understood, not as the growth of the fist, but as condensation of the spirit. From the swinging of the club let us turn to a new understanding of everyday life. The element of fire is majestic, yet even this must be learned in daily routine. It is not right to clothe heroes in a toga alone, depriving them of other forms of garment. Evolution should be accepted from life, amidst life, and for life. The beauty of evolution is not an abstraction, for each abstraction is a misconception. One should well remember this concept of evolution as a vital capacity; thus we shall approach the most complex formulas, where the symbol Aum will not be an inscription but the expression of the highest ingredient. Let us exercise our consciousness toward this. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 295: 295. You know that during suggestion one should not wave the arms or stare at the patient. In general, it is not necessary even to look into the patient's eyes, but one should project the will from heart to heart. Only afterwards should one proceed in applying one's will from the center, in the needed direction. It is absolutely useless for the patient under suggestion to know what is taking place. In fact, the preparations for suggestion often set up an undesirable counteraction. Besides, although the patient may believe that he is ready to submit to the treatment, his Manas will resist the intrusion. The longer both consciousnesses are mutually balanced, the more potent the suggestion will be. However, the experiment should not be announced in advance; each treatment should take place unexpectedly. But physical conditions must be favorable. The temperature should be average, moderate, without the irritation induced by heat or cold. The air must be pure, and it is advisable to have a light aroma of roses or eucalyptus. One should arrange inconspicuously that the patient be comfortably reclining in an armchair. A bed is less suitable. Everything sudden or noisy should be shunned in order to avoid the possibility of a shock. It must not be forgotten that during suggestion the subtle body is in a state of great tension and attempts to leave the body. Therefore, one should with all possible caution forbid its leaving the body. Naturally, all commands should be mental and not oral. Western hypnotists scoff at the idea of a mental command; they think that words and fingers can dominate the will. But let us leave them to their occidental blunders. In certain primitive tribes the patient was smitten on the forehead with a club. Such an act also subjugated the will. But where there is the Teaching of the Heart and of Fire the methods must be different. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 296: 296. Of course, there are people who will say that a blow with a club, being a direct method, is therefore permissible, but that fiery action is something concealed and inadmissible. By such reasoning each one who thinks about good is already dangerous, but the murderer is only a reflection of the social order. Not a few people think in this manner and in so doing obstruct all that is subtle. But the club is no longer useful; the subtlest solutions and respect for the human heart are necessary.