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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CI > CITING (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 14:
14. Much has been spoken about Man-God aspiring toward deification. Many are the memorable records citing the Images striving toward higher worlds. But how dimly are they formulated in the human consciousness! Man-God is to man only one who departed to other worlds! But We Brothers of Humanity seek and proclaim Man-God on Earth. We revere all Images, but none more that the great Image of Man-God, who bears in his heart the full Chalice, ready for flight, but bearing his full Chalice on Earth. Renouncing his destiny, he strains his fiery being. In the fulfillment of his destiny man confirms the Cosmic Magnet. Man-God is a fiery creator. Man-God is the carrier of the fiery sign of the New Race. Man-God is aflame with all fires. Thus, inscribe in the records about Man-God Arhat, Agni Yogi, Tara - so shall We inscribe.

Heart (1932) - 149:
149. Do not be astonished that even in the days of greatest tension I speak with you quietly about the mystery of the worlds. This comes from long experience. One cannot conduct a spiritual battle other than by citing all the abysses. The days are so tense that if we think in an earthly way we must walk depressed, but the supermundane law leads us upward. Thus, the one who does not descend ascends. But it is only by spirit that we can avoid descent. Thus, above the earthly decision there is a heavenly one. Thus, above the brain there is the heart.

Heart (1932) - 540:
When a great Arabian mathematician lay almost without a motion of the heart, his friend was resourceful enough to speak of the solution of an algebraic problem, and the heart of the mathematician regained its strength. I am citing this example in order that it may not be considered that petty thoughts can change the condition of the heart.


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