Heart (1932) - 145: 145. Much is spoken about creativeness through vibrations, and this is accompanied by a raising of the eyes heavenward, forgetting that every man is not only a transmuter of energies but also a creator of subtle vibrations. When the heart is the transmuter of energies, psychic energy sensitizes the vibrations. The classic Mysteries with their refined rhythms reminded about the significance of vibrations. Likewise, each work that is executed inspiredly becomes a source of subtle vibrations, therefore I insist on the quality of work. The ancients marked the good and evil days. This was equally a reminder about sequence, about the same Manvantaras and Pralayas, but applied to earthly existence. For vibrations, each rhythm, each sequence, each quality will be the foundation of cooperation with Cosmos. When I say search closer, I also have in mind the quality of each work as a true creation. We do not like bigotry, because it constitutes a lie, in other words, it comprises neither intensity nor quality. Thus, in everything let us remember cooperation with Cosmos. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 79: 79. It may be asked in what relation Our Teaching stands to the one already given by Us through Blavatsky. Answer that each century, after the manifestation of a detailed exposition, a conclusive culmination is given, which actually moves the world, along the line of humaneness. Thus, Our Teaching includes the "Secret Doctrine" of Blavatsky. Similarly, Christianity was the culmination of the world wisdom of the classic epoch, and the Commandments of Moses were the culmination of that of ancient Egypt and Babylon. However, the significance of the ramiform Teachings must be understood. It is hoped that people not only read Our books but accept them without delay, for I speak briefly of that which must be remembered. When I speak of the need of fulfilling My Indications, I ask you to fulfill them with complete precision. I can see more clearly, and you must learn to follow the Indication, which has in view your own good. A man fell under a train merely because he stepped upon the rails, but he had been forewarned and should not have done so. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 311: 311. Advise the young scholar to collect everything regarding Fire from the most ancient teachings. Let the Puranas of India, the fragments of the Teachings of Egypt, Chaldea, China, Persia, and absolutely all teachings of the classic philosophy not be overlooked. Of course, the Bible, the Kabbalah, and the Teachings of Christ, all will yield plentiful material. Likewise, the assertions of the most recent times will add to the valuable definitions of Agni. Such a compilation has never been made. Yet can one advance toward the future without gathering the signs of millennia?