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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CL > CLATTER (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.10:
You will ask how you should gather. I will tell you to gather in prayer. Better be silent, without the clatter of objects, without the raising of voices, because the wings of spirit grow in quiet. Dedicate in prayer the time of Our Communions, because for the Communion We shall bring the very best. The current of Communion creates a wondrous ladder to the very loftiest manifestations of the Creator - the ladder of Spirit. You can struggle in life, you can discern when is the hour to invoke My Hand.

AUM (1936) - 36:
36. You have heard the prayer of the birds - the little brothers know how to welcome the light. They summon their most rapturous expression before the grandeur of light. Plants reach out toward the light. Only people dream about their stomachs when their spirits should be filled with the grandeur of the Highest. Thus they commit a sacrilege similar to suicide. Noblest hymns have been written, but people recite them without heart tremor, like the clatter of broken crockery.

AUM (1936) - 109:
109. Licentiousness and coarseness have now reached incredible limits. Savagery has finally broken into the cities and disrupted all the implantations of the spirit. The consciousness of the majority has returned to the darkest age. The clatter of the machine drowns the wail of the spirit. Therefore, each call to the Higher World is a call for salvation.


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