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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CL > CLARIFIER (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 134:
134. Therefore, so flamingly beautiful is the task of clarifying the Teaching. It never has happened that the Teaching was affirmed without a fiery clarifier. This task also may be called a sacrificial one. Only a spirit closest in heart can take upon himself this mission. Only a unified consciousness can know the affirmation of Truth. Only a unified consciousness can perceive how to give clarification to the Teaching. We are all, in turn, affirmed as Lawgivers and Clarifiers - this is the Highest Law. The ocean of the Teaching is given only to the nearest one. Humanity suffers so greatly from egoism and self-conceit that it is indispensable to affirm the closest source. Thus, let the heart feel and know in its depths that through the Mother of Agni Yoga is given to the World My Fiery Message. It is essential that the depths of the heart perceive this fiery Truth on all paths.


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